Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 15, 2011 - ME LB (sort of)

Saw the PT for my final assessment. He said my hips were a lot stronger now and the hamstrings were too and gave me to okay to start free weights up to 50% again. Great news for me. I saw the Ortho doctor this morning so I feel it's important to put that with this workout as well. He agreed with the PT but reccommends I work into it slightly slower (PT said 50-75-100, Ortho said 50-60-70-80-etc). He also said that it was unlikely I had ruptured my hamstring tendon with this kind of recovery and says it's much more likely I had a small tear of the hamstring muscle off the tendon at the insertion point near the glutes. That's pretty much what I was thinking this whole time so it's good to have some confirmation.

Dynamic Warm-ups


Zercher Harness Rack Lifts w/ Light Bands dbl (+170lbs)

Double Band Leg Curls

Strict Reverse Hyperextensions

28 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Lifting was a bit late as I waited until after I visited the PT. I decided to go to the scene of the incident and lifted at Max Fitness. Weights were easy, just left leg was achy, especially for reps. Since we don't have a GHR yet and doing those would be well over 50% for me, I had to do something else so I did double band leg curls. Probably move that to my extra workout/rehab day (combining the two now). So I'll need to come up with something else in the mean time. Reverse hypers felt really good on my lower back but I felt a slight stretch in my hamstring when I did over eight reps. I'll be monitoring it next workout. Odds are I'll be going up 9% each week for main lifts, 10% for accessories then start doing events when I'm 100% but starting light and work up to 100% on those over a few weeks. Also found out what a parallel box height for me is and it turns out it's just over 18". Damn, didn't realize I was going that low all the time haha. I'm going to use 12" for my low box and 18" for my parallel box now. Got time to tinker with my training still haha.

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