Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 29, 2023 – Week 7, Day 4

Bulgarian Split Squats with Rotation

Sandbag Tosses (10’ away)

Frame Carries
Titan Fitness (16”)
Casual Pace
Makeshift (18”)
BiggDogg Strongg (20”, 1.5” handles)
Drop and Turns Halfway
650x100’ in 22.82 seconds
650x100’ in 20.97 seconds

Atlas Stone to Shoulders

Atlas Stone Roll-ups

Standing Band GHD Abs

Wide Grip Rolling Bar Hangs
bw+35 for 60 seconds

Comments: So might have overdone it with trying to get my shoulder/neck feeling better. Also could just be related to work stress. Friday was definitely that. Raining most of the day. I ended up doing some foam rolling during my lunch break and had put on Icy Hot on my neck, shoulders and upper back. Things were feeling pretty tense and it was feeling like part of the jaw and neck was too, which isn’t great. Raining most of the day and was checking weather to see what I needed to plan for the next day. It did appear that a later start to the day would avoid the rain so plan was to intentionally sleep in an hour and have stuff ready to go sooner in the event the weather changed. Woke up and neck was stiff and sore on the left side and yawning first thing made it tense up. I typically don’t do this but took ibuprofen to see if that helped things calm down enough that I could rotate my head to at least make driving safe. I tend to not like taking things to numb/dull sensations as can lead to more injury pushing through. It was still looking rainy as I was driving out there but I figured it would clear up in time for what I needed to do. I knew some people would be here and others would not. I brought the 5lbs sandbags and labeled them as well as some batteries for the digital scale but I couldn’t locate it so held on to those. Did some hangs with both and one hand to try and do some traction on the shoulders and back. Start of workout was Bulgarian split squats with rotation of back leg. Two sets this time. I did some mobility stuff for ankles and knees. But didn’t feel like I needed to do as much. Could be the ibuprofen dulling the aches. First set felt ok and I had been planning to just do the same weight both sets but decided why not and add some weight. More weight actually felt better and smoother. Maybe I need more ballast weight? Or doing some warming up with just bodyweight might be helpful for these to feel better. I mean, I should know that this exercise seems to take time to feel good first thing in a session from the past two years of training. So then it was time for sandbag toss. Like every week with this now. I wasn’t too sure really how these would be feeling considering pretty heavy last weekend in the rain and not much lighter really on the second day. And with the shoulder issue and now the neck. But I’m feeling the pressure with this event. It was going to be tough with it being 5 bags up to 50lbs but now up to 60lbs it really puts into perspective how much tougher a show this will be compared to last year. Last year there were different aspects (speed, conditioning) whereas still present but just turned up to 11 with strength involved too. This weight that ends the series is a weight that half the field at the Arnold pro in 2020 missed. Another detail was that the bags were going to be away from the setup and that would be about 10’. So needed to work that out too. The plan was to do 10x1 with a little more than last time. So I think 42.5lbs was what was listed. Got 5lbs jumps. Even advised I could stick with the same weight as last two times and just launch it. My thinking was that I need to get used to the heavier stuff. Initially I was doing a hop back to work on speed and see if I could clear the height doing that and where the limit was. Couldn’t really tell how close really without checking after the fact. After the first two tosses with 45lbs, I went to doing the tosses as if I took my time like when I was doing for max tosses. Those tosses were absolutely getting over the goal height without needing to check video. So that had been a concern as last three sessions have been with my setup at home and I wasn’t sure if I was getting the height. I think I’m getting the pieces together for a good throw again. So I decided to alternate between the hop back and the walk back to train the different tools. Buff the rolodex. Two one style and then two another. For the last four, I realized I don’t really know the setup to be used just yet and I might have to start from the side rather than the front. So did that to see how that felt. No real difference for the stand and toss but it did affect things with the hop back as those last two tosses were the lowest of the tosses (the only ones after the fact that wouldn’t have cleared 15’ but were still over 14’). I’m not upset that I didn’t get all the tosses over 15’ as I learned a good bit and can build from here. Time for frame. Had not conflicts or delays here warming up like last time. There was still standing water but the ground wasn’t slick by this point. Plan was to do RPE 7 with 2x100’ with a drop and repick at 50’. No timed rests, go as I felt. Suggested weight being 625-650lbs. See how I felt but I was gunning for 650lbs as this would be 90% contest weight and contest conditions essentially. Be a nice feather in my cap to be this ready on this event with like half a training cycle left to go. More on point, less devoted training needed to keep primed and can put more energy into the events that need it most to be the best competitor I can be. Only thing was whether this would bother my shoulder/neck but from past experience, this kind of stuff didn’t seem to do that for me. Gavin wasn’t here but I didn’t really feel I needed timing and commands if I didn’t have someone to assist for this as I could probably get my time off my camera if I setup the video in a way to catch it since the start and finish would be the same line. But George was there so that worked out. Now I didn’t do this “exactly” like contest as it will be front to front. The frame for that show is just over 7’ long so the first length would be 50’ but then the second run would be like 43’. So I did front to front the way down and stopped time when the back crossed so that I was doing 100’ full. First run felt smooth but there was some hesitancy in my steps and I fumbled my hands a little bit getting the repick as I was trying to be stable. A 5lbs plate shattered on the finish of that run so had to swap it out (I’ll bring in a replacement next Saturday). Second set felt much better but still not as quick on the repick as I’d like. But both runs were under 25 seconds which was what I needed. Put frame away and it was time to do some stone lifting. Up next was stone to shoulder. A bit more stone work compared to last time I did these. Plan here was to work up to six singles and then rest and do a rep set of 4-6. Weight for the singles was to be between 260-300lbs. With it being shorter rests like the sandbag tosses (60-90) I went with the lighter end of things. I think I also didn’t really want to use the stone of steel today because it was a pain using the scale last time and without the digital scale, it would be too much of a pain to do multiple weights with it really. I did less warming up as I trying to avoid using the smaller stones as the form is really different with my arm length. I was glad that whatever is going on with the shoulder/neck was aggravated by these. I wasn’t feeling that powerful today on these but other than one, video says otherwise. I thought I was taking a gamble then for the rep set as I was going to use the same stone here. I was initially going to ask for help for timing and pacing (I didn’t bring my timer today) but figured that it wasn’t worth it this time around (especially since George was getting ready to leave) and that it was more just getting used to reps. This event is a bit weird in that the most fatiguing part of things seems to be the pick and I seem to get better at the shouldering as I go. The sensation of stuff in the posterior chain feeling like it is fatiguing in misleading. I had every intention of just stopping at 4 reps but decided to do one more and that went up so well I went for a sixth to finish out. It seems that after the first 3 that I started to get my upper back to be more mobile like it should with viking press and sandbag toss. So maybe I need to think about the cobra pose as part of warm up for contest day prep. Obviously I went a bit over the time of a minute with this being about 90 seconds. But that is ok. I’m feeling better about being able to give a shot a multiple attempts at reps with contest weight with doing essentially 90% of contest on two events for reps. I wasn’t quite done with stones. Instead of the back extensions, Drew felt I should do some roll-ups with the stone instead as long as I didn’t feel it was hard on biceps. Suggested to drop weight down as needed for a set of 10 reps. I wasn’t sure based just on how things had felt when I did stone of steel version of this and last time I did these was almost 2yrs ago with actual stones. But I felt it was important to use the 20” stone and again with the stone of steel and weighing it, I stuck to the stone I was using for the shouldering. This ended up being really easy and I wasn’t expecting that. Especially when I wasn’t using any tacky or sticky stuff. I guess I’ll need to go a bit heavier next time if these are programmed haha. Abs up next and not the finisher for this workout. Standing with bands two sets at RPE 6-7 with it being 15-25 reps. I was going to do the same band setup I’ve been using and just do 2x25. As I’m not sure really on adding band tension to this. Those added reps were definitely adding to the difficulty. But can say my abdominals are recovering well in that no DOMS there like last week. So last thing was grip work. Just hasn’t needed the focus just yet. This was just to be a set of rolling bar hangs which I’ve found have been a good one for Hercules hold training. It has been a bit and I’ve done shorter holds and heavier in the most recent iterations of this. Plan was a set of RPE 8-9 that was over 45 seconds. Looking at what I’d done, I figured that I could do like 25lbs added and be good for 45 seconds here. Suggested was to just do bodyweight this first time. I felt like that would be too easy and over a minute. I know for this contest that a minute isn’t likely needed to win and will need to get stronger. I got set and the closest plate to me was 35lbs so I said screw it, I’ll just do that. I got set and took the strain and it felt like nothing. I was almost laughing to myself. This was too easy. Getting a minute was challenging though and I stopped when I was starting to feel things slip close to the minute mark. Really surprised with this considering not doing squat for it. Put stuff away and went home to stretch so I could hopefully avoid rain driving home and because someone that showed up later smelled like wet dog and it was going to drive me nuts. Stretched when I got home and iced my knees. Iced them again before bed. Hopefully the neck shoulder thing calms down.

Friday, April 28, 2023

April 27, 2023 – Week 7, Day 3

T-Spine Reaches

Close Grip Axle Floor Presses w/ Chains (+44lbs)
No chains
Add Chains

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses

EZ Curl Bar Pullovers (breath holds in stretch)

Band Half Kneeling Face Pulls

Comments: I was feeling a little worn going into this workout. Could just be from work stress on top of training. Hard to get the sleep and get everything I feel I need to do. Left shoulder is still feeling a bit off from Monday. Some things better than other things from then. It is kind of a fixation with me in that when something isn’t feeling right that I pick at it like a scab or bug bite. I want it better now. So hard to say if it is improving or not. I’ve had this sensation before and it does seem to kind of come and go. Usually I’ve done something that has straining neck/shoulder in some way and with changing things up, it gets to feeling better. Example of this would be when I was doing that off season cycle of seated dumbbell presses with back support. At start shoulders weren’t too happy and by the end I was hitting a lifetime PR on it. So just have to do my best to report issues and adjust and work on the healing and recovery aspect as best I can while still pursuing this. So generally this workout has had some unilateral thoracic spine rotational mobility. This hadn’t changed but the exercise did. Similar to the thread the needles except this also had full extension as well. On all fours and then side working having hand to ear and move through big arc of motion. Slower that first set getting a feel for things. Left side didn’t particularly care for the extension part of things. More reps here as well. It’s a good motion, just wish my left shoulder wasn’t feeling off and like something impeding. From there it was time for axle floor pressing. Chain week again. Honestly, I’m not sure what the plan is with these going forward as indication was rotating intensity and then because I mentioned how hard the triples had been that maybe have it be like a top set with the chains. Now potentially speed waves with floor press and then incline bench to finish up the training prep. Heavy and speed, which seemed to feel pretty good for me as far as recovery wise. But for now, this session was to be with chains. Plans being 201-206x5x3 with short rests. Same set up as last time in that a fair amount of chain still on the ground even at lockout. No reporting RIR back. Kind of feel it is moot with these kind of exercises. I did go with 10lbs increase considering these felt pretty easy. These didn’t feel bad. There is still some inconsistency in my movement on floor presses with too far down or too far up with the bar path as I don’t really seem to feel comfortable. From there it was shoulder pressing with dumbbells. No more z presses. Just sitting on a bench with support and pressing. Indication here was to warm up in triples and then do 2x10-12 with something that feels like RPE 6. My aim was just my solid dumbbells and hopefully these didn’t bother the shoulders. No support gear as I felt these would be fine. First work set as I cleaned the dumbbells to my shoulders, a spider dropped down from the ceiling on a thread near my face. A little distracted making sure I didn’t lose track of it and upon completion of the set I picked it up from the silk thread it was on and put it somewhere safer. Second set was even easier. With how my shoulders were feeling and the hassle, I felt that this was fine for the session and I can build from there for next time. Then the “restorative” stuff. The pullovers I decided to go a bit heavier than last time. I will probably not go any heavier than this as not really needed I think. I do think I’m getting better at control on these and not just completely relaxing and putting the strain on my shoulders and triceps tendons. Breathing, stretching and flexing. With the wider grip to be similar to viking press. There does seem to be a fine line with these that if I do lose control, that something would probably not go well or feel good. Face pulls to end the session. Seeing as how going lower reps and then into the working weight had been the plan last time and it didn’t feel right, I decided that it made more sense to do more reps and then the working sets. Get things moving and feeling good and then put in the work. That did seem to help here. Put stuff away and went and got burritos for dinner and came back to eat those before stretching. I did some soft tissue work for my shoulders and neck before bed as well.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

April 26, 2023 – Week 7, Day 2

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (5 seconds)

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls w/ bands (straps, +40lbs/+111lbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Axle Romanian Deadlifts (straps, 3 second eccentrics)

Safety Squat Bar Squats

Dragonflies (5 second eccentrics)

Comments: After the training session, the opposite side of my neck from the sore shoulder got sore and tight. That didn’t occur until I was near ready to sleep. I was able to sleep fine (other than a weird stress dream where I ate some strange pizza and puked in a trashcan and my hair was in the way and my acidic vomit was making the hair fall out). But made sure to do soft tissue work. Even with that, there was still some stuff going on in the shoulders. Tolerable but annoying. I also noticed that the top of my calves where they insert back of the knee were also feeling “twitchy” and a little sore. Maybe the calf work from Saturday I’ve not recovered enough from. Which didn’t bode well for the start of the workout. Starting things off with Nordic curl negatives. Still doing 5 second eccentrics but back to 3x3 for this workout. I was slightly concerned as things were feeling like the start of when things took a turn on doing these heavy eccentric stressed exercises for the hamstrings and it caused me to strain stuff in the lower legs. Thankfully the lower volume week. Even when I did strain on these, I was able to do just about everything else at normal intensity (I think leg curls did suffer for a bit). I made note that these were ok movement wise but had felt rough on the lower legs. From there it was axle pulls with bands. Notes indicate last of this particular wave. Doesn’t mean I won’t still be doing alternating weeks or band pulls to finish out. Just not what I’ve been doing. Plan was to do 6x2 with 2.5% more than last time (so 60%) with slightly shorter rests. As how I am, I felt it was easier to just do 20lbs increase again considering how I’ve been doing things. I mean, I guess it probably could’ve been 360-375-390 but I seem adverse to 15lbs jumps haha. Whatever. Point was that increase was consistent and the scheme adjusted. And maybe I get antsy about feeling the pressure as the competition gets closer on the deadlifting and pressing. No notes about controlled eccentrics this time. 90lbs jumps as I’ve been doing. The pressure from the band tension does feel unreal the first set but I get used to it and it feels like not a big deal by the end of it. Whether that means I pull faster or not I’m not sure. Usually I improve over the first three sets and then stabilize. This “speed” cycle was also intended to be heavier anyways with the band tension being much higher than normally used. Next was Romanian deadlifts with eccentrics (2-3ct). Used axle last time so sticking with that. This week a bit different in that one set but higher reps. So 1x8-10 with 3RIR. With the accentuated eccentrics, can be hard to gauge fatigue with more reps. I felt like just shy of 400lbs would be a safe bet here. I wasn’t sure about warming up. But I eventually did figure it out. I think I was trying to not do too much for what was next as well. Do enough to put my best effort for this top set but not take away from the next thing that would require effort and time. I think I called it right here with the weight choice. Not sure how these will be pursued going forward. Squats after that. No pauses, nothing fancy. Just straight up squats with the ssb. And I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Indication was to do 3x6 at RPE 5-6 and report RIR back on last set. Take longer rests with longer form plan being 3 more weeks of similar. Ok. I felt like I needed to do more reps than usual to warm up and when I say that, I mean compared to paused variations. With those, legs get toasty pretty good from just having to hold. And that is exhausting. I know I wasn’t going to be at my best for squatting considering it has been on the backburner and has felt not as strong since the last cycle wrapped up (that one day I stopped 90lbs short of planned work set). It has good and bad days. Usually the days when the back and knees are both not feeling worn. I was really hoping this low end estimate would work. I was finding it hard to get a good feeling going on these. I did start to get things to be a good effort by the time I got to the working sets. As has been the case often with squats (not all the time), first set feels rough, second set feels better and then usually the last set blows both out of the water. This ended up being the case. Despite feeling the most fatigued by the end, I made that set feel the easiest. Whatever haha. I guess I should be glad that I got in both decent squats and pulls for the session. At least as far as work/effort. Last thing was for core work. Dragonflies. These have wrecked havoc on my core since I started them again two weeks ago. But that’s a me thing. I need the eccentric abdominal work as it is obviously something that is lacking. Plan was just two sets this time. See if I recover better from that. I felt I would as I didn’t have soreness Saturday on tosses or abdominals like the previous week. These definitely seemed to feel better overall. I think I’m adapting to that stress. Put stuff away and cooked dinner before stretching and icing knees before bed.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 24, 2023 – Week 7, Day 1

Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses/Dumbbell Pullovers (3 seconds stretch)/Cobra Stretches (5/15)

Sandbag Tosses (bottle drill)

Viking Presses (push press, facing away, hands 11” down handles)
+280(231)x2 (equipment malfunction)
+280(231)x4 (equipment malfunction)
Pauses (3 seconds in dip)

Paused Swiss Bar Chest Supported Rows (2 second holds)
159x9 (miscounted)

Dumbbell Front Raises (concentric) to Side Raises (eccentric, 3 seconds)

Paused Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions (seated, 2 seconds)

Comments: Got a little bit of a late start to the workout. The mobility warm up same as last week. Upper body was a bit stiff but ok I guess. Pressing easy and just needing a little more time to loosen up for the pullovers. No issues with the cobra poses. Weights were released for the sandbag toss and holy hell. 10lbs heavier than what I had thought/initially told. So that is going to be something. Also looks like 10’ or so away. Drew wants me getting multiple touches on the sandbag toss so two times a week at this point with low volume drills. Bottle drill again and trying to think about the extension/high pull (which I think needs work to get that primed up again). Stuck to same weight and reps. Bag had thankfully dried out over the weekend in the sunroom. Not doing these at “full power” as Drew indicated. Trying to get things feeling good. I think like half of these might have been good enough for 15’ clearance even like that. Casual pace on these which still ended up being like less than EMOM. Didn’t feel like this was stressing anything like last week (though that was after a lot of stone work). Viking press as has been the case and will be the case for like another 2 months. Plan was to work up in doubles and do 3x4 with 255-275lbs. Whatever felt like RPE 7-8 (2-3RIR). So I felt that with how things felt last two times (push and strict) that I could probably do over that and still be good. I felt some pressure with pressing since I know there are some really good pressers signed up. So plan was to do 45lbs jumps and doubles and see how 270lbs felt with the idea it would feel good and do 10lbs jumps. It felt “ok” but proceeded with 10lbs added. Those first two reps were the easiest that this kind of weight has ever felt. But the setup was wobbly and it hit something when I tried to do a third rep and I had to set it down. Similar to what had happened on the one set of strict pressing last week. I got again and the entire setup flips over to the left. Just kind of dumbfounded. I got it resituated and realized that the corners cut to make a portable and lightweight setup has lead to some unforeseen stability issues. Using the bumper plates was making the tower too high and top heavy. So I had to take all the weights off and use thinner plates to lower the center of gravity. This added about 20 minutes to my workout (and I was timing a roast haha). So I go again and I get two reps again before it got off balanced and I let my dissatisfaction be known. Come back after a few seconds and got the remaining two reps. I went forward with adding 10lbs more and decided that I needed to reinforce the anchor to keep it from wanting to tilt one way or the other. So used some bungee cords. That seemed to sort things out as I was able to do the last set finally with it being no problem and within the RPE I feel. So need to be mindful of that going forward to make sure things are as secure as can be with this setup I have. Then the plan was to do 225lbs added with pauses for 2x4 (3 seconds like last time). Notes stated this was also to report back RIR and that this is likely the last week of this (replace with something like bands or rebound style). I felt that since I had increased the weight by 15lbs above what was suggested for the push press that I should adjust these. I added 10lbs and would see how easy things felt to decide if I added another 10lbs. These felt quite easy so tossed another 10lbs on there. These felt snappy and easy. I left things mostly setup because I was kind of on a deadline with time at this point and went inside to do garage work. Chest supported rows using swiss bar. 3x8 with it at RPE 6-7 and 1-2ct holds. Left shoulder was feeling like a tendon was inflamed but not painful at this point. Maybe from having the viking press setup twist on me. Or just everything (pullovers, multiple sandbag toss sessions in so many days, holding rack for hatfields, etc). My thinking was that the other stuff maybe would help having stuff feel good. I’m not sure why I thought that I’d be good for a lot more on rows but I did. Usually regular rows without pauses I can see that with a new exercise. But holds I seem to not increase that quickly. Guess this was a time where I would. Or I started too light in the first place. I was fully planning on my first set to be the working weight but it still felt like I could do more so small increases over the sets. Upon review, it does seem I accidentally did an extra rep on the second set which could explain why it felt a little bit harder than the last set and good bit tougher than the first set. The rest of the workout was dumbbells. The front into laterals. I tested to make sure the shoulders and elbows were ok for this (they were). Small increase here and that seemed to be fine enough. Left shoulder was fatiguing faster than then right. These are a very interesting exercise in how they feel. You can change the focus with just how the movement progresses. Last thing was triceps. Same as last time with a dumbbell and pauses for 2x10-12 with it being lower RPE. I figured that I should be able to get 2x12 with the weight I did last week if things were feeling good. Definitely noticing the triceps working hard on these. Left side there was some shoulder tension but felt ok doing the movement (more getting into position). Less elbow aches too. So this was a pleasant surprise. Put stuff away before eating dinner. Stretched and iced knees before bed.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 22, 2023 – Week 6, Day 4

Bulgarian Split Squats with Rotation

Sandbag Tosses

Hatfield Split Squats

Pin Safety Squat Bar Zercher Goodmornings w/ bands (+24lbs/+58lbs, 33” height, swiss ball)

Deadlift Grip Barbell Back Extensions (2 second holds, Versa Gripps)

Standing Band GHD Abs/Single Leg Standing Calf Raises
(2)ab+(2)lbx15 – bwx20/20
(2)ab+(2)lbx15 – bwx20/20

Comments: Unnecessarily stressful week of work. In grand scheme of things, not that bad. I guess just used to things not feeling so stressful for a good bit now. All I can do is just keep at it and do what I can. With how things were planned for this weekend, it made sense to just sleep in. I needed it. Unfortunately, my guess on the weather didn’t pan out. It wasn’t to be until 2hrs later that the thunderstorm was coming. With there being a competition at the gym, it was either wait until 7pm to start training or train from home. While it was nice out at the gym, the storm would be there when it was time to get out there to train so it wasn’t really fixing things. My hope I guess was to get done with what needed to be done outside and have that be before the rain hit. I wasn’t fast enough unfortunately. And it didn’t seem like it would clear up for a few hours. Ugh. So at first, I did some testing of things with the sandbag. So I had bought three 5lbs sandbags so that I could add and take out weight as needed rather than have to deal with pouring sand in and out for a heavier bag (this for Nats with the max weight sandbag toss). The bags were a bit bigger than I wanted but I couldn’t really see putting down the additional funds for lead shot bags. But they do fit and can be retrieved. Eventually I decided to start training. Did my best to “delay” with the sandbag testing and mobility stuff for my knees and hips. But I had to start doing something or wait 2-3hrs to start training for when the rain would be done. Start of workout was Bulgarian split squats with rotation of back leg. One set and used a little weight on these. No rest between sides. There is still some irritation in the hips and inner thighs but tolerable I guess. I guess kind of same with the left shoulder. Left wrist/forearm has been a little sore since Wednesday end of workout. Just aches and pains. Anyway, it was time for sandbag toss. In retrospect, I think I misread what I was to be doing for these as far as weight. I’ll get to that. Initially I was just going to go at it with the 45lbs in the one bag I had the foresight to bring home. However, since I was messing with loading and unloading, I felt it was better to actually take weight out and start at 30lbs and add 5lbs and go from there. I was also not going to “react” and toss as I was expecting this to be the heavier day of these and because, you know, the rain. I made a mental note that I will need to treat different approaches as different styles of toss. Like with arm over arm, have a rolodex of skills. Before training, got some confirmation that for Regionals it will be 15’. So there were some inconsistency with warming up. I seem to have issues with these style bags (Cerberus) vs the other ones (Rogue). Depending on when the release is and if I get the form to be more like the bottle drill, the trajectory can be less an arc and could come right back down. So what had been indicate was to do 3 sets of 3 reps, either the same bag or a bag series. Now rereading the notes, it sounds like it is saying I was to warm up to the last bag in the series and I had assumed that meant the last bag in the contest series (50lbs) rather than I guess what might be a manageable weight for where I’m at. But I guess my thinking is maybe this is to get used to the movement of the heavy bag on this week and it will be lighter going forward. Of course the rain proceeded to really start coming down. Like harder after each set. First set after the headwrap came off, I just ditched it for the duration. My grip slipped on the last toss of that set so it was well short of anything (at least it went over 10’7”). Second set last one I held on too long. Last set the rain was coming down the hardest. My glasses came off on the second toss and it took a moment to get them out of harms way for the last toss (they had mud on them). That last set might have been my best overall as far as the tosses. I’d say 2 of them would’ve definitely cleared 15’ while 2 more were maybes. The rest nope with two definitely nope. It is what it is. Just getting hands on. This is my training best with this style bag (and might have been over 51lbs due to the rain but my scale might be a little heavy). I’ll need to think on some thoughts here as this will not only be at Regionals but also Nationals and I feel this is going to be a difference maker. Soaked to the bone and got everything inside and hung to dry before moving on to the rest of the workout in the garage. Which was humid as hell. Very tempted to turn on fans. But I held strong haha. Hatfield split squats again. Plan here was to work up in sets of 3-5 reps and do 2x10 at RPE 7.5. Some hesitation with the left shoulder/upper back feeling how it has as there can be some tension from the bar position and holding the rack uprights for the balance. Last time I did a 30lbs jump in weight and felt like maybe I had left too much after the second set. So I was looking at a 20lbs jump initially but then upon reconsideration that I was also dropping reps, I made it a 35lbs jump. I was keeping an eye on the knees as last time my right knee was really sore on coming into these after sandbag toss. No issues this time around. I was feeling really good on that first set but then my back foot slid slightly on the concrete and it jostled my front leg a little on the last rep and it spooked me a little. So I had to fight the thought of my knees giving out from my head for the rest of the sets. Which I think I did a good job of that by adding 10lbs for the next set and making that feel easier. This time both sides felt about the same. I’m quite pleased these are improving and hope to reap the benefits on moving events. Next up was the banded zercher goodmornings off of pins with the safety squat bar. I knew the setup I did last time off the sawhorses worked so just doing that again. Plan was same as last time (at the gym) with it being 5x2 with 255-265lbs added. I decided to just do 20lbs over last time. The added weight was definitely noticed but not detrimental I feel. Still able to get some ankle extension here. I know these are helping with the stone to shoulder as well as getting that hip drive to feel strong on other things. The “heavy day” for the back extensions. Just one set and higher RPE but much higher reps. Since it has been like 6 reps the past two times it has been heavy, it was a little tough to really gauge what I could do for more reps (10-12), especially with a longer hold times compared to the “light day”. I was thinking probably 95lbs but felt that since I had done that for the previous week, I’d add 5lbs for the ole razzle dazzle for 100lbs. This bench definitely not liking me on there with weight haha. But these felt good and hit the spots needed to be hit (glutes, hamstrings and lower back). I’d have liked to go for more but the longer holds definitely sapped me and called it at 10 reps. Last thing was superset of abs and calves. I had assumed it was like last week with my choice of flexion ab work but turns out it was to be the standing weighted abs (with option to do planks if abs still torn up from dragonflies). I had taken down my setup and got things ready for ab wheel as the setup I have for the standing isn’t as good as the gym. But then reading my workout I realized I needed to set things up for standing abs. It was a pain last time so I tried something different and that was a bit easier but still not the best. Calves seemed to be able to handle things this time and get in a lot of reps here. Put stuff away and did some chores before stretching and then iced knees before dinner. Iced them again before getting to bed late (late dinner).

Friday, April 21, 2023

April 20, 2023 – Week 6, Day 3

Dumbbell Windmills

Close Grip Axle Floor Presses

Dumbbell Z Presses (5 second holds last rep)

EZ Curl Bar Pullovers (breath holds in stretch)

Band Half Kneeling Face Pulls

Comments: I guess probably a good thing this is supposed to be the shorter and less stressful workouts of the week. I was definitely feeling the effort put in on the deadlifts and other stuff the day before. Probably not helping with work. I also think I was a bit surprised with some of the plan trainings coming up. Left shoulders and upper back on that side were feeling tight and stiff so I was hesitant with how things were going to feel as last week there were some things I noticed that felt not great. Wrist and elbow on the left arm also feeling a little more achy than I would’ve liked. But not really much can do about that other than monitor and rest when I can. Despite abs being sore with the dragonflies, hardly noticing them compared to how they felt last week doing this workout. Windmills to start things off. Same as last time. I picked a different spot in my garage (space with the inset light) and started with a wider stance right off the bat so not fiddling around with weight overhead for clearance. I also did more of a clean/swing motion to get into position rather than like pressing it. This did seem to go better this time around as far as comfort in the shoulder. I was fully expecting that but it wasn’t that bad. It was a lot better compared to last week. No issues with the right as per usual. I will say though that the actual movement itself felt tougher, which probably has to do with the heavier deadlifting. I could even tell my legs were feeling heavier just from training. Close grip axle floor press after that. The heavy week. I was figuring it would probably be something like this but maybe not as heavy. I don’t know, it just seems since last year that pressing for things like floor pressing or benching for the heavier side of things has been tough. Plan here was to do 5lbs more than the 5rm I did with like 2RIR for 3x3. Work up in doubles. Again, doing 30lbs jumps as that seems to work out just right. Lockout was starting to feel tough at about 241lbs so not great. I knew I could do this but odds were this wasn’t going to be comfortable. They all felt slow but video says the first set was looking really fast. I’d say the last set was RPE 9.5-10 really. The chain work last week had felt really powerful and my chest muscles were sore from that. These felt more like elbows and triceps. I know these aren’t the main exercise but I need to keep improving and moving heavier stuff so that the stuff that I need to do in competition improves and gets better. I know this is to be helping the lockout for the viking pressing. I guess doing multiple sets over 300lbs again is a good thing here on a pressing variation. No missed reps, no injuries. Next was z presses with dumbbells again. Holds just on the last rep. I remembered this time only to do triples working up. I felt that if I was to progress here, I needed to add weight and do these with the plateloaded handles since I did my 70’s for 2x10. Plan was again 2x6-10 at RPE 7. So I initially was going to do just two work up sets but then realized I was making too big a jump and went with a more reasonable jumps. I think I figured out a way to do these where the clean isn’t taking so much out of me to get into position. I mean, it still sucks but it’s much better. Offset them on the crash pads upright and then get my thighs under them straight and knee raise them up. Better than nothing I guess. I was kind of surprised my shoulders were feeling ok with these today. Sometimes the left one is “clicky”. I was expecting these to be harder that I felt I cut the set short that first set and didn’t stop at 7 the second set. I do think this is the most weight I’ve actually tried on dumbbell z presses. So despite my concerns with the shoulder, things were still ok. Then the “restorative” stuff. Since shoulder wasn’t feeling like it was catching and maybe have better awareness/control, these wouldn’t feel off. About right on that assessment. I was thinking I should’ve gone a little heavier after that first set and was thinking that a 5lbs jumps was probably not going to do anything. It actually felt like it was the right amount of weight added with the fatigue I was feeling in the triceps. Last thing was the face pulls. I knew I needed to use strong bands for it to be anything really. Left shoulder a little tight so I did do a few more reps with the average band then I was initially planning before doing the work sets. Put stuff away and cooked up dinner before stretching.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

April 19, 2023 – Week 6, Day 2

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (5 seconds)

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls (straps)

Dimel Deadlifts (straps)

Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (2 seconds, 2” above parallel on concentric)

Dragonflies (5 second eccentrics)

Comments: I guess I was feeling ok today. As mentioned, the week could be a quite stressful one. WSM happening is somewhat of a welcome distraction. Haven’t had to put on the garage fans yet. Starting things off with Nordic curl negatives. I guess alternating 3x3 and 3x5 on these. Same as it has been. 5 second eccentrics. I decided to add a little foam mat to where I put my feet so that maybe I’d be slightly more snug against the axle setup I have. I think that worked. Trying to get more comfortable with these and get not only the eccentric but the ROM control. From there it was axle pulls for the “heavy” week. With the proposed plan of 85%x3x3 and then 80%x5, I felt that a lot of warming up sets would be counterproductive with this much volume at this high a percentage. Granted, the numbers are estimates and I’m pretty much rounding up and down to whatever is the easiest thing plate math wise for me. Pretty much having things be about 650lbs estimated max. So it would’ve been a little over 550lbs for the top weight. But why do that when I could do 560lbs and it would be no small plates. Essentially the same at this weight and exercise right? So I did plate jumps to start up to 380lbs and then did 40-50lbs jumps again. Despite how they sometimes feel or look, it does feel like I could get 2-3 reps more. So does seem like I’m still on the track or maintaining what is needed. First set felt slow but strong. Second set felt faster but I could tell these were tough. Last set I was feeling the fatigue but I felt the strongest of the sets (got a little leg shake starting). Got a little bit of a contact bruise on the left knee from the axle again. Axle does feel like it is tougher but at the same time, I feel less insecure about lifting it compared to a barbell off the floor. Even though this is only 4” difference. Took off 40lbs and then thought better of it and put 2lbs back on so that even if this felt tougher than last time I did a top set of 5 reps, it would be slightly more. Fatigue factor, I’d say that was feeling pretty hard hit from the triples with more weight. I felt similar to what I did last time when I started out with this weight for one set but the legs were a bit cooked and the leg twitch was more present on that last rep compared to the triple. But I made it through another axle pull session. Can be a bit annoying with how much effort I put in for what would be a PR for me and others I’ll be competing against are doing reps with. But I have my strengths. So since this is the heavy week, no rdls this time with the axle. I guess that is saved for the light week. Notes said to work up to a low RPE set of dimel deadlifts (10-15 reps and snappy). I’ve done most I think 295lbs for 15 reps without bands added (those were a thing for a bit that helped with suited pull work). I figured I’d see how I was feeling but I was looking at 275-315lbs. Warming up was a joke so I went with 315lbs. It can take a few reps to get the groove down. Felt really easy. Pauses on the way up squats were next. Same as last week as far as about the same RPE and 3x6. 1-2ct pauses where I’ve been doing them. Plan was to do about 225lbs for all the sets as that felt like a good effort last time and that was after a few sets at lighter weight. I then thought better of it and if I was going to do straight sets that I’d add 5lbs so it was more than last time. Left knee was feeling a bit sore but seemed to go away as I got up to this weight. First set felt light on the back but was feeling tougher than I would’ve liked as far as the movement. Second set felt heavy on my back but was a lot easier. If the movement had felt like this on that first set, I’d have inched up in the weight of the course of the sets like I’ve been doing on these. Third set felt the best but my legs were feeling pretty worn by the end of these with those heavy pulls. Back had seemed to be fine, the legs being what was getting tired. Last thing was dragonflies. Ugh. I still wasn’t completely recovered from them from last week. The ab work on Saturday probably didn’t help. But the soreness felt like it was completely gone. Until I did that first rep of them haha. It was to be the same as last week but I was just aiming to get 6 reps each set correctly this time around and be done with it. I know I’ll adapt to these pretty quickly though. Put stuff away and tried something new for dinner (new but stuff I’ve done) to see if this would be a good meal rotation. Little more work but seems like it will work. Stretched and iced knees before bed.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 17, 2023 – Week 6, Day 1

Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses/Dumbbell Pullovers (3 seconds stretch)/Cobra Stretches (5/15)

Sandbag Tosses (bottle drill)

Viking Presses (strict, facing away, hands 11” down handles)

Paused Swiss Bar Chest Supported Rows (2 second holds)

Dumbbell Front Raises (concentric) to Side Raises (eccentric, 3 seconds)

Paused Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions (seated, 2 seconds)

Comments: Still have some on and off again disc pressure symptoms. Nothing so much that I got a constant eye twitch which seemed to be where things were headed start of two weeks back. But keeping note of things. This week will be somewhat stressful with little things (folks out of town, work stuff, altered workout schedule). Just shrug it off. I was tempted to do some traction on the dip stand but felt it was better to wait until the end if I still felt like it was needed (so I could warm some things up). There were changes to this workout as we get a third of the way to Regionals. The mobility warm up was adjusted with lower reps on two of the three exercises. I felt for the pressing the weight didn’t really need to be adjusted but I felt the pullovers could be considering things. I just held both of 10lbs dumbbells. Felt nice. No cramping on the cobra stretches this time around. I was feeling tension in the left side trap and serratus which was feeling similar to that very first week after stone to shoulder. But didn’t feel nearly as sore as it did that time. Continuing to keep up this circuit to have my body ready for the viking press and sandbag tossing. Speaking of sandbag toss, that was here again. The plan was to do a specific drill (bottle drill) which is to work on keeping close on the initial hinge and then drive down on the extension. Clear the bottle on the way down and send it flying on the way up. I used a foam roller. I didn’t necessarily have to go full power on these as goal was just to get form and another touch on the implement. 45lbs was the bag I brought home with me to do drills (and potentially as I may only have access to this sandbag for the weekend). Plan was 6-8 singles. Form is a little different. First one felt ok and balance was a bit off going for a second and stopped to reattempt. This was where I started to really feel that my upper body was quite sore from event work Saturday as my arms and shoulders were getting quite sore. I guess I should be thankful the abs have finally calmed down. Noticed I was having the bag go a little off course to the right. The setup at home has two height marks; 10’7” and 15’7”. I was not clearing 15’7” on any of the tosses. I messed up and took too much off the throttle with the seventh toss and it was much tighter arc from what I was doing and it came down and took out the one height marker. Oh well. Last one might have actually been my best one. So after the sandbag stuff, it was time to setup the viking press again. The wind had been blowing a good bit and sky wasn’t looking like it was going to stay dry out (it hadn’t looked great doing sandbag) but from what I could see, I had a few hours before it did anything but figured it was best to move things along as the storms tend to move faster than the instruments predict. The strict press work week. Plan this time was to work up to 5lbs more than what I did last time for my top set and then do 3x4 with it. So I had accidentally put that I did 230lbs when it was 231lbs. So weights were for 4lbs more. So another lbs on that would be 236lbs and by then it might as well be 240lbs. At least that was my thinking. See how I felt working up. It has felt good the past two sessions and I felt both times I had undersold what I could do because it “felt” heavy. I had things set for 45lbs jumps to 235lbs. Did triples. Went for 240lbs. First set was just ok. Second set it felt like nothing. I’m not sure what happened on the third set as I got off balance and the setup tilted hard to my left side and I had to set it down after two reps and get my air and then get those last two reps. I looked to make sure something hadn’t come loose or broke. Seemed fine. Took off 25lbs and it was time to do a rep set. Leave 2RIR. I think I was good with calling it where I did. I’m not sure that I’ll be needing to worry about those kind of reps at Regionals but still a good idea to be ready and use that to keep building up the muscles in the shoulders (also getting comments about that). My bodyweight has been pretty consistent. The rest of the workout was different from the past few weeks for this session and since none of them would really benefit from being outside, I put away the viking press setup to make sure it didn’t get rained on and moved into the garage to get to the rest of it. Chest supported rows up next. Using swiss bar and holds so this would be new for me and have to see how my setup works with this different bar. I figured it would be much lighter considering the holds. Plan was to be 3x8 with it at RPE 6 so a good few reps in the tank. The pull does feel a little different with the bar and angle to get the bar flat against the bench at max contraction. But it seems like I’d be less likely to “row” low like I tend to do with a barbell. I was thinking about straps but felt it was fine to do without as still not yet doing Hercules hold and general grip is probably best bet. Knurling is quite good on this bar as seen from the doing the feet elevated pull-ups the past few weeks. I also felt I wouldn’t be using weight that would be taxing enough to really be using straps. A little awkward but I feel I had things about where they needed to be for these. Don’t kill myself on the new stuff. Just enough to stimulate and move on and add to it next time. That was kind of thinking I had for these newer exercises. I mean, same but different in the case of the rows. The next thing was a pretty new thing for a dumbbell raise. So it was front raise and then moving into lateral raise and lowering that under control. So front raise concentric and then doing a “pull apart” motion to get side raise and do the eccentric. I wasn’t sure how these would feel really. I’ve not done much in the way of dumbbell raises lately. Last time I was doing them, I needed compression cuffs because of elbow/wrist discomfort (haven’t had to wear them for months now). These movements with higher reps and tempo adjustments can be slow cookers on my shoulders and since the plan was similar to the rows (3 sets of RPE 6) I tried to keep these reasonable. Felt robotic at first but as I got more into it, became fluid and almost enjoyable. I was initially worried I had gone too heavy with the initial stress on the forearms/elbows but it was all good. Last thing was single arm triceps work. No tib stuff, as mentioned, dropped it would seem as end of prehab and allowing for more recovery. Took this time to do the dip station decompression/traction. Dumbbell for 2x10-12 with it being lower RPE with holds in the stretch. I wasn’t too sure how the elbows would do after all the bands. Would the left one be achy? I was thinking of doing these standing but I’d not be able to them in the garage with a normal stance and weather could be bad so just did them seated. Can focus more on the movement anyways. I’ve done more weight but it has been a while since I’ve done these with free weights so took a guess on what would be good for the lower rep range and build from there. A little awkward but surprisingly good. Put stuff away and went to get burritos for dinner (working on meal prep plans and needed a break to spend time figuring out something). It just is unfortunately to have like the worst Chipotle that is nearby (and it is like $3 more per item on Doordash) so ingredients were not available. Ate and stretched and iced knees before bed.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 15, 2023 – Week 5, Day 4

Bulgarian Split Squats with Rotation

Sandbag Tosses

Frame Carries
Titan Fitness (16”)
Casual Pace
Makeshift (18”)
BiggDogg Strongg (20”, 1.5” handles)
700x50’ in 10.92 seconds
700x50’ in 10.14 seconds
700x50’ in 9.89 seconds

BiggDogg Strongg Frame Holds (20”, 1.5” handles)
740x28.73 seconds

Stone to Shoulders
Atlas Stones
Stone of Steel

Deadlift Grip Barbell GHD Back Extensions (1 second holds, Vera Gripps)

Standing Band GHD Abs

Comments: Got the results from the ultrasound and everything “unremarkable”. So a nothing burger and about $500 costs sunk into that. But I guess it’s good to know? Whatever, blood work again end of May and then hopefully I will be done with this nonsense. So training plan was going to be quite heavy. So I ended up sleeping in an hour (I wasn’t sure if I’d need the extra sleep but I gave myself the opportunity to use it). Partly to be fully rested but also because it would be rainy earlier and judging by the times, coming a little later would miss the rain and be sunny out when it mattered. I did make sure to get everything setup to have it be minimal amount of time once I was up go out to train. Again, people training for the next strongman show hosted at the gym (as well as the usual people). I was kind of surprised that people were doing the events at any kind of intensity. Start of workout was Bulgarian split squats with rotation of back leg. Two sets this time. I did some mobility stuff for ankles and knees, I did weight for both sets this time. As has been the case, left side definitely has a harder time of it as far as ease of movement. I did these with no breaks between sides or sets so this got a bit of a pump. So then it was time for sandbag toss. With the addition of this event, it would seem that the bounding exercises are being removed as redundant. I would like to seem them back in offseason so that I feel like I can have that spring in my step/stride. Plans adjusted here. Repeat of last week as the idea is to have the alternating week be the “harder” week with the sandbag toss considering that this week already has the two heavy “events” that aren’t pull and press. It sounds like plan is potentially 2 times a week as far as sandbag stuff and probably a good idea considering this is going to also be an event at Nationals and I feel this is one that I can get decent points on if I can improve it. Someone at the gym is training for keg toss and using the same setup and it looks like they “hit” stuff so there was some wood debris. Band I setup still intact but looks like it could snap so will need to keep a replacement on hand I guess. Not that I really “need” it considering I’m aiming much higher. Speaking of that, I did figure a way to orientate things so that I can get a decent sideish angle to things. I keep thinking that I have to have the setup in the middle of the alley when I can move it to one side. Anyways, no real specifics other than 5 bags from 30-50lbs with 5lbs jumps is the plan. I rewatched some of the videos of the techniques and drills I had saved and it helped refresh my memory and think on what is needed to get more height and power. I need to be mindful of that. So same as last week with 8-10 singles with 80% (stuck with 40lbs since didn’t have the 45lbs made yet and just to have this be “lighter”). I felt good with the first two tosses that I didn’t need more to warm up. I think another reason was that my abs were extremely sore still from dragonflies (my chest was also really sore from Thursday session). First toss with 40lbs I didn’t quite get right and I cut the power short. I’d say that was the poorest of my tosses for the day. But I did seem to correct after that and I was consistently getting my average higher than last week by at least 6” (maybe 12”). I had one toss that potentially would’ve gone over 17’ height and another that was close and would’ve hit that. So at least 70% of these would’ve cleared 16’. Still need to work on things and improve. I was slightly worried that the rain would start up again but it didn’t. Put stuff away and went to get ready for the next thing. Time for frame. Well I guess not right away. The lanes were being used by newer people trying out yoke. I did do the casual walks with the empty Titan Fitness frame on turf instead. I was finding myself getting a little irritating waiting (as said “I got one more so I’ll be going quick” and it ended up being like 10 minutes) and thinking of just jumping right to the empty BiggDogg but calmed down and waited. I went pretty quick once I was able to use the makeshift frame. I’ll say this was the best these had felt (the last one always feels rough and it didn’t). So I think I was seeing how that felt to determine things for the working weight. Plan was to do RPE 7-7.5 with 3x50’. No timed rests, go as I felt. Suggested weight being 675-700lbs. Now this was a little tricky as it was an odd number of runs. So if I did like I had been, it would be over 70’ away at the end which I don’t want to be carrying the heavy frame for essentially another set. So had to adjust the course and do an extra warming up set to get it where I wanted it. I felt that I should be good with a 50lbs jump here as the RPE was allowing me to go heavier and I was feeling pretty good. Also the weight will be dropped next time as work begins on the working the course distance like the event (down and back 50’). As I mentioned, I’ve never attempted more than 620lbs for a carry on this frame without straps so last time was technically a PR. This would be even more so. I’ve done 802lbs for 50’ from a 22” pick before without straps (thin handles) and 720lbs I think is the most I’ve done from a 20” pick height for like 72’. So I was really hoping that I was set for this. Pick felt slow but of course, this was 50lbs more than last time and I was a little off on my foot pacing (I think the belt not feeling “snug” through off my brace and pick). But I figured what was needed to correct and like last time, I got faster each time. Got sub 10 seconds on the last run. That wasn’t it for frame today though. I was to do a pick and hold for RPE 8 30-40 seconds. Hard to gauge on these as the handles are thick and pick is the hardest part for me. I was debating just using the same weight I did for the runs and up to 760lbs. I decided to go with 740lbs as it would be 10lbs over the most I’ve picked and held on this frame. I made a mistake gripping far back and it tilted forward hard on me and kissed the ground. It did feel secure once I was locked out but after 15 seconds I knew it was going to be a struggle to get 30 seconds. Just couldn’t hold out for that and dropped it less than 2 seconds from the goal. I’ll have to adjust if there is a next time. But honestly, I feel the hold (20lbs over contest) and runs (20lbs under contest) that I should be could for contest already. Up next was stone to shoulder. But not right away. Reason for that was due to the plan for the session. Idea was to work up to three singles with more weight than top weight last time (265lbs) and then drop to 85% of that for 3x3. Problem there was the weight selection options with the actual stones. My stone options that were reasonable were 285lbs and 290lbs. Next stones would be 310lbs and 315lbs. Seeing as 265lbs is the most I’ve ever done, going above contest without an in-between was probably not something that was “slightly more” than last time. 85% for the slight increase would be 240-245ish. I had done 235lbs last time easy for the same reps and it was only 18”. 265lbs was the next stone (20”) and that would only work if I was doing the 310-315lbs stones and it would definitely not be an easy thing to do 3x3 with something I did for a triple last time. So that best option would be to use the stone of steel for the down sets as adjustable, smooth and was 20”. I needed to figure out the best place to do it (don’t want tacky on it) as well as weighing it (electronic scale batteries were dead and I didn’t have any with me). There was also the worry that it would be too slick with how humid it was (my liquid chalk was essentially garbage today). But eventually I figured things out. I started heavier this time around with the stones as the lighter stones are so small and just need to get warm. I rushed the 265lbs and it wasn’t that good (I’d not give myself the down call) but I figured it would be just wasted energy to go for it again when I had heavier weight that needed to be done and it was a technical thing. 290lbs is what I went with because it was 20” vs the 285lbs 18”. Pick felt a little tough but the lift itself was fine. That felt good. Second one I think I got a little too into it as I rushed when the pick felt really easy and got too far forward but went for it anyways. I missed and had to redo it. Last one then I got it the easiest of all them today. Then on to doing the stone of steel for the triples. I was a bit nervous here with it but that seemed to go away after I got the first rep. I went faster each set. I feel getting in the multiple sets of reps and doing singles is helping me get this movement down as well as the accessory/supplementary work being done. I got to say that my obliques on the opposite side are working hard on these. And that was it for the event work. Back extensions on the GHD with a barbell. The lighter week of 2x10 with 1ct holds. I had a general idea what I was about on these and went for 95lbs to make it easier. No need to for warming up stuff after everything so far today. These continue to be tough but the medicine I need I guess haha. Abs of my choice to finish up with the plan being two sets at RPE 6-7 and being flexion based. The standing band stuff has been fine. No calves added in, seems pulling back on that. I had intended to do some pausing but my abs were just absolutely in tatters still from the dragonflies and the soreness was uncomfortable. I managed 2x20 here as comfortably as I could. Finished with training, I made the 45lbs sandbag and stretched before heading home with the plan to ice the knees twice and go to bed somewhat reasonably (I did not end up going to bed at a reasonable hour).

Friday, April 14, 2023

April 13, 2023 – Week 5, Day 3

Dumbbell Windmills

Close Grip Axle Floor Presses w/ Chains (+44lbs)
No chains
Add Chains

Dumbbell Z Presses (5 second holds last rep)

EZ Curl Bar Pullovers (breath holds in stretch)

Band Half Kneeling Face Pulls

Comments: So a bit of a surprise late on Wednesday was that Strongman Corporation released the events planned for Nationals. I thought it was talk about stuff being released “soon” as usually it isn’t until July that details are known. But I guess I should’ve suspected it would be sooner after they made a Facebook page for the event last month. Interesting events and varied enough. Already thinking of approaches but actual weights and rules and such won’t be until it sounds next week. So just have to compile things and just see what ends up being the case with my assumptions to see if concerns/thoughts are still relevant. But before that, I still have a competition to prep for (I mean only in that I’m signed up for it, not that I have to do it to get to Nats this time around). So this workout is to be more of the quick in and out with the mobility stuff, pressing and then “restorative” stuff. The arm bars were replaced with windmills. It was suggested dumbbell but I could’ve used whatever. I just went with dumbbell since the weight would be similar and require less setup. Left shoulder was being tight and fussy with me. Similar to how it was feeling that first and second week of training back from the contest in March. Maybe it is just another angle or some things were stressed differently. Left arm up has a harder time compared to the right side up doing the movement. The shoulder part is hard the left and the bending easier but the shoulder part is easier on the right despite the bending being a little tougher. I did have to adjust stance slightly so as not to hit the ceiling. I just went one side into the other like the arm bars. Obviously not as easy compared to those. Much longer motion. Then it was time to do the axle floor pressing. Change is alternating intensities each week. Heavy and speed, which seemed to feel pretty good for me as far as recovery wise. This being the speed week. As is usually the case, 55-60% with 10-15% in accommodating resistance. Usually that is bands. But this time it was chains. I could still do bands but chains haven’t really been an option and I got 110lbs worth of chains that just kind of sit there unless I get creative. Maybe chains because likely easier to get setup for a floor press vs bands. So with the setup I had (I used my figure 8 straps) the chains weren’t ever fully off the ground. A fair amount of them were still on the ground even at lockout so I knew this wasn’t the fully 44lbs. Which was fine. I recall that was how it was supposed to be in the old Westside Barbell stuff. These were feeling pretty good. My abs were sore getting down and back up from the dragonflies the day before (as expected). I elected to do 55% just to be on the safe side. I can probably do more considering how these went. Plan was 55%x5x3 with 75-90 seconds rest and report the RIR on the last set. I actually did the first three sets in less than EMOM rest (Jolene by Dolly Parton was playing) and then it was closer to EMOM rest or slightly more the last two sets. I honestly didn’t know what to think as far as the RIR so I said 10+ or so. It is really hard to tell on the speed work stuff and I’ve indicated that when I was doing those banded axle push presses and it wasn’t reflective of when it was heavier by far. But I felt like I was actually pressing strong and powerfully. Next was z presses with dumbbells again. Still do holds but this time only on the last rep for a longer time. Like when I was doing those lean back log presses last year in prep for the 2022 PA Dutch. I initially forgot that I was to do triples warming up and rather than do a lot of weight jumps with the plateloaded dumbbells, I’d do multiple sets with short rests of the lighter solid dumbbells to work up. First set of the planned working weight felt fine. Definitively was fatigue going into that second set. Makes me wonder how I ended up doing 16 reps with these (no pauses) that one time. Left shoulder was definitely tight. The usual suspects after this were changed up a good bit. Instead of band rows, it was pullovers. Focus on the stretch so light weight and straight arms. Breathe in and out while in the stretch each rep. My left shoulder was catching on the first set. I wasn’t thinking this would be enough weight initially but it turned out it was. Second set felt a ton better as far as comfort and actually being able to focus on the movement. Last thing was band work with the half kneeling face pulls. It has been a bit with the face pulls and sometimes I end up too much biceps if I jump right into the usual band tensions I was doing. And hard to discern the fatigue. Plan was to only do 2x15 but I ended up doing double that with a lighter band tension. I feel that the extra reps were fine and low enough intensity that it won’t cut into recovery. My upper back tends to be able to handle volume well. Put stuff away and then stretched before eating a pot roast.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 12, 2023 – Week 5, Day 2

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (5 seconds)

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls w/ bands (straps, +40lbs/+111lbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Axle Romanian Deadlifts (straps, 3 second eccentrics)

Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (2 seconds, 2” above parallel on concentric)

Dragonflies (5 second eccentrics)
bwx5 (miscounted)

Comments: Still got some disc pressure symptoms. Had felt good after a few days after the last deadlift workout and then with the event work did get a little bit stressed again. I had kind of hoped that the dip station traction and the cobra pose position would alleviate it all but nope. I had to wake up early for the ultrasound which took like 10 times longer than it should’ve because it was a student/trainee doing it. I get it that they need to be trained but I wish it hadn’t been me. So find out in like two days I guess if anything. Temperature was warm and then got cold again and now it is warm like summer again. No fans just yet. At least not in the garage (running the one inside). Did some more dip stand decompression before getting things going with the workout. Starting things off with Nordic curl negatives. Still doing 5 second eccentrics but it looks like changed to 3x3 for this workout. It seems next week is back to 3x5 so maybe just alternating intensity this way. Lower legs were feeling a little tense (I didn’t do soft tissue work as needed to get to bed early). So maybe that or just not being as “serious” had that first set feeling a little rough. The other sets were much easier and better. Took slightly shorter rests than I would if it were the 3x5. From there it was axle pulls with bands. I think I got a slightly easier anchor weight setup for the platform and that seemed to work. I was a little anxious with the disc pressure going into these. Plan was to do 5x3 with 2.5% more than last time (well I guess since last time was 50-55% and the was to be 52.5-57.5% it could be up to 7.5% depending how I treated things). Same triples with big jumps and doing controlled eccentrics. The bands the first set added didn’t feel as crazy this time around. It was actually feeling really light until I got to 290lbs added. Then it started to feel like something. I went with 20lbs more than last time, even though more than 2.5% jump as it was easier plate math and would let me just do 90lbs jumps from the empty setup. That first set really does seem to be the rough one as far as breathing but after that I’m good and these felt quite solid as far as getting tight and pulling with purpose. Maybe also trying to focus on the intent of this workout to be “deadlifts, squats, abs and done”. So glad no aggravation with the lower back. Next was Romanian deadlifts with eccentrics (2-3ct). It was up to me if I wanted to keep this as an axle or not. I figured axle was best bet for a few reasons. One because of the specificity and that it will have the weight out in front a bit more. The other being that I don’t have nearly as much time with the axle for rdls and really keeping track of records like with barbell. So maybe not feel as much pressure to pile on the weight right off the bat. Plan would appear to be to push these on the “speed” week. Goal of 2x6 at RPE 6-7. Based off similar stuff and being on the lower end, I had figured that about 350lbs would work here. I was wrong. That was nowhere near enough weight. During my off season, beltless tempo rdls had been pushed to where I was doing 445lbs for solid reps. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that adding a belt would make things quite comfortable. So I added 50lbs for what I expected to be my working weight. Again, seems I picked too light. It was better but I ended up added another 20lbs and that finally got it in the right range. Similar to the hatfield split squats, I’m curious to see how these progress. Next was those odd pause squats. Still sticking to a low RPE for these. Aim is to keep these just as work and an assistance exercise and to adjust or pull back if it starts to feel like too much with both squats and pulls. This current plan seems the best course of action for now. I do think that if the goal is more the legs then there are other ways but if the need to work the core bracing and lower body working together under load, it has to be some kind of back squatting involved. So slightly increasing the RPE but dropping the pause from 3ct to 1-2ct. But also increasing the reps. I assumed I’d do better with the lower hold times but the added reps could be tricky. So played it safe again. I think I’m starting to get used to these as far as the motion and the beats of the movement. It still can feel a little off at times. But I’m starting to feel like I’m getting the exercise figured out. Last thing was for core work. Dragonflies have been absent for a bit. I think since at least when I first got the bursitis in the left elbow they haven’t popped up. Plan was the same (long eccentrics) and for several sets leaving some reps in the tank. I’ve done these outside because I figured I’d hit the garage ceiling. But I decided to check and I had enough clearance so just did them inside. Elbows/forearms definitely feeling these with holding the brace and just from the work of the pull-ups on Monday. I miscounted the first set and thought I did 6 reps and did 6 reps the other sets, even though this is a tough exercise for me. I know my abdominals will be quite sore. Put stuff away and cooked up dinner before stretching. Ice knees before bed.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 10, 2023 – Week 5, Day 1

Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses/Dumbbell Pullovers (3 seconds stretch)/Cobra Stretches (5/15)

Viking Presses (push press, facing away, hands 11” down handles)
Pauses (3 seconds in dip)

Feet Elevated Pull Ups (swiss bar, 2 second holds)

DeFranco Band Pullaparts (30 seconds)

Kettlebell Tibialis Anterior Raises (3 second holds)/Single Arm Overhead Band Triceps Extensions (3 second eccentrics)
38x10/10 – lbx15/15
38x10/10 – lbx14/14

Comments: Was feeling a little bit of disc pressure symptoms after training. I mean, it was already feeling that after the deadlift session and while calming down, it was definitely stressed again on Saturday with the training. Just got to keep an eye on it and adjust as needed I guess. I had felt surprisingly well rested Monday morning. Like I had overslept kind of rested and was worried I accidentally set my alarm for an hour later. But it was the current time. Maybe the “vegetarian” meal (I added 2 chicken breasts to it) had helped. Had some eye twitches still popping up on the left side. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try and do some dip station traction before training. With the weather being nice out, it felt safe to setup the viking press before starting with the workout. I think this was also to give me a chance to get some fluids in and see how I was feeling moving around too. Starting things off was a circuit of exercises. Remains the same for now. Some discussion of potentially adding in some sandbag toss drills here as well. Started off well enough and then my right glute decided to cramp up on me on the cobra pose. Just worked through it. Hope that it didn’t bother me on anything (it shouldn’t). Viking press as has been the case (and will likely be the case) for this first workout of the week. Got some idea of the weight for the show. Granted it is 490lbs added to the implement, but from the weight placement, it looks to be like halfway so probably about 50% of that weight to whatever it is in hand. So probably looking at like 300lbs weight in hand or so likely. Just have to keep going I guess. Push press today. Plan was work up to a top set of 4-5 (2-3RIR). Push pressing last time had felt ok but not super awesome. But strict pressing had felt pretty darn good last week. I was initially thinking of just going up 10lbs from last time (as far as the top weight used) but reconsidered when I thought about it. Last time I had done long pause triples and then did the top set leaving reps in the tank and it had felt a little wobbly for me. So seeing as I was feeling better with these, maybe I could do well here. So initially I was thinking of just doing 45lbs jumps and triples but then decided to add 20lbs so it would be 30lbs more than last time. I was slightly worried my legs weren’t going to be cooperating with me as they felt funky setting up and putting weight on the apparatus. But I felt fine when I was doing the lift. As I was working up, things were feeling ok but I didn’t have the confidence that I could do 290lbs added and leave enough RIR so I made the last jump 35lbs instead. I wish I had stuck to my plan though as this went up quite smooth. But I guess as long as I make steady progress and make the improvements each time. Definitely feel like I’m getting the movement down. But will need to keep adding weight and hopefully get closer to 90% of 300lbs weight in hand to be certain I’m getting a lift. Been trying to not zero any events and been good about that since October 2021. Drop the weight by 10% and do another set of matching reps. This felt comfortable. Then I was to drop the weight 15% more for paused reps. Matching reps for the other sets. Last time the paused reps had been first and then the regular style. I think these actually have merit with how this setup is as I’m trying to not do rebound reps and with how I have to fully support the weight on the shoulders as opposed to letting it rest on the body like other pressing, it carries over to the fatigue felt for a longer set when not setting it down. And could add to some additional shoulder muscle hypertrophy. I was curious about the increased reps even with the lighter weight and shorter holds. These were quite easy and really snappy. Getting that hip drive. I was pleased with how things went on the viking press today. Well enough to be satisfied to move on. Rest of the workout was about what it has been since this training prep start. So next thing was feet elevated pull ups. Same as it has been. Indication that this was the last week of it. I felt it was a bit tough last time but with the RPE increased a good bit, I felt that I should be able to do this and finish out. Elbows and forearms were feeling these holds and this weight. Definitely could feel upper back, lats and shoulders working hard on the holds as well as my grip and biceps. I’d say this was a good run on these considering the hold requirement. DeFranco pullaparts again for 3 sets of 30 seconds. Apparently the last week of these. I will miss them. These have felt quite good the last few workouts. I was very close to getting 100 reps total here. Finishing up with tibialis anterior raises and band triceps. Same as it has been. It would seem that perhaps the tib work will be dropped to allow more recovery and to give time for drills. I can tell I’m walking slower the next day after these when I go for my walks. I didn’t intend to increase the weight again but I did and it actually felt the best it has this entire time. Maybe being outside helped haha. After the first set, I noticed I had a cut on my left palm on the outside. It was dried so no idea when I did that or on what. Maybe the pullaparts? Not sure. But not in a spot that will really hamper anything if that kind of thing would ever hamper me. The sets of 10 reps were quite comfortable. With the triceps, I used the same band tension as last time with the switched up grip. Granted it hadn’t made things feel better for the elbow on the left, it was something that seemed to feel ergonomically better on my hands/wrist. I did push these a bit more to try and get more reps. Right side has a tougher time of it. Left side the elbow was achy on the first set but was quiet the second set and that was a good sign I think. I meant to get 15 reps both sets but it was just too challenging to push through on the second set so settled for one rep shy to not over do it. Put stuff away and ate a roast before stretching. Iced knees before bed.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 8, 2023 – Week 4, Day 4

Bulgarian Split Squats with Rotation

Sandbag Tosses

Hatfield Split Squats

Pin Safety Squat Bar Zercher Goodmornings w/ bands (+24lbs/+58lbs, 33” height, swiss ball)

Deadlift Grip Barbell Back Extensions (2 second holds, Versa Gripps)

Standing Band GHD Abs/Single Leg Seated Calf Raises
(2)ab+(2)lbx15 – 30x15/15
(2)ab+(2)lbx15 – 30x15/15

Comments: Some stress with this week of work. It didn’t help getting several calls from the doctor’s office about upcoming procedure (again, for stuff that could’ve been an e-mail). I bit surprised that I’m being told to pay beforehand and that the amount may be even more afterwards. I had intended to go to bed earlier but I was apparently very distracted on Friday (I forgot to water the spider plant I water every Friday morning). I was trying to get stuff in order and make sure that I was ready for the next day. Like adding new songs to my playlist. It wasn’t like I had to be there at the gym early (and I had been thinking about just training at home before exercises were adjusted) as I didn’t “need” assistance with anything like the frame carry (and Hercules hold not programmed yet) but I did need to get done at a reasonable hour to be available for family stuff in the early evening. So I ended up sleeping in an hour (and had a stress dream about the doctor’s office lol). It was definitely needed as I realized there were some things I didn’t have ready for the session if I had tried to book it upon waking. So it does sometimes benefit me to slow down for a second. Anyways, out to train (after filling up gas). Again, people training for the next strongman show hosted at the gym on 4/22/23. Some new faces, people out of town. It does make me happy to see people training and learning. There is only really one person at the gym that competes in the same weight class as me and not always doing the same shows. Before I started training, I did some upkeep. Really the only reason I came out to train here was because sandbag toss was added to the workout with the change to Regionals. I didn’t have a sandbag at home for tosses (yet) and I needed to check what was here. That meant checking out the refurbished throw tower and seeing what the sandbags were. I was a little bummed the throw tower (while having 1’ markings) only had a section to put a “barrier” at 13’8” and I knew I’d need to be tossing well above that. But it wasn’t feasible to setup the other setup (the PVC pipe and yoke) with the stuff going on at the gym. Sandbags I made it so that they were 5lbs increments. I was intending to make the 55lbs 45lbs but it seemed like it would be a hassle scooping out that much substrate and while I was expecting the contest weights to be 30-50lbs, couldn’t be 100% yet so maybe it was a good idea to have a “heavy” one so will get another bag for 45lbs. After doing all that, it was time to get started with the workout. Start of workout was Bulgarian split squats with rotation of back leg. This was the only one set week (I guess rotating 2x10 and 1x10) and seeing as light weight seemed to be ok after I did some mobility stuff for ankles and knees, I did weight for that set again. Left side definitely has a harder time of it as far as ease of movement. The tension in the hip flexor continues to dissipate and be minimal. So then it was time for sandbag toss. Last did these in the 2021 season training for a max toss over 15’. There had been some temptation to do 2021 Nats that year but it didn’t seem like a good idea with two pressing events, me being undertrained in weight laden moving events and the tosses being 1.5 feet higher with multiple implements. It was getting very difficult to get my makeshift setup to even be near that height. And I kind of wanted to do that event again but didn’t pop up with the shows planned but now in a turn of events, I get to. I’m a good bit out of practice but had found that doing drills and actual competition throws did improve things. Like adding 10lbs to what I could do consistently. I know training will need to be different for multiple bags due to power drain/fatigue and I’ll need to get back into it. I had assumptions for the show setup with the weights and height range and likelihood of there being a “run up” but figured I’d keep it simple for now. Plan was to do 8-10 singles with 80% of what I can hit for the height (15’). I’ve done 55lbs in contest but only 50lbs in training so using 40lbs. I needed to do a few singles I felt with the weights below this to get some kind of groove. I probably need a good bit of practice to get the form down again and get things clicking to get that extra height. I didn’t do any “run up” with the lighter weights and the singles were like 20 seconds rest between. I did a slight run up with the actual chosen weight more to work on reaction time and how I’ll setup quickly rather than setting myself up like it would for a not timed event. I had more power at the beginning obviously but I think I got better with the extension and the pull mechanics near the end (my highest toss might have been the 8th). I feel that last toss was when I didn’t have the best toss. I do feel that I cleared 15’ for these but can be hard to tell with the front view and there not being a cross bar. If I hit the cross bar I had, then I’d know I was way too low. Put stuff away and it was inside for the rest of the workout. Hatfield split squats with the first rep initiated via reverse lunge. I had been quite pleased with how these went last time with not having any hip flexor pain and how these felt quite solid. I did have some hesitancy after seeing someone dislocate their shoulder doing hatfield style lifts. I had to do some exploring to see what was here to figure the best setup for these here (never done hatfield stuff at the gym). Plan here was to work up in sets of 3-5 reps and do 2x12 at RPE 7. Last time doing 40-50lbs jumps and keeping it 5 rep sets seemed to work out. I did also plan to where my hard belt this time to keep pushing these since for working my moving events and a way to work my legs and not fatigue the lower back. There is certainly tension in the left shoulder/trap with hatfield stuff. My right knee was feeling quite tender bending for the back leg but no issue with being the working leg. Maybe from the pause squats and then the sandbag tosses. In either case, the sensation went away as I went and got to the working weight. Added 30lbs and it was feeling similar to what I did last time really. Left side does have a harder time of doing these compared to the right. Pleased to see these continue to improve. Next up was the banded zercher goodmornings off of pins with the safety squat bar. I tried my best to get it the same setup like at home with the sawhorses. As luck would have it, I was able to get it to be almost identical in band tension. This was initially going to be the same as last time but with the changes for sandbag, it was made to be heavier. I’ve done this weight before. The added weight was definitely noticeable today. Right knee was feeling a little tender but again, it seemed to shut up as I did more of these. I do think the swiss ball as something to squeeze/distract is helpful here for not just the movement (which I could probably do fine without) but allowing for adjustment in the body position for something that is more in front like a stone vs just something in my arms. Heavy day for the back extensions. Increase in the RPE like the Hatfield split squats but dropping a set from the previous time did the heavier session with longer holds. As I’m getting stronger on these, definitely noticing the hamstrings aren’t feeling as “shocked” and it is more the bracing for the lower back. There were notes about subbing in stone holds if I felt like it but I think the arms need a break and that it is more the holding the stone on the shoulder to get the down call that is the issue for me rather than the rolling up. Considering how last week with the higher reps went, I was feeling like I could probably push here a bit. Definitely was tough with the 20lbs weight jump but it was doable. Last thing was the band standing abs and single leg calf work superset. I’ve been rotating the calf raise stuff around depending what is available really or what I think will work best. My calves are feeling better but my right one is still a good bit behind and is quite fatigued by the end of these workouts. I found that the increased band tension I did last week would be best for both sets (but need to weight down the glute ham more) and figured that seated would be good for the calf raises. Took off the glasses and do-rag for the abdominals as they tend to come off anyways. I think I thought I did 25lbs added for the seated last time but it was actually 15lbs so good to see getting used to doing the calf work in some capacity. Put stuff away to get home to clean up for family stuff. Stretched when I got back home from that and iced knees before bed.

Friday, April 7, 2023

April 6, 2023 – Week 4, Day 3

Kettlebell Arm Bars (3 second holds)
39x5/4 (miscounted)

Close Grip Axle Floor Presses

Dumbbell Z Presses (2 second holds)

One Arm Band Rows (30 seconds)

Band Y Raise Holds
mb+µbx30 seconds
mb+µbx30 seconds

Comments: Back to a weekly basis of programming updates now that Drew is back from his vacation (competing). Things timed out well with things as the change to the Regional just happened. So some plans made to adjust things with that in mind. I was feeling the session from the day before for sure. Lower back was tense in the area of my disc bulge. It happens when I push deadlifts and the muscles can add some pressure when they have been worked. I’m not concerned as it will probably be gone in a day or two. But it does show that lower back is getting worked hard with the deadlifts, frame and other stuff. And all the more reason to keep hitting stuff to keep things strong. Starting things off with the kettlebell arm bars. This workout remains unchanged for now really. Seeing as how more weight and the holds seemed to feel quite good, I elected to use my plateloaded handle rather than have to fumble with the two kettlebells for enough resistance. If I’m going to, might as well make it convenient really. I’m still kind of in awe that my shoulder is feeling markedly better and that I’m not getting any twinges like I was those first two weeks of training after the contest. Apparently in my relaxation and ease I miscounted or lost my place (both times turning to the left). First set I was one short and second set I ended up guessing right. Close grip axle floor press after that. This has been the case for this cycle so far. While I had some optimism about it after last week went well, I was also wondering if this wouldn’t be that great because it could be related to the previous stuff. Two weeks ago I had felt flat and not powerful here. And that could’ve been from work stress or it could be just the specific changes in exercises preceding affecting things. So it was these two observations (good last week, not good the week before) that I was weighing out mentally. Notes do indicate that the intensity will be alternated going forward. But as has been standard, plan was to work up to a top set in triples. And I’ve been sticking with 30lbs and aiming for 10lbs increase on the top set with the reps being dropped. This time it was to be a top set of 5 with 2RIR. I had gotten to the point where I was again able to start with the empty bar with the jumps and I’d end up doing the first week’s weight as the last work up set. And I guess I was going to be doing 3 plates on the axle too. There still seems to be some inconsistency on these with form and comfort. I will say that my wrist seems to be less of an issue on these. I’m also wondering if the axle is tougher to lockout with the bar not really “revolving” like a barbell with the hands and wrists at extension. Just thoughts. I wasn’t too sure here but I felt that if I was feeling like I did last week for the top set and the second down set that this shouldn’t be an issue. It did end up like it should mostly. I did notice that my inner abdominals were feeling tense. I guess a little surprised I was noticing that after the day before. I’ve been doing those bar twists for the past four weeks and this I think was the first where I was feeling my abdominals being stiff from that. It could also be that combined with the big increase in the other lifts (30lbs deadlift, 25lbs rdls, 30lbs squat average). Down sets I was hoping would feel like the last one from last week and not like the first one from last week. 10% off for 2 sets of 5 reps, which ended up being the last work up set. Well they weren’t as good as the last week second down set but they also weren’t as bad as the first down set last week. So I guess I can live with that. Especially if I consider that I did 8 reps more than the first week that were at or above 266lbs. It is progress and I can feel that I’m getting confidence in the pressing movements again. Speaking of pressing, it was time z presses with dumbbells. Notes indicated this would be the last week with holds every rep. Suggestion to setup the dumbbells a different way (on a bench). I’ve thought of it but it doesn’t work as well with the plate loaded handles and it doesn’t allow for more freedom in dropping or needing to bail. Finally down to the rep range where I should be able to meet with the 70lbs dumbbells. I think partly because I felt I had to get a lot of stuff done after training to get on track that I elected to do the same warming up as I did that first week. Certainly felt better. I could tell that my core was definitely feeling the day before. Got that clean to the shoulders a lot smoother this time around. I wanted to get to 12 reps but I knew I couldn’t get that with 2RIR so settled for a rep increase. Rest of workout was bands. Indication was this was the last week for both of the band exercises that have been the finishers for this workout. With the band rows, I just decided to add even more tension really. Figured that would bring the number of reps down a good bit. Really, it only did so initially with getting my bearings and bracing for the extra tension as it was a good bit more. I got better as I went, which is usually the case on this kind of stuff unless fatigue is really bad. Last thing was the y raise holds. Stuck with what I had done last time. I was a bit more prepared for the shock of that kind of tension. Certainly was challenging. I was a little worried that I perhaps was doing too much here with the shoulders and the position as there was some achiness afterwards but that went away before I went to bed. Put stuff away and cooked up dinner. Stretched before bed.