Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 15, 2023 – Week 5, Day 4

Bulgarian Split Squats with Rotation

Sandbag Tosses

Frame Carries
Titan Fitness (16”)
Casual Pace
Makeshift (18”)
BiggDogg Strongg (20”, 1.5” handles)
700x50’ in 10.92 seconds
700x50’ in 10.14 seconds
700x50’ in 9.89 seconds

BiggDogg Strongg Frame Holds (20”, 1.5” handles)
740x28.73 seconds

Stone to Shoulders
Atlas Stones
Stone of Steel

Deadlift Grip Barbell GHD Back Extensions (1 second holds, Vera Gripps)

Standing Band GHD Abs

Comments: Got the results from the ultrasound and everything “unremarkable”. So a nothing burger and about $500 costs sunk into that. But I guess it’s good to know? Whatever, blood work again end of May and then hopefully I will be done with this nonsense. So training plan was going to be quite heavy. So I ended up sleeping in an hour (I wasn’t sure if I’d need the extra sleep but I gave myself the opportunity to use it). Partly to be fully rested but also because it would be rainy earlier and judging by the times, coming a little later would miss the rain and be sunny out when it mattered. I did make sure to get everything setup to have it be minimal amount of time once I was up go out to train. Again, people training for the next strongman show hosted at the gym (as well as the usual people). I was kind of surprised that people were doing the events at any kind of intensity. Start of workout was Bulgarian split squats with rotation of back leg. Two sets this time. I did some mobility stuff for ankles and knees, I did weight for both sets this time. As has been the case, left side definitely has a harder time of it as far as ease of movement. I did these with no breaks between sides or sets so this got a bit of a pump. So then it was time for sandbag toss. With the addition of this event, it would seem that the bounding exercises are being removed as redundant. I would like to seem them back in offseason so that I feel like I can have that spring in my step/stride. Plans adjusted here. Repeat of last week as the idea is to have the alternating week be the “harder” week with the sandbag toss considering that this week already has the two heavy “events” that aren’t pull and press. It sounds like plan is potentially 2 times a week as far as sandbag stuff and probably a good idea considering this is going to also be an event at Nationals and I feel this is one that I can get decent points on if I can improve it. Someone at the gym is training for keg toss and using the same setup and it looks like they “hit” stuff so there was some wood debris. Band I setup still intact but looks like it could snap so will need to keep a replacement on hand I guess. Not that I really “need” it considering I’m aiming much higher. Speaking of that, I did figure a way to orientate things so that I can get a decent sideish angle to things. I keep thinking that I have to have the setup in the middle of the alley when I can move it to one side. Anyways, no real specifics other than 5 bags from 30-50lbs with 5lbs jumps is the plan. I rewatched some of the videos of the techniques and drills I had saved and it helped refresh my memory and think on what is needed to get more height and power. I need to be mindful of that. So same as last week with 8-10 singles with 80% (stuck with 40lbs since didn’t have the 45lbs made yet and just to have this be “lighter”). I felt good with the first two tosses that I didn’t need more to warm up. I think another reason was that my abs were extremely sore still from dragonflies (my chest was also really sore from Thursday session). First toss with 40lbs I didn’t quite get right and I cut the power short. I’d say that was the poorest of my tosses for the day. But I did seem to correct after that and I was consistently getting my average higher than last week by at least 6” (maybe 12”). I had one toss that potentially would’ve gone over 17’ height and another that was close and would’ve hit that. So at least 70% of these would’ve cleared 16’. Still need to work on things and improve. I was slightly worried that the rain would start up again but it didn’t. Put stuff away and went to get ready for the next thing. Time for frame. Well I guess not right away. The lanes were being used by newer people trying out yoke. I did do the casual walks with the empty Titan Fitness frame on turf instead. I was finding myself getting a little irritating waiting (as said “I got one more so I’ll be going quick” and it ended up being like 10 minutes) and thinking of just jumping right to the empty BiggDogg but calmed down and waited. I went pretty quick once I was able to use the makeshift frame. I’ll say this was the best these had felt (the last one always feels rough and it didn’t). So I think I was seeing how that felt to determine things for the working weight. Plan was to do RPE 7-7.5 with 3x50’. No timed rests, go as I felt. Suggested weight being 675-700lbs. Now this was a little tricky as it was an odd number of runs. So if I did like I had been, it would be over 70’ away at the end which I don’t want to be carrying the heavy frame for essentially another set. So had to adjust the course and do an extra warming up set to get it where I wanted it. I felt that I should be good with a 50lbs jump here as the RPE was allowing me to go heavier and I was feeling pretty good. Also the weight will be dropped next time as work begins on the working the course distance like the event (down and back 50’). As I mentioned, I’ve never attempted more than 620lbs for a carry on this frame without straps so last time was technically a PR. This would be even more so. I’ve done 802lbs for 50’ from a 22” pick before without straps (thin handles) and 720lbs I think is the most I’ve done from a 20” pick height for like 72’. So I was really hoping that I was set for this. Pick felt slow but of course, this was 50lbs more than last time and I was a little off on my foot pacing (I think the belt not feeling “snug” through off my brace and pick). But I figured what was needed to correct and like last time, I got faster each time. Got sub 10 seconds on the last run. That wasn’t it for frame today though. I was to do a pick and hold for RPE 8 30-40 seconds. Hard to gauge on these as the handles are thick and pick is the hardest part for me. I was debating just using the same weight I did for the runs and up to 760lbs. I decided to go with 740lbs as it would be 10lbs over the most I’ve picked and held on this frame. I made a mistake gripping far back and it tilted forward hard on me and kissed the ground. It did feel secure once I was locked out but after 15 seconds I knew it was going to be a struggle to get 30 seconds. Just couldn’t hold out for that and dropped it less than 2 seconds from the goal. I’ll have to adjust if there is a next time. But honestly, I feel the hold (20lbs over contest) and runs (20lbs under contest) that I should be could for contest already. Up next was stone to shoulder. But not right away. Reason for that was due to the plan for the session. Idea was to work up to three singles with more weight than top weight last time (265lbs) and then drop to 85% of that for 3x3. Problem there was the weight selection options with the actual stones. My stone options that were reasonable were 285lbs and 290lbs. Next stones would be 310lbs and 315lbs. Seeing as 265lbs is the most I’ve ever done, going above contest without an in-between was probably not something that was “slightly more” than last time. 85% for the slight increase would be 240-245ish. I had done 235lbs last time easy for the same reps and it was only 18”. 265lbs was the next stone (20”) and that would only work if I was doing the 310-315lbs stones and it would definitely not be an easy thing to do 3x3 with something I did for a triple last time. So that best option would be to use the stone of steel for the down sets as adjustable, smooth and was 20”. I needed to figure out the best place to do it (don’t want tacky on it) as well as weighing it (electronic scale batteries were dead and I didn’t have any with me). There was also the worry that it would be too slick with how humid it was (my liquid chalk was essentially garbage today). But eventually I figured things out. I started heavier this time around with the stones as the lighter stones are so small and just need to get warm. I rushed the 265lbs and it wasn’t that good (I’d not give myself the down call) but I figured it would be just wasted energy to go for it again when I had heavier weight that needed to be done and it was a technical thing. 290lbs is what I went with because it was 20” vs the 285lbs 18”. Pick felt a little tough but the lift itself was fine. That felt good. Second one I think I got a little too into it as I rushed when the pick felt really easy and got too far forward but went for it anyways. I missed and had to redo it. Last one then I got it the easiest of all them today. Then on to doing the stone of steel for the triples. I was a bit nervous here with it but that seemed to go away after I got the first rep. I went faster each set. I feel getting in the multiple sets of reps and doing singles is helping me get this movement down as well as the accessory/supplementary work being done. I got to say that my obliques on the opposite side are working hard on these. And that was it for the event work. Back extensions on the GHD with a barbell. The lighter week of 2x10 with 1ct holds. I had a general idea what I was about on these and went for 95lbs to make it easier. No need to for warming up stuff after everything so far today. These continue to be tough but the medicine I need I guess haha. Abs of my choice to finish up with the plan being two sets at RPE 6-7 and being flexion based. The standing band stuff has been fine. No calves added in, seems pulling back on that. I had intended to do some pausing but my abs were just absolutely in tatters still from the dragonflies and the soreness was uncomfortable. I managed 2x20 here as comfortably as I could. Finished with training, I made the 45lbs sandbag and stretched before heading home with the plan to ice the knees twice and go to bed somewhat reasonably (I did not end up going to bed at a reasonable hour).

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