Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009

Walking – 61 minutes

Comments: Had decent length walk today. Still a little beat from the competition, probably take a few days for the bruises to go away haha. My right trap muscle tightened up when I was doing 270 on the axle Sunday but it is not nearly as bad right now and should be completely fine in a few days. I also found out that the farmer's were 335lbs instead of 310lbs.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009 - ME LB - Deload

Lawn Mowing - 40 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups


Farmer's Deadlifts

45 degree Hyperextensions w/ IW#3

Pulldown Abs

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Start of my post contest deload and boy do I need it. Workout was between 29 and 30 minutes. The spirit is willing but the body is spongy and bruised. Also mowed which helped get some blood circulating. I also found a bunch of pictures from the contest here. A thanks to Loni Jo for these photos.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

06/28/2009 - Cradle of Iron Strongman Show

We left at 9:00 so I could get a chance to catch up and see the women competition. They were truly hardcore. I did a dynamic warm-up little while after the women competition was done. The first event was a max 2” axle clean and press with three attempts.

I haven’t used an axle since Battle at the Barn back in January but I had a good idea of what I could do on it using from training with my thick bar. The weight for the axle press started at 250lbs at it was a rising bar in 10lbs increments. We each got three attempts and could jump in at any time. I did some warm ups up to 215lbs so I figured I’d open at 250lbs and then go for 270lbs as a second and either 280lbs or 290lbs for a final attempt. 250lbs was easy, just power cleaned it. I then did 270. I double overhand continentaled it and had a little struggle with the lockout. A 20lbs PR. I figured I wouldn’t get much rest if I went for 280lbs (wrong) so I decided to go big and waited for 290lbs. I had little bit of trouble with the continental. I actually ended up in deep split stance my first attempt. I shook it off and refocused and got it into the rack position but it was too heavy today. A lot of strong pressers so I ended up last, eighth place out of out of eight.

Next was a max tire flip for reps with 75 seconds time limit. There were three tires, 700lbs, 850, and 1100lbs. You could pick whichever tires to flip but one rep at a heavier tire would be any number at a lower tire. I went for the 1100lbs tire first and it was very smooth and tough to grip. I almost got it but I couldn’t get my hands into a good position for the flip and I had to bail. I gave another attempt but knew I had to move on to the 850lbs to get points. It was the same tire from Snap Fitness show on April 25th and it was back for more. I got four reps in the time I had remaining and I tied for fourth out of eight.

Next was the farmer’s carry and chain drag medley. It was 40 feet for both implements, 310lbs farmer’s and 700lbs of anchor chain. It was a 60 second time limit but I knew I was going to need it. It would be a miracle to even get the farmer’s off the ground as this weight was 40lbs heavier per hand than my best. My goal was not to get a zero. I tried all the technique advice I’ve been getting and slowly the weight came up off the ground. I was then able to stagger 5’2”. I placed last of course. One of the competitors withdrew from the competition so I was seventh out of seven. I found out after the show that it was actually 335lbs farmer's so a personal best of 65lbs per hand.

Up next was an event I was actually able to sort of train for; the giant dumbbell clean and press with 75 seconds time limit. It was a 125lbs Slater dumbbell with a thick handle. Two hands to clean and one to press, just like at the Arnold but with a lot less weight. Due to my performance on the farmer’s I was up first to set the pace and set it I did. I manhandled the dumbbell. I actually was setting it down gently at first since that is how I have to train with my dumbbell but then started to show it contempt. I did 10 reps and while no one bested my effort, two people did tie with me. Tied for first out of seven.

Finally it was time for the Stones. Max atlas stone loaded over a 48” bar for reps with 75 seconds time limit. Similar set up and rules as the tires but with a larger variety to choose from. There was 310lbs, 320lbs, 340lbs, 380lbs, 405lbs and 430lbs stones. Again I was first. I asked for the 405lbs stone and I’m sure some people were skeptical. Heck the most I’ve done was 330lbs stone to this height back in January and I had had trouble with a 310lbs stone at Snap Fitness. I wasn’t too sure either but I just had to do it. I started and did a little feeling out, testing, much like boxers and fighters do in the early rounds. I knew it was going to go but I wasn’t sure of how many reps. I launched the first rep over and I was pretty much in a state of shock and proceeded to get another and another rep. I almost got a fourth rep but time ran out on me. Obviously first out of seven.

I ended up in fourth place in the 231lbs class. I had big PR’s on almost everything but I would have liked to place higher. I had a lot of fun. I had some jitters but nowhere as bad as it has been the other contests. Time to take a deload week before I start training for the next one.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009

Walking – 42 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups



2 3/8" Thick Bar Jerks

12" Log Presses

28 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Pretty good considering I was cutting water weight all day. I wanted to get in a light gym workout today which only took 18 minutes. Weighed in at 228lbs.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009

Walking – 53 minutes

Comments: Took a break from sled dragging, I don't want to wear my legs out before the contest. Time now to really focus, visualize the events and give it hell. If I make it under 231, which I should, I have good chance of placing high if not winning it.