Saturday, February 24, 2024

February 18, 2024 - February 24, 2024 - Week 10

February 19, 2024 – Week 10, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Overhead
Strict Presses + Push Presses + Jerks
Push Press + Jerks

Band Assisted Pull-ups
abx5 at pin 12
abx5 at pin 15
abx5 at pin 18
abx5 at pin 21
abx8 at pin 24

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Comments: So weight is the same as last week, which honestly is quite surprising considering the caloric deficit I had for two of those days last week. I guess refeeding Saturday got me back up (I was weighing less that morning even with my shoes on). I think I’ve also got myself in a better mental state with things in that while I still want to do Regionals and qualify for Nationals, I’m accepting that it could be on hold while letting things heal up and just focus on getting stronger and better. And if things end up working out for me then they do. Hopefully I will be back to things in three weeks’ time and treat this as a one-month detour essentially. Having a three-day weekend to get things sorted helps too. With today being off from work, I could train when I wanted as opposed to waiting until the evening. At least that is what I would say if I didn’t accidentally sleep until noon. So that kind of limited my choices while also cutting down on meal timing. I pretty much decided early on in the session that I was going to have to drop one of the weight gain shakes or I’d not be able to stomach dinner (which was going to be the most calories and most filling). As I mentioned on Saturday, there had been modification to the “dynamic warm ups” and that going forward there would be a change. The most of the exercises added on Saturday became part of it. Nothing was dropped but there were some decreases in reps/time for some exercises, increases for others and some modifications to previous exercises. It is certainly a bit more of a workload but I think necessary. Even if not a permanent change, this will at least let me gauge the hamstring progress with some good feedback and hopefully continue to contribute to body movements feeling better. Going into this workout, I was feeling some stiffness/soreness/achiness in the right knee. But didn’t seem to be an issue for training or warming up. Starting things off with axle. I had removed the stall mat from the patio and swept the dirt/dust that was under it. I felt that while I like the “thud” sound of the bumper plates on it with the axle, it was limiting the area I could be pressing from in different aspects. Now it is back where it was previously for bag toss and viking press stuff. One of the issues with pressing at this time of day is that sun is literally right in my eyes facing the house to unrack. Everything out of the rack at this time with the hamstring. As with last time I did axle, the first two warming up sets had me start with strict presses, then push presses and finally jerks. Things were feeling fairly comfortable I guess. Light stuff was good to get my body used to things and figure where I was putting too much stress (like knees to far forward vs spreading out). Then going to the expected of first rep a push press and then the second rep a jerk. I eventually decided to move out of the rack fully as I was likely to nip the rack going for the jerk drive. Working weight being 10lbs more than last time. At this rate of progression, I’ll likely be at about 85% of contest weight come contest time for reps. There was some concerns that the jerks could cause some hamstring issues here but I figured I’d be good if I was able to do 325lbs for a triple on front squats. Plan was do four sets and then decide on the fifth set if I wanted to do more reps or not. Like last time, allowed to go up to 4 push presses (as a treat) but make sure to end with a jerk that was crisp and easy. These took a little longer as far as time under tension since I was walking these out and walking them back in. Also slight hesitancy with the sun in my eyes haha. My wrists and knees weren’t really bothering me on these. That first unrack with 200lbs did feel like something on my ribcage but it felt crisper as I went. Not attempting any split stance stuff while hamstring heals up. Push pressing felt fine and dandy although I got a little off balance on the fourth one of that last set, so jerk just felt ok. At this point, I got down a few food items that would get some calories in but wouldn’t really add much weight or get me gassy (bowl of oatmeal, glass of whole milk, a little Icelandic yogurt). I didn’t want to eat/drink anything substantial doing overhead with the belt on and nothing else would require a belt or a ton of core bracing. Up next being band assisted pull-ups. I kept the knee sleeves just because. Still doing sets of 5 reps to the top set (though expanded to 5-15 reps). I was slightly tempted to increase the band assistance to aim higher rep range but I figured I’d just stick to what I’ve been doing for the past few sessions and stick to the “add reps when I feel like it”. Things were feeling pretty good here so I had a feeling that I’d probably be adding reps to my top set. Managed to add 2 reps to this while still feeling like there are reps there. Last thing was log incline benching. I was a bit nervous with this with the continuing of work up to 2x5 and do “speed” work with that weight. I had questions about the “speed work” protocol with the workout updates. Initially, this was to be 10lbs increase while regular bench was 5lbs. But then with the adjustments made with having to work around the current hamstring concern/issue, the next jumps seemed to be a lot. 20lbs jumps for both (then a 10lbs). This was correct and the rational was that it was smaller/lighter to deal with the shoulder overtraining and that I should be recovered enough at this point that these jumps would be doable and still be strong. I could see the evidence for that with the bench last week but I wasn’t 100% sold on the log incline stuff as still was a feeling a little off last time. But trusting what I have here so here we go. Starting nothing special but I did feel like I was doing better as far as form and how it felt. A double with the weight I did last time felt really good and I felt that only if I screwed this up would these be any issue. First set felt really good. Second set was ok and I did hit the rack arms so that through me off a bit. But I’d say these felt stronger than 180lbs had felt last time. I think these changes were the right call as I feel that shoulders are recovering better. Doesn’t feel like a ton and I feel I can keep my shoulders stable better. Downed a weight gainer shake immediately after and put stuff away before stretching and then eating some more food to get as caught up as I was going to with meals before dinner later in the evening.

February 21, 2024 – Week 10, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

18” Wide Grip Jack Pulls w/ Hip Circle (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds
bwx83 seconds

bw+53x60 seconds

Side Planks
bwx60/60 seconds

Comments: There had been no issues with Monday training and I have to reflect on where I am at as far as the competition. I’m in a mostly good spot prior to the injury. One that I’m hopeful will resolve enough to push full bore by start of next month. Overhead is in the mid 60%’s at the lowest as far as actual competition comparison (with actual set weights). But have over 3 months still to progress there and it isn’t like these working weights are max efforts right now. The yoke/frame medley stuff I was at low 90%’s/high 80%’s and the sandbag shouldering mid80%’s. Can’t really say with deadlift as haven’t done competition style but was feeling strong for myself. Also still waiting on the new deadlift suit. Bag toss is only like 3% off what I was doing the last workout before Nationals and I’m doing it for double the volume I did then. So again, not that far off with plenty of time. Assuming injury heals from the rehab stuff and workout modifications. This session, similar to the moving event training sessions, had some additional modifications made in the form of the deadlift work. But first warming up. Attempted to go off memory for the dynamic warming up stuff but I missed two exercises upon review and had to go back to do them. The dynamic moving stuff is kind of where I can test things and I get nervous with them but I know that I need to be able to confront that if I’m to get back to competing and training for the stuff I need to. Deadlift training is similar but different right now. So for now, that is elevating the pull height to where I’m hopefully not exacerbating things. Also having to temper things as hamstrings are known for “feeling good” before truly healed to handle the stress. So with this week being the “wide pull” week, I knew that it wasn’t a good idea to do these from the floor. So the modification was to do the same thing I’d been doing but from just below the knee. Still doing the sit back and using the hip circle. I went with using my jack stands at the top height to pull from, which is 18” or so. With how my knees are, I probably could’ve gone higher and still be ok but I felt that it would become a hassle with adding stuff and I wasn’t sure how the style of the wider pull would go for say not as stable a start if I did add anything besides the jack stands. I feel I don’t just lift up when I do these wide pulls. Plan here was to work up to a top set of five reps to what felt right/safe this day. Initially the plan was for 365lbs but when Mr. Westerling realized I had been able to do 585lbs for a double on the rdls last week with the tear and not make the injury worse, he increased the weight suggestion. But just suggestions as no clue what would be too much here and hopefully recovery was improving. But in either case, it was advised for 40-50lbs jumps so as to be able to fine tune but take bigger jumps. This was something that if it wasn’t bothering my hamstring, I was likely going to go a good bit over the suggested. The updated suggested top set was 405lbs. Even going for that weight, I felt it wasn’t going to be enough but I treated it as if it might be. The notes said 1-5 reps working up but I felt that it was best to do no less than doubles so that I got that initial pull and saw how things felt for the slight paused rep as those tended to be harder on the hamstring and body when I was doing these from the floor. So ended up with 500lbs for the top set. I felt I could do more but I didn’t want to risk it at this point with a new variation and pull height for me. These did feel comfortable but I could tell that my hamstring isn’t 100% yet. I could feel it fatigued quicker than the left side. A similar sensation when I was coming back from previous tears in my right biceps and right oblique. It will come back and soon but it does let me know not yet ready for all that I can bear on it. It was good to move this kind of weight though and I likely have another 50lbs there for sure. Got a little rest putting the weights away before finishing up the session with the core work. Hyper bench stuff back but no weights. I had worked the hamstring but it wasn’t in a state like it was last week after I had stressed it out with the rdls. So I could do them this week. Just bodyweight warming up with hyper extensions and then an unweighted hold. I wasn’t exactly sure on how long here but I could tell that my hamstring was ok but it would be the thing that fatigued first. This was one of those times that I miscounted at some point and dropped about 10 seconds off. I didn’t realize I was that close to 90 seconds here. I definitely could’ve done that. I just wasn’t sure if I should be going that long. That will probably be where I stop next time assuming doing them again with no weight. Put stuff away before the abdominal work. I did take some time as I was going to be done fairly early here and still get in a bowl of oatmeal before dinner in a few hours’ time. Regular planks to start with 53lbs in the backpack. These didn’t bother the hamstring at all so this was good. Felt fairly comfortable besides the sensation from the heavy elevated pulls. Flexing everything and breathing as I can. I’m noticing that my quads feel decently sore the day after these haha. Then a little rest before finishing up with the side planks. No weight. I switched sides I started on here. I notice I can’t full body brace nearly as hard as I can with prone planks. I did notice when doing the right side that I could feel some stress in that supporting leg. Not discomfort but I could feel fatigue there. Ate oatmeal before stretching. Hopefully this is a good sign and potentially I am back to normal training sooner than expected/planned.

February 24, 2024 – Week 10, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke (casual pace, turf)

Yoke Picks
600x5 seconds
650x5 seconds
700x64 seconds

Chest Supported Sandbag Rows
Slight Pauses
No Pauses

Comments: Been feeling better about the hamstring. I’m not feeling the “resistance” I was the week before when it comes to walking and my normal gait. I’m surprised that the walking seems to be my best indicator for how the muscle endurance and feelings of pushing off with the legs for a sprint are feeling rather than any of the exercises for rehab. Not saying fixing things but the best indicators. I was feeling somewhat tempted to do the original workout but I know I should be sticking to things for this week and likely next week at least. Hamstrings can be deceptive with feeling good and coming back to it. Actually kind of surprised how stiff/sore I was feeling in my inner thighs and lower back from the elevated wide pulls. Plan was to go out to train at the gym. I did set my alarm for when I usually get up for work. Got food ready for travel and went to bed slightly earlier. But I decided to hit snooze until it was about 40 minutes later than the alarm originally wanted me to get up. Drive out was fine. A fair number of people when I showed up but they were winding down essentially at this point. I did check the warming up protocol to make sure I didn’t miss anything or do anything out of order. Yoke and sandbag session but with a good bit of modification. Yoke up first. Similar to frame carry last week, the plan was work up to a 50’ run of what I thought would be safe at the “casual” pace and then go up some more for a pick and hold. The jumps were smaller compared to the frame carry so there was going to be a good bit more volume here. Ended up using the turf lane again here. Left side lower back was feeling sore/tense from the elevated pulls. It hadn’t been feeling like enough to resort to a decompression with the dip belt. Also some tension in the right leg but not in the hamstring. It was more the calf and back of the knee. Not pain, just tension that had me a little hesitant. Both sensations went away as I did more walks and added weight. The suggested had been 500lbs but that had been when thinking that 400lbs or so was going to be it for the frame carry. So plan here was 550lbs. Which would be 50lbs more than the most weight I had done the last time I was instructed to do casual pace stuff coming back from an injury. This was fine and I could’ve kept going up. But don’t think there would be much sense in doing contest weight at casual pace. I know the hamstring is doing better as unlike with the frame carry, I wasn’t feeling the injured side getting fatigued. From there, it was pick and holds. Plan was initially the weight I did for the yoke runs last time but I felt that was too easy so contest weight. Like the yoke walks, these were 50lbs jumps. Left side chest/shoulder were feeling the strain on the first two picks so I thought perhaps these would be tougher than I was expecting. Unlike with the grip, it wasn’t like I was going to lose the hold here for the top set. I had decided to just aim for 45 seconds as that is about the time it took me to finish a 50’ run one time with no drops with 850lbs or so. I figure that holding that time would be about all I need. There was no tension issue for this one. It felt a little rough for 20 seconds but that is sometimes the threshold for holds where it doesn’t feel that great and then things just kind of set and I can tolerate it for a lot longer. It started to feel easier after 30 seconds and as I was getting closer to 45 seconds, I felt I should just do a minute and then stop there. I was also trying to brace everything so like a standing plank rather than the more relaxed state for a frame hold. My slow counting had it a little over that. I probably could’ve gone until boredom as I was feeling like I was locked in at close to a minute and not really feeling any weight at all. Sandbag stuff to finish up the session. Couldn’t really do the movement I got the tear on or really in any meaningful way. So work what we could. I had two options for this with the second option only being if I couldn’t get the setup to work for the first. That first option was something I’d never done before; chest supported sandbag rows. Look, I’ve done chest supported rows and sandbag rows, not together. I was advised this was going to be short ROM exercise and focus was for the gripping of the sandbag and building the wrists. I’ve been away from sandbags for a good bit and that kind of explains the left wrist not really enjoying the shouldering at this time with the heavier weights. What would make this tricky was going to be if I could safely get the sandbags in place (as well as having a bench that this would work with). If not, the backup would be double overhand axle rows using a chest supported bench setup. I figured the sandbag option was workable and that I’d be able to move sandbags around with the handtruck and be able to get into position. I had a feeling I’d likely need a heavy sandbag for this but worked up in 50lbs jumps. Plan was to do 3 sets of 5-10 reps with 1-2 of those sets having slight holds/pauses. I was able to use 300lbs for the paused sets and then attempted to do no pause set with 325lbs. I guess those two sets with slight pauses sapped me. But it was good to get to have my hands on the 325lbs sandbag in some capacity. I may need to reinforce my wrists with some athletic tape next time I do sandbag stuff but I could tell that this was something that I had been missing/neglecting. I know the hamstring isn’t 100% just yet but it is damn close. Have to think of the strategy of integrating back to full ROM and contest condition events going forward as that could be happening sooner than I was expecting (which is good news). Cleaned up and downed all the sustenance I had packed before driving home to put some more nutrients down and then stretching.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

February 11, 2024 - February 17, 2024 - Week 9

 February 12, 2024 – Week 9, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Push Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Bench Presses

Comments: Last week didn’t end the best way with pulling my right hamstring at the end of the workout. I don’t really notice it if I’m just walking around my house or just “existing” but definitely notice an issue if I’m trying to walk at a brisk pace or uneven ground and longer stride length. Sensation of like a slight cramp. Tolerable and I was able to get through my usual neighborhood 2 mile walk on my off day but at a slower pace. My body decided that I should add to that by straining something in my neck while drying my head off after a shower on Sunday evening. So ended up needing to take anti-inflammatories to get to sleep. It didn’t help that there are some stressful family stuff this week and then finding out getting a snow storm tomorrow. Ugh. Body weight just under 285lbs now so I guess on track for that goal. I had been able to get some soft tissue massage work on the hamstring Sunday and there is no bruising at this point. For training, obviously concerns about how things would go here. With this particular session, there was honestly more concern with the warming up stuff. There were thankfully no issues here. I did have some trepidation with initiating bodyweight box squats but got over that. I know there is the physical issues but I think the mental is going to be harder. Especially at this training age and point. As I feel I got only so many workouts left in me to be at somewhat top form. This workout did require some adjustments and I was fully expecting that. Doesn’t mean I don’t initially take it as me not being good enough for the original plan. I know that I’m going to think that and I try to rationalize it away with the reality of things. Anyways, the start of things was log work. Similar to how axle last week was with these being lower body drive movements now. Unlike axle, only doing push pressing. No strict pressing or jerks with working up in weight. The contingency plans here had been that if my hamstring was acting up to not do the beginning as clean and presses and do all work out of the rack and then if initiating lower body drive bother hamstring to do strict pressing instead. Mr. Westerling felt it was best to not attempt the cleans this time around to let the hamstring rest more so it was all out of the rack work. I had hoped to use the clean to test things for the more intensive stuff that would be coming later in the week. Unlike say when I’ve overworked my biceps or neck, I can usually get away with not putting direct work on them. But I’m always doing something with the legs. So the good with the log work today was that it didn’t bother my hamstring at all and the log felt light on my shoulders and chest. Working up to a top double (same weight as the axle last week) and then doing more doubles before having the option to do up to 5 reps on the last set before calling it. Neck wasn’t bothering me either. But the log wasn’t feeling as good as the axle felt last week. I mean, axle has always felt better on my shoulders/chest besides the breaking in period with the wrist stress. I think part of it is that I’ve not felt comfortable with log out of the rack for push pressing since I had to start training from home. The only time it has ever felt good had been that one tiered squat rack at the YMCA. No where else seems to get it right. I don’t seem to have issues with strict pressing like I do with the push pressing out of the rack. Potentially it is that I feel like my vision is obscured and that I don’t have as much space to maneuver. I’m not helping things with having the rubber stall mat on the patio that isn’t under the power rack. My foot stance doesn’t change with a strict press but I know I might move around with lower body drive. Which kind of ended up being the case for the last set as I could feel my heels had moved onto the rubber mat. There were some reps that I felt good about and others I didn’t. The ones I didn’t like the most were that last set with the last two reps. I felt more triceps and the fatigue with pressing out in front instead of up and back. I’m going to have to adjust my workout area in the back when it isn’t so risky with dampness so that I can give myself the opportunity to do my best here. Lesson for next time. It looked like some precipitation was happening so I tried to get stuff from outside inside. I had already spent rest periods warming up for log having the next thing setup. Which was chest supported rows. 5 sets of 5 reps to a top set for the day. I had lowered the weight a good bit based off of how things had been feeling last time and trying to get things more “locked in”. I was also feeling a bit off mentally after how much my overhead was struggling and that could’ve affected things. But I felt that I had undershot this last time so that doing 40-50lbs jumps with having 275lbs would work out just fine. I was also considering the neck strain and how that might affect things. Also didn’t want to inadvertently pull with the biceps too much considering that I had gone up 25lbs on the sandbag from last time. However, I was apparently feeling pretty good. 275lbs for the top set ended up feeling really easy. Like I had left way too much in the tank. So it was a bit odd compared to how things had felt last time but again, I was a bit in my own head with the pressing and just wanted to be done and not decrease my recovery. I was contemplating 295lbs but decided screw it and do 300lbs. And for once, the gamble paid off and I got it done. So that was neat. Then time for bench. This was to be “speed” work. 230lbs for 2x5 working up this time. As shoulders were feeling better, I did end up doing more reps working up as originally written rather than just sets of five reps. I still feel like I'm getting used to this style of benching and this grip. The reps that click really click and the reps that don't do feel tough on my triceps. Overall, I'd say these felt better than last time. Put stuff away and stretched.

February 14, 2024 – Week 9, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

Romanian Deadlifts w/ Hip Circle (straps)


Lying Leg Raises

Comments: This week was becoming even more stressful. The things that were mentioned at the beginning of the week were getting closer to happening and then there was my own concerns about my hamstring. I didn’t get to walk on Tuesday as it snowed in the morning into the early afternoon. But it got warm enough that I only had to worry about doing a little bit as the temperature increased and melted most of it. I was really stressing and worrying about how this workout would go. The only thing that could’ve really bothered things for Monday would’ve been if I had done cleans with the log. But there wasn’t really any avoiding it with this workout without not doing the workout. I was equal parts curious what I could do as well as fearful that I’d do too much. The good news I guess is that mobility work warming up hadn’t bothered anything for me. But then it was time for weights. Front squats starting things off with the plan being to work up to a top set of 3 reps. Plan was warm up with 40-50lbs jumps and see how things were going. Goal was to do 325lbs since I didn’t go for 315lbs last time for set of 5 reps. I felt I could do this even if not feeling 100%. Something I had thought on since the last session was about having safeties. I was pushing the weight on these and there was starting to be a risk of getting lightheaded and potentially missing the rack. Now that I’ve figured out the belt situation, that seems less likely but I feel I need to keep that in check. So I decided I’d use the sturdier rack outside on the patio rather than then the flimsy one I initially got with the 2020 quarantine stuff. The safeties on that thing weren’t helping anyone. It would also save time swapping over to the rdls afterwards. There was trepidation here as I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Knees were probably a little achy from my calf and hamstrings being tight from the acute injury. But things seemed to be fine. I was a bit annoyed that 275lbs felt heavier than I would’ve liked it to be. I was hoping that the top set would feel like this haha. The top set I was nervous but I’d say it was a fairly comfortable triple. Potentially for a set of five reps here. So I guess that was a good sign. I also thought I had gone heavier then this weight since 2016 injury but apparently not. 315lbs has been the most I’ve done for a front squat. Time for rdls. This was what I was most concerned about. I didn’t really want to back down if I could but I also didn’t want to tear my hamstring off the bone. The plan had been to do 585lbs for a PR set for rdls. I’m annoyed with myself for having the hamstring pull/tear as I was feeling strong here. The working up sets felt easier compared to last time, albeit with a more labored walking the weight out. But pretty much every first rep I was worried that it would be the one to claim the hamstring. It is hard to tell with things like that, especially when a movement itself doesn’t necessarily feel painful or restrictive. My hamstring was able to tolerate 495lbs but 585lbs was a bridge too far. I felt it on the first rep but did a double to see if perhaps I could adjust the position and nope. I knew if I kept going I was at risk of greater injury. At this point, I was able to get away without making things worse but I definitely irritated things. So any progress I had made from Saturday was back to square one really. But I try to take information from things like this. Standing up with the weight at this height did not bother the hamstring and lowering didn’t either. It was the concentric where it was the issue and at essentially top end weight. I can handle I guess about 85% right now. As I mentioned, the hamstring was irritated from my prideful folly and I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be able to do some things I probably could’ve if I didn’t as well as realize that I’m going to have to adjust future workouts for a bit. And probably longer than I was wanting to. I should be glad that I got off this easy as far as an injury. I attempted to get the hyper bench stuff in but my hamstring was not having it with my leg in the stretched position so had to scrap this from the session. Which meant I only had abdominal stuff to do then. This was the same as last time with it being a set of crunches (with weight) and lying leg raises. This was thankfully not an issue for my hamstring with either exercise. Crunches about the same with the weight and 30 reps. Leg raises felt like they took forever but this seemed to be the least issues I felt with spinal compression on these after a session. But to be fair, the lower back stuff was at a minimum this time around. I started cooking up dinner and put stuff away before eating. Stretched afterwards but was bit lost on what I was going to be doing.

February 17, 2024 – Week 9, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Titan Fitness Frame Carries (22” pick, casual pace)

Titan Fitness Frame Holds (22” pick)
560x5 seconds
650x30 seconds

Comments: I was not feeling good the past two days. Kind of shutdown in a way to I guess protect myself. I felt that I needed to rest as walking would probably hamper that after I pushed things Wednesday. I ended up cutting my meals from 10 to 3 and just focusing on my office work and going to bed early enough that I was getting 11hrs of sleep. I think this was my way of “clearing my system” in a way as I wasn’t feeling like walking and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with my own stress of expectations as well as the issues affecting those close to me this week. I did hamstring rehab stuff both days and ended up typing up an e-mail for Mr. Westerling about how I was feeling for potential adjustments. I had pretty much decided Friday that I wasn’t going to the gym for Saturday training as it would likely be modified so I could do stuff at home and I didn’t really want to be 40 miles away from home where I could reinjury things. I was also probably putting myself at a bit of disadvantage with not eating nearly the amount I was used to (or drinking). I got a modified plan for the training on Saturday. Having a plan to go forward but then saw a warning that 3-6” of snow was expected overnight. So potentially even those plans could be screwed. I got up eventually and looked outside. The sun had been up and out and melted most of the snow. So the street and driveway were clear. The back patio would need to be cleared off so that it wouldn’t melt and refreeze overnight. I would need that for Monday. The warming up was changed. More things added for the hamstrings that had a dynamic nature to it. Those kinds of movements had me concerned as I felt that those would be too much (hence hesitation on bag toss). But these actually went pretty well with minor tension in the hamstrings. This was also on top of the normal stuff I was doing (the whole warm up is being adjusted going forward). Foam rolling for a little bit on the hamstrings also part of it. But before this, I did shovel the snow off the patio (as well as some other things). When that was done, I took a detour. So the modified plan was to do frame/farmer’s carry stuff only as I had expressed concern that I couldn’t handle the explosive nature of the bag toss. However, I had felt it wasn’t going to be an issue after doing box touches and leg swings. I tested some bag swings in the garage and I felt it was worth a shot. So part of my warming up had been to dig a path in the snow to have a walkway and a place to throw from. I also had to setup the toss tower as the heavy snow had actually knocked the setup down. I did a few tosses with 30lbs (had to empty the bag a good bit) and then went for 41lbs for the 10 singles EMOM style. I was going to do 42lbs before the injury here but this was still good. I actually had planned to do a jump in-between but this was what I got and figured I wouldn’t jinx it. I had towels setup for me to wipe my feet off between tosses. First toss went over fine. I was kind of surprised how vertical the bags were going those first few. The second one was cutting it close coming back down on the setup and the third came down on my side rather than over. I didn’t repeat because it had the height. The fourth one I tried to correct that and ended up whacking the back of my head on the yoke crossbar trying to extend. That woke me up. That coupled with worry of potentially overdoing the hamstring actually might have lead me to having a better release point. Cutting it a little shy was actually having the bag go over the 16’ height easily. So it seems that injury has potentially lead to improvement. It was good to do something and have it be good even with the recent injury. Then it was time for frame carry stuff. Plan here was to work up to comfortable weight from an elevated pick height and then work up to even heavier for hold. We had found back when I had the disc bulge that I could pick up stuff from elevated position without pain. Side handle from higher up will be less hamstring. Used the frame at home with the wooden planks. I set it on the 6” drop pads I had so that I could pick from about 22” (I say about as they are foam and compress under weight). Goal was to do 50’ runs. But I guess not runs. Casual pace. So slow walking with the frame so time under tension. My hamstring fatigues walking and I know I can’t put full trust that I can run/sprint at this point. This is actually going to be the hardest thing I think to mentally get back into besides the pick things up off the ground. I’ve done this before when coming back from back injury. But never really went higher than 500lbs I think on yoke or similar. I had thought it was even lower for some reason but I guess I have to give myself some credit. Did 90lbs jumps for 50’ up to 470lbs. The recommended had been like 400lbs. I was prepared for 380lbs to be where I stopped. The pick was fine, it was more the walking (especially the first step) that I could tell that my hamstring is not ready. After that, I did holds. The plan was to work up to close to what I was to be doing as far as my frame carry top set. Goal had been 620lbs for this week. But I felt like I needed to do more. I think mostly because this frame is slightly wider and has knurling. I just remember the last time I did a pick and hold (much higher height) that I was surprised how tough it was. So I did 90lbs jumps again starting at 5 seconds at 560lbs and then going all in for 650lbs. I was a little worried the pick would be hamstring stress but it was not thankfully. I don’t like the knurling on these handles but I held it for a little over 30 seconds before putting it down with control. I don’t want to tear any callouses. Started eating/drinking to get in meals and calories as well as put stuff away. I ended up stretching later in the evening after letting my stomach settle.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

February 4, 2024 - February 10, 2024 - Week 8

February 5, 2024 – Week 8, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Overhead (one clean)
Strict Presses + Push Presses + Jerks
Push Press + Jerks

Axle Push Presses + Jerks

Band Assisted Pull-ups
abx5 at pin 12
abx5 at pin 15
abx5 at pin 18
abx5 at pin 21
abx6 at pin 24

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Comments: I think I’m getting used to the extra bulk. I don’t feel uncomfortable and I seem to be sleeping more soundly then I had. Up another lb in weight (and this is with getting full and not eating all my dinner Saturday). I was a little anxious with this session because it was another upper body session and I was already on edge because of how things have been feeling that past two sessions. There had been some drastic adjustments made to the pressing portion on top of the change in exercise priority made for last week. Have to hope that the change last week and calling where I did helped with recovery somewhat and that this will continue that trend. I wasn’t feeling that achy with my joints doing warming up. Did about half of it outside to get used to the temperature as it was going to be all outside. And rather not have layers that could screw with things. Starting things off with axle. I should note that for the time being, the overhead supports for both the log and axle are on hold as those could be the culprit. So like last time with the axle, starting with clean into press. But not exactly. With the shoulders, the thinking was to do push press but warming up with some strict pressing mixed in. At least for axle. I had mentioned that I might try and do jerks for axle so that also added something to the mix as well. I knew there would be a trade off with this in that while less shoulder stress, there would be more knee stress. Hope being that my knees are in better shape and can handle this ask. The first two warming up sets had me start with strict presses, then push presses and finally jerks. Empty bar so 5 reps of each. Definitely out of practice with jerks. But if there was a time to test and build, it would be now with this relatively light weight and having about 4 months to fix things. Short movements with needing to do knee extension never seem to be comfortable right away, regardless of warming up. It just seems that doing it enough times warming up resolves the issue. Similar to the bag tossing. The next set being 3 for each (though it looks like I was only to do 2 jerks). As far as the clean and pull from the floor with the axle, I felt really comfortable. I’m not sure if I’m just feeling more “solid” and “compact” but I feel like I’m a ball of tension and not having any slack like I sometimes feel. It could be doing it from the floor or all the wide stance pulls with the hip circle too. After those first two warming up sets, it became something I’m familiar with from my early days with working with Mr. Westerling in that doing one style of overhead followed by another in the same set. So first rep a push press and then the second rep a jerk. As I was working up in weight, the push presses and jerks were feeling better. The push press groove feels similar to my strict press groove with the jerk being a bit more stressful on the knees and wrists at the moment. Still enjoying the “thud” when dropping the bumper plates on the rubber matt. Had to make sure I didn’t do that on the top double since to save time I’d be putting it in the rack for the next part of the workout. This moved easy, like it should. The rest of the overhead was then rack work. Using the 190lbs weight and doing 1+1 sets. Plan was do three sets and then decide on the fourth set if I wanted to do more reps or not. Allowed to go up to 4 push presses but make sure to end with a jerk that was crisp and easy. This was a little tricky in that not my usual setup for push press/jerks. Usually, I like to walk out the weight but that isn’t really feasible right now with the rubber mat. I also am not going to be able to “walk out” a clean and press so it makes sense to try and pick from the rack and let it settle and then go. My jerks tend to be push jerks and sometimes with a little splay to the side like a bicycle kickstand. I found when trying a full split that spine not so happy with that and inner thigh/groin takes on a good bit of strain with that motion. So for the moment, sticking with the push jerk and potentially doing the short stroke slide split/sploot jerk. The first set I had some expected hiccups. I got off balance launching on the push press like how I’d for a more stable based strict press and had to catch myself and wait a moment before going for the jerk. I had no further issues with the balance here. Four reps was pretty easy for the last set with an easy jerk to finish as well. Overhead stuff was moving good, like it should. But it is really light compared to what I need to be doing for contest so likely working up to 90% of contest if sticking to this rate of progression. And hopefully knees tolerate the increased demand. Band assisted pull-ups followed. I kept the knee sleeves on to keep things warm but also to provide some comfort with all the knee bending to launch weight overhead. The band assisted pull-ups following the plan of same working weight, Doing sets of 5 reps to the top set of 5-10 reps. Add reps when I feel like it and adjust as needed. I’m fine with this staying the same as it isn’t really with me still adding weight to my frame at this time. So it is slightly more than last time I did these. I could tell as I was warming up that things were feeling a little tougher than I’d like and that I wasn’t likely pushing for a new rep PR here. It was kind of last minute decision on that top set whether I only did 5 reps or hit a 6th rep to match last time. I’m really trying to do these with a full ROM and pulling powerfully with the lats. Then time for the last thing; log incline benching. This did not go well last time. So still leery about it. The benching protocol right now being work up to 2x5 and do “speed” work with that weight. For this, that would be 180lbs and working up in 30lbs jumps. With bench, I had just done sets of 5 reps last week working up as I felt pressing was warmed up enough from the strict pressing. With doing jerks and push presses this time, it felt like a good idea to do suggested reps working up. The good news is that this didn’t feel as heavy as it had two weeks prior. But still not quite feeling 100%. The first two working up sets I was trying to get the chest into more. I found that wasn’t really working on the last working up set and reverted to more of a triceps and tucked. I think I was worried as last time doing that my shoulders weren’t really feeling strong and stable and I was pressing out away from myself. The movement still feels unnerving in that sense that there is a “dead zone” sticking point that I know will hit hard. Using a bit of momentum with these on the eccentric, which seems to be keeping the shoulders happy. So this went well enough but not like super awesome feeling. But again, shoulders are recovering still but this is a good sign. Cooked up dinner and while it was cooking down, I put stuff away. Stretched after dinner.

February 7, 2024 – Week 8, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Wide Grip Deadlifts w/ Hip Circle (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
10+65x42 seconds

bw+53x60 seconds

Side Planks
bwx60/60 seconds

Comments: Compared to coming into this session last time, I was feeling a bit fresher feeling. At least when talking about it muscularly. Knees were feeling a little more achy but I was expecting that considering  things. And the aches aren’t even that much above what I get from doing the previous training. Mobility stuff to start things off. The temperature keeps going up and down around that level where for me it can be short weather or warm ups needed to stay warm. This was a short weather kind of day. Only thing that stood out was the knee joint aches on the squat motions but again, minor. I also did ankle/knee/hip stuff for getting set for the wide pulls. I was somewhat nervous here. I had been sore last time I did these and it had gone better than expected considering. I think with this it was because I had done more knee based things for overhead (and these can be knee intense) and that I had miscounted doing the rdls and essentially went to failure on those. So worries of having taken too much out of recovery going into this and having some discomfort in joints. Again, the plan here is continuing with a slightly heavier then last time top set of 5 reps wearing the hip circle. Still sticking to 40-50lbs jumps and dropping reps as I go. The suggested for this week was 455lbs for a 10lbs jump. However, I felt that doing 15lbs so that I could do that for next time as well to get into the 475lbs range had me feeling like 460lbs was fine. The knee aches were having me feel like I wasn’t in the best position on these and I never really felt like things were moving stupid easy like sometimes sets of this go warming up. That really doesn’t mean anything but the bar moving fast and crisp can certainly have you feeling confident. I know that’s not always the case. Bar was scraping the shins again but not but not taking hair off my knee caps like last time. I wasn’t exactly feeling that these were locked in but I trusted that I was stronger and able to keep having the weight be close to the same difficulty each session and improving. It has worked for adding 40lbs to this already. The holding off until after training for oatmeal seems to be a good idea here with keeping my midsection from being too cramped with the hard belt (at least for pulls that is). Got set and went to work. Made sure I didn’t miscount this time. This is technically the most weight I’ve done for a set of five with a “snatch grip” style. But I don’t really call them that with the wider stance and the movement. I also tend to not do many reps when it comes to these kind of exercises. Feeling a bit more comfortable with the eccentric on these but still a bit cautious about making sure that I don’t lose my brace. So added 55lbs and still having it feel like the 405lbs did that first week. Not getting easier but getting stronger. This was a bit taxing but not as much so on the upper back and forearms compared to the rdls with it being 110lbs difference. I’d like to get to five plates on this for these kind of reps. Doing the most I’ve hit for a single (never truly maxed this) for reps would definitely make it clear I’ve gotten stronger in my mind. But it might not come to that in this particular cycle. From there it was time for the hyper bench hold with the neck harness and plate. Warming up for it with hyper extensions and they felt rough. My posterior chain was feeling pretty darn cooked from the wide pulls. I took my time putting stuff away and setting things up so that I could get some fluids in and give some time for the lower back and to recover some. I had surprised myself last week with not feeling the best after the rdls and ended up hitting a second more than the week before. I wasn’t expecting that this time around. I felt like I was struggling on this and made myself hold out to get over 30 seconds. But it seems that this again was one of those times where I must’ve lost count and dropped like 10 seconds from my count as this ended up being over 40 seconds. That was my target goal to determine adding more weight here. Likely adding to the harness this time as opposed to the hold to the chest with plates. I didn’t take a ton of rest after this to get things ready for the bracing abdominal stuff. I had to get oatmeal ready so I could eat it when I finished up and be able to give myself enough time for my stomach to settle to eat dinner later. Regular planks to start with 53lbs in the backpack. As mentioned, don’t feel need to go above this as this seems to be enough training stimulus. Also my weight increasing little by little also adds to this. Using this time to focus on braced breathing and really getting everything tight, not just the core. It can be a bit exhausting essentially flexing everything for a minute straight. A little rest before finishing up with the side planks. Again, no weight. These felt a little tougher but it could be that was from me being able to really focus and brace even harder. No strange pressure on the left elbow this time. I ate oatmeal and put stuff away before stretching.

February 10, 2024 – Week 8, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke (turf)

Sandbag to Shoulders
275x1 R
275x1 L
275x1 R
275x1 L
275x1 R
275x1 L
275x1 R
275x1 L
275x1 R
275x1 L

Comments: I was hopeful that with the adjustments in shoulder recovery and just I guess handling stress bit better as of late that this would go better than it had felt the last time I did this particular session. I had managed to get myself to sleep at a somewhat reasonable time but still felt like I should sleep in 30 minutes from when I was planning to get up. Noticed in the last week or two that my heels are cracked and I don’t recall that being a thing before. Maybe the increased walking plus my added bodyweight has something to do with that. Don’t want to get any infections so started lotion treatment and it does seem that even after one night that there are improvements. Warmish out but the sky just gray so it just felt hazy to me. There wasn’t very many people there this time around for training. Started out with the warming up routine. Things felt fine. Some knee joint stiffness (can’t really classify as aches) and the usual with shoulders (left one). Yoke and shouldering session. There was only one person doing the yoke and farmer’s medley but that does take up both lanes and I didn’t really want to wait 10 minutes to start so I decided to use the turf again for this time. As mentioned last time, doing every other session adding weight to this. Work up in 50’ runs and do top set of 100’ with the 50’ down and back. I should note that after weighing out the yokes, it made me realize that there were times I was 15lbs under what I thought I was doing and other times I was 25lbs over. But now I know for all the yokes so won’t have that issue here again. Just did the empty yoke before getting the weight up to 350lbs, followed by 100lbs jumps to 650lbs. Not sure what it was about the training but I was feeling very relaxed working to the top weight. Almost like it came about suddenly and I was forcing myself to not just rush through things. No knee discomfort on these this week. I also experimented with having the pick height on more notch higher. Trying to see if I can handle this kind of weight at my weight and not have myself get compressed so much. Save my back and knees a bit on the pick up. It does seem I can get away with it at 650lbs but not sure with 700lbs. I felt I was slower on the first leg but I think that was more to do with making sure that I controlled the first drop and didn’t go too far and make it awkward to repick. I definitely hesitated more than I would’ve liked here on that repick and didn’t quite have it where I wanted but I felt like I was moving better, even with it not exactly where I wanted it. I’m going to have to be used to that as I will most likely be running up to the yoke at Regionals. Felt similar to how 600lbs felt last time so that is good that 50lbs isn’t feeling like much more here. Ideally doing contest weight in two more sessions on this. Putting the weights away was a good break and active rest before the next bit. Which was sandbag shouldering. I decided to do these this time on the concrete instead of on turf. I don’t know, maybe to change it up and not have to move the bags so much. I was pretty much the only person there as far as strongman stuff at this point so I was free to use the space. Plan here still 5 singles alternating sides done EMOM style. Goal was 275lbs. After how last time went, I had to reconcile and realize that this is already at a challenging point for this exercise for me. Over shoulder and to shoulder are different. And stone to shoulder is different as well. I’ve done 336lbs over shoulder and 306lbs to shoulder with sandbags. So I should probably be wearing similar to what I’d be using when I’m doing 250lbs. I had not been thrilled with how 250lbs had felt last time with how my left wrist had felt and with myself losing focus and screwing up which side I was doing. Things did not start off well with 200lbs feeling way tougher than I would like and having my wrist feel tender already. But I kept at it and added support gear as I went for my midsection. I was not feeling terribly confident as I got done with 250lbs. It was at this moment I realized I had not done the 275lbs bag that was at the gym now. I’d done the old bag that is no longer there and my bag I had brought (which burst I think). This was an underfilled bag so it was looking a little on the floppy side. I also didn’t realize until I got home that I’ve technically not done over 250lbs to my right shoulder for sandbag. So this was going to be a PR. The bag was floppy so I took a different tactic when it didn’t really want to listen to me on the initial pick and then it went up fine. My wrist wasn’t bothering me either. So I guess this will be fine. I let the bag where it lay for the first rep to the left side as that was essentially how I had to have it for the right to feel solid. But that does put it out a little more in front. I got it but it was a little more strain so I reverted to resetting the bag upright as if I was approaching the bag new each time. Right side seemed to be more consistent but when the left side was on, it was super easy. It was however, not super easy the second rep or the third rep. I almost lost it on the second rep. I think it was getting my wrist comfortable and keeping the bag tighter when going for the extension. After having the fourth rep with the left side feel the easiest of them so far, I felt I was going to get through this without and issues. I was wrong. Last one best one indeed. Going for the fifth rep for the right side I felt something “shift” in my right hamstring as I lapped the bag. On video, it is a momentary pause but in that moment I was going through a lot of thoughts. Had I torn something? Was this an injury that would put me out for months? I assessed in that moment and felt that I would continue. I didn’t collapse like the time I tore something in the left hamstring like 14yrs ago and it wasn’t immediate pain like when I tore something in my right biceps 7yrs ago. It felt like when I “pulled” stuff in my biceps and I can work through and around that. So I went forward with the hope that I could finish and I wouldn’t feel more pain or find that the pain stopped me. It did not and I got the rep. My hamstring felt tight and like it was cramping from flexing too hard. But I had to see if I could get this last one. Tried to take as much stress as I could off the right side and managed to finish up with no missed reps. But it was tender and the cramping sensation was making it hard to do my normal gait (especially going uphill). I ate some prepacked food and took some ibuprofen before driving home. Tense while driving but not pain. I messaged Mr. Westerling before I left the gym advising that I pulled my right hamstring but was in good spirits and hopeful it will be ok and that I’d update if anything came up. Ate some more when I got home and stretched out. Thankfully no painful ROM and only discomfort in some parts of the hamstring when in stretched state. Hopefully this is like with my biceps and I’m good to go with rest.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

January 28, 2024 - February 3, 2024 - Week 7

 January 29, 2024 – Week 7, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Strict Presses (1 clean)

12” Log Strict Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Bench Presses

Standing 12” Log Lockouts
180x3 seconds
210x3 seconds
240x3 seconds
270x3 seconds
300x3 seconds
330x3 seconds
360x9 seconds

Comments: I was a bit surprised how fatigued stuff had felt on Saturday training and made sure to sleep in for Sunday and hopefully get feeling rested for the coming week. Weight is continuing upward trend with the tweaks made. I don’t plan to add anything further at this point as it is becoming a chore to make sure that I’m eating and it does seem like I will get to where I would like to be weight wise to see how my body handles things. Over 280lbs again which would make it the heaviest I’ve been in about 2yrs. I’ve been doing some changes with eating timing to see if it helps with some issues. Such as midsection being a little bloated from food so close to training as well as seeing if saving carbs until after training so that not feeling lightheaded on some things. So testing that hypothesis this week. Needed the walking on Sunday and got my wrist to “adjust” so the discomfort is vanishing. This workout was adjusted to hopefully get my shoulder recovery on track as it became clear last week that something was off. Warming up with warm ups on in the garage to start things off. Things felt fine. So the initial changes here was swapping order of the pressing. It has been bench and then strict pressing as far as order of operations. Plan being to give more priority to the event specific stuff and have the benching secondary and lighter for speed work. So like axle last week, working up to the working weight clean and press (one clean) and then the rest of the sets out of the rack. Same weight as axle so goal being 180lbs. I was feeling ready for this. But I guess my shoulders thought otherwise. Just never felt comfortable and I felt like I had no power in my shoulders and was trying to get my chest and triceps to do the work. It felt like I just had joints for shoulders, no muscles and no strength. Right side was having issues with the shoulder wanting to stabilize. There was no pain or discomfort here besides some minor aches. But it was very frustrating when I was doing 15 reps with 30lbs less not that long ago and that wasn’t even for a max. This felt like a top double. Out of the rack didn’t go much better. It actually was worse. The number of sets reduced to three from four. Last set still max reps but I knew that it was just going to be doubles today. I was only able to get the first set for a true double. The other two I missed the second rep and had to rerack the weight and then go for it again to get the rep. I was feeling really disgusted with my performance here and messaged Mr. Westerling to see if he wanted me to continue to workout or stop. He indicated to continue to make sure that nothing else was feeling off. I knew that this workout wouldn’t feel 100% since this was the first one with adjustments and last week hadn’t really been changed. But I wasn’t expecting it to feel worse. It was going to be tough to keep the session going with that mental load. Anyways, inside to do chest supported rows up next. 5 sets of 6 reps to a top set for the day. I was advised to keep these more locked in and strict like bodybuilder style as I was heaving things a bit last time. So adjusted my mindset and reduced the weight accordingly. I get a lot of the heaving on rows and strict really cuts down the weight. Both have their place. The strict stuff is light but it tends to help the heaving style in the long run with enough time to adapt to it. I was keeping track of things here. Of note, my biceps weren’t feeling nearly as sore as they’ve felt the past two row sessions after doing sandbag to shoulder. Upper back was feeling tense, as well as lats. It was feeling tough. I knew that 275lbs wasn’t going to be a safe bet and that 265lbs might be too much as well considering the feeling and mindset. But I didn’t want to do 255lbs again so I added 5lbs to that. I probably was safe with doing 265lbs. Then time for bench. If anything was going to bother the wrist, this was it due to the angle. This was to be “speed” work. 225lbs for 2x5 working up. Since things were feeling as they were with my shoulders, I did just sets of 5 reps to warm up rather than a bunch a reps. Especially since I’d already did a bunch of pressing beforehand. Even if feeling off or not recovered, this would be doable. But it wasn’t feeling like speed work. Chest and triceps were fine but shoulders felt weak. I felt like pressing out and away to stay strong and load the pecs and not have the shoulders that involved. I wasn’t thrilled with how these felt for what was to be speed work. I could tell that I needed to fix stuff some more with my shoulders and recovery between sessions. The last thing was log lockout holds. I wasn’t really thrilled with doing these after the other stuff with how I was feeling mentally. Needing to move a lot of weight around. My thinking is that perhaps doing these every week is part of what is sapping my recovery with how heavy these are compared to what I can press and they require a lot of effort. 30lbs jumps on these so that I’m not here forever. I began to have issues with finding the balance point after 300lbs. So a false start or two when attempting to lockout those attempts. Also got a slight ab cramp from having the belt too tight (I adjusted it). 360lbs was tough (I had thought about calling it at 330lbs as warm-up) but figured I needed to give a true full effort. I felt like I had things solidly but it got too far forward on me and I couldn’t hold it up there and it came down just under 10 seconds. So I got through the session but I wasn’t too pleased with things. Doubting myself and what I can do. Going to need to rest a bit and try to get the thoughts to quiet down as this is the only aspect that is suffering. Can’t let the negative talk creep in and make me think that all my training is bad. Ate oatmeal as I put stuff away and then stretched before eating pot roast.

January 31, 2024 – Week 7, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

Romanian Deadlifts w/ Hip Circle (straps)
570x6 (miscounted)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
10+65x38 seconds


Lying Leg Raises

Comments: Shoulders had felt tense after training into Tuesday. Needed the walking to clear my head as well. Get the thought that this workout would suffer from things as well out of my head. But that doesn’t mean it alleviates things for me trying to say that. Still going to stress about it. On the plus side, I wasn’t feeling like my knees were aching or tender like last time this workout came around. No snow shoveling so that helps. Again, saving later afternoon meal until after training to see if that helps with belt placement and tightness as well as feelings with stuff on my chest. Mobility stuff was fine. No warm ups needed for this evening training. Front squats starting things off. Nervous here because worrying that I’d have issues with weight on my chest and that it would feel heavy as well and that upper back was fatigued. A bunch of little bullshit things that don’t matter. Plan was warm up with 40-50lbs jumps and see how things were going. Plan being to do 305-315lbs for the top set of 5 reps. Triples up to that. I was feeling ok. 265lbs was the last set before the top set. Depending on how that felt would determine if I do 305lbs or more. I didn’t feel comfortable with doing a triple at 275lbs and feeling like I could do 315lbs and have it be powerful. 265lbs didn’t go how I’d have liked. Powerful but I was feeling lightheaded and almost missed the rack reracking. This had me realize that I can’t have this belt that tight going forward and loosened it one notch. I was nervous for 305lbs but it went much the same as 295lbs did last time. Just had to get my air at the top of the reps. I’m getting better at that. I probably could’ve done 315lbs today with how that set had felt. Oh well. Keep progressing. I know that that weight is there for those reps. Which is a good place to be for now. I do have to consider if I need to get new belts but I’m not 100% certain I will stick at this weight going forward or if this will just be an offseason thing I do. Time for rdls. So with the weight I’m moving on these, I didn’t feel comfortable with using the flimsy rack for them anymore. I couldn’t really keep trusting those j-hooks with that very thin metal. So that meant I needed to do these outside on the beefier rack. Suggested after the last session was to work up in plate jumps and then go up to 570lbs for the top set if I felt good. Set of 5 at 135lbs (feels like nothing) and triples after that up to 495lbs (double there). I actually like the walkout situation for this rack better than the other one for these. The ground is also “grippier”. I was feeling good here but then 405lbs felt like a ton of weight. Like, a lot more than the previous weights. So I might have an issue with these today. The double was tough but ok. I got set for this top set of 570lbs and I was feeling ok. I was a little worried here that this was too much for me with how the last two working up sets felt but while it felt heavy, I felt like my form was strong and I wasn’t having issues with feeling lightheaded like last time. However, that doesn’t mean this wasn’t problem free. The first issue was that this was heavy and even being strapped into the bar with these kind of straps, fatigue can cause issues such as upper back and forearms and having the bar sit a little lower from not being able to squeeze. The other was that I got distracted by that sensation that I forgot what rep I was on and I didn’t want to call it early. That last rep wasn’t a great rep. The weight was slipping from the straps and I reached my limit was far as holding my brace under this weight and tension. The j-hooks are bit more harsh with the groove so when I got to lockout due to the aforementioned things, the bar was too low for me to get back into the j-hooks and I was starting to get lightheaded holding my breath to keep stable. So I ended up having to release the weight from the top. Thankfully no damage to myself or equipment but I felt a bit embarrassed. Also my back, hamstrings and glutes were really sore and pumped. Lower back pumped up the most. I reviewed the video and saw I ended up going for a sixth rep. That fifth rep had felt solid. I can only hope that going to failure here doesn’t negatively affect the next few workouts from a recovery standpoint. I need to remember for next time to chalk up the hands and my straps when I go for that top set on these at this kind of weight (which ties the most I’ve done for any rdl variation). From there it was time for the hyper bench hold with the neck harness and plate. Warming up for it with hyper extensions again. I took my time with this to let the lower back pump subside as much as I could. I was definitely feeling more sore compared to last week. Lower back was feeling tight as expected after the effort on the warming up. Again, doing 10lbs on the harness and 65lbs weight to chest. I wasn’t expecting much here and I was hesitating with initiating the exercise at the start because of how fatigued my lower back was feeling. But I got it and actually managed to suffer through it to get slightly more than last time. I was shocked by that as my count had it being less. Again, I must’ve missed a number or something. I’ll stick here until I get into the 40’s and likely adjust things with adding weight to the neck harness next. As I had taken time with putting stuff away for the other stuff, I went into the abdominals stuff without much delay. Same as last time but the rep range increased so I could do up to 30 reps for each. I wasn’t sure with the crunches if I should stick to bodyweight or keep 10lbs and aim for 30 reps. I decided to keep the weight and do 30 reps and managed to get that done. The lying leg raises I didn’t get the choice with adding weight. I was focused on not getting an ab cramp immediately like last time (success) and try to minimize the discomfort with the movement when I got too far with the ROM. I feel that there still seems to be no rhyme or reason with that but this felt better compared to the last session in that regard. Put stuff away while dinner was cooking. Ate and then stretched out.

February 3, 2024 – Week 7, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Frame Carries
(16” pick)
(18” pick)
(20” pick)
600x50’/50’ (turf)

Comments: No winter weather to contend with this time around. I did take a moment to pause when I saw rain mentioned but it was only from Thursday evening into Friday morning. Ended up having to walk after work Thursday instead of during lunch break. I needed to make sure I got in the soft tissue work and the two walking sessions before today due to pushing the rdls a little too much with miscounting and then missing the re-rack. I think that was really the only thing that I was stressing about for this session was that I was recovered enough. I intended to wake up at my work time to get out to train earlier than last week but I was finding it difficult to fall asleep so I slept in about 30 minutes until I was feeling rested enough. I also took my time with packing up post workout meals before heading out. Cold but the snow was out so meant it was pretty much short weather for me. Some people there training today but they were pretty much finishing up stuff. I just can’t seem to get the timing right when I want it to be. Warming up was fine. Not really much in the way of aches in the knees or shoulders. What gets tricky is getting the knees to feel good with the bounding nature of the bag toss. And that was what I think I was nervous about was the bag toss with thinking that my lower back would be too stiff from the rdls and I was getting close to my top end for this height. But I had to tell myself I was good as last time I did it in icy conditions with wind and snow as well as having to shovel snow three times before I even got started. As it has been this training prep, do 10 tosses done EMOM style. Did similar warming up to what I did last time with doing the usual things and then three tosses with the lighter bag (and not throwing max height). For whatever reason, I just never got comfortable with my stance with this. Just felt like I wasn’t stable and feeling it in the knee and ankle joints. Which lead to me fidgeting and tweaking things slightly each toss. I feel that if I just stuck to how I did it the first two tosses, that it wouldn’t have been so up and down. I don’t think there was a mobility issue or any issues with stiffness. But it can be hard to gauge these until later and even then, have to review with previous stuff to tell if good or not. Some tosses I got off balance or timed things wrong. Worst toss was the 8th and the best was the 5th. No misses still and I’m being able to hit double the volume with this weight bag compared to the lead up to Nationals. But this was good. I took a bit of time putting stuff back but also getting things ready for the frame carries. This was going to be essentially a repeat of last time as well. Not yet the time of year to be taking the big frame outside so have to do that on turf with rubber and be more controlled. Plan was to do the top run with 600lbs. Unlike yoke, this appears to be increasing each time and having the bumps decrease going forward. I’m pretty much in the same spot for both the yoke and frame really. Lower back and glute on the left side was tight/tense compared to the right. It is the side with the disc bulge so not surprising that I’d notice things there more so when stuff is pumped from training. The notes for training did have me doing like 100lbs jumps which I kind of did but due to the frame I was using, I did deviate. The frame is 568lbs empty and I have to take it out of it’s corner to use. It’s not really something you walk up to cold. And can’t really warm up with it (which is why using the other stuff). It didn’t really make sense to add 25lbs or so to the working up weights considering the lower pick heights and wider grip compared to the actual frame. Especially since I had to move the frame into position for the top run. Even with the lower back and worries about fatigue, it didn’t feel like such a bear getting it out of the corner this time so I was feeling a bit of relief. Same weight as the yoke for the past two weeks. Obviously the pick on this is harder. Can’t quite go full speed here with the turf and having to make sure that I drop it as controlled as I can on the rubber. There was someone doing conditioning work so I had to have the 50’ landing strip a little off center so that also affected things. It was comfortable I guess. I felt that the second leg was a bit smoother as I didn’t need to worry about a small target. Took off the weight before having to lug the frame back where it belongs. Put stuff away before eating and drinking my meals and then driving home to stretch.