Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 15, 2016 – Week 1, Day 5

Dynamic Warm-ups

Super Set: Push-ups /Chain Flyes

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses (4-1-4 Tempo)

Chest Supported Rows (Cluster Sets)

Cable Rows (Add Set Hell)

Super Set: One Arm Band Pushdowns/EZ Curl Bar Reverse Curls

37 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Last one for this week of training. Normally four days of lifting but this program is asking for three days of upper body training and it didn’t make sense to just do one lower body day. I had thought the first day of the program was high reps. I was mistaken. Day started with a super set of max push-ups and chain flyes. Never done flyes with chains before. I felt like I could do all my chains for reps even after max push-ups. Got good amount of push-ups the first set without stopping. Chain flyes were a lot tougher than I would have liked. Goal had been 12-15 reps and it was tough to get 12 on all sets. Then incline dumbbell presses with tempo guides. Normally, I just lift as fast as I can with pauses and accentuated eccentrics. This was a concentric lift to a four count, squeeze at the top for static contraction for a second and then eccentric to a four count. I dropped the weight a lot as I’m a fast incline presser to get through my sticking points. These were terrible and the sets just took forever. On to cluster sets with the chest supported rows. I just kept adding plates until it felt somewhat tough. I thought this was something I used to do for 12 straight reps in the past but I was wrong. I might have overdone it here as the violent pulling caused me to flex my lower back a fair amount with this kind of weight. They felt good for my upper back though. Of all things I’ve done to bother it haha. The next exercise was a slog through row rep city. Start at the top of the stack (I felt like dingus doing 10lbs) and do eight reps and then add 20lbs and keep going until I either reach the bottom (250lbs) or I can’t get 8 reps. Only rest was the time it took me to get up and move the pin down. This took some time and I had to go through this drill three times. 264 total reps of seated rows. Then to end the session was another super set. One arm band push downs with reverse curls. Do set of triceps to failure and then a set of eight on the reverse curls. Keep going until 100 reps done on the triceps. I think that originally it was to be two arm band push downs with a band in each arm but I did them one at a time so that I would end up doing more sets of reverse curls. Not bad other than my injury acting up. Rest, ice and ibuprofen to calm things down. Two days of rest before I do this all over again.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 14, 2016 – Week 1, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Paused Safety Squat Bar Front Squats
(1 second pauses)
(3 second pauses)

Super Set: One Leg Dead Stop Leg Presses/Frog Machine Squats

45-degree Back Extensions

Reverse Hyperextensions

4-way Rotary Hips (no breaks)
100x15/15/15/15 (each side)
100x15/15/15/15 (each side)

38 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Prior to this workout, I had my follow up with the ortho. Now I’m being told it is a lower back muscle strain and I can return to what I feel is comfortable. If not better by 7/10/16, then it could be an issue and an MRI will get scheduled. I wasn’t sure what I would be doing this workout. I had an idea and it was to try some new stuff and see if I could do something “heavy” (like the sled drags) that wouldn’t bother my back. I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought about hip thrusts but they appeared to be an option that could allow me to work deadlift muscles and not put my back in a precarious position. Of course the awkwardness and pain tolerance on my hips was another story. I used to do these real heavy about 5 or 6 years ago so I figured I’d be alright with the weight. I took plate jumps and thankfully, no issues in my lower back. Just odd lift and I know I will be good for more, just need to take my time. Next up was front squats with the ssb. Last time I did rehab training, it had been front squats for 5x12 with the heaviest dumbbell in the gym. I figured it would be better with a bar so that I could keep it close and not have to worry about cleaning a weight to my shoulders. I was slow on the first set and I paused so to make sure everything was fine in the hole with the back slightly stretched. I liked it so I decided to drop the reps and do pauses for lower reps. Usually when I do pauses, I don’t do them on the warming up sets. This time, it made sense to do them so nothing was being relaxed and everything was controlled. I then increased the pause time for the working sets. I was very happy to be doing this much weight already with no pain. Granted, like the hatfield’s, there were aches after racking the weight after each set. The plan was to then do high rep stuff for lower back and hips but I felt I had more in me so I planned a super set right on the spot. Despite making me throw up the first time I did them, I liked the high rep dead stop leg presses. I figured one leg would be a good way to work the legs and test my back. I could probably go heavier here but didn’t want to push it. The other part of the super set was frog squats on the weird hack squat machine. Wide stance squats and touching the platform with my fingers. I saw John Meadows doing these and figured I’d give them a shot as the gym has the machine. Felt good, interesting after prefatiguing on the leg presses. Then on to high rep light stuff. Body weight back extensions and reverse hypers for a single set of 30 reps each. I think next time I will just do the back extensions as I felt nothing on the reverse hypers with no weight (don’t have access to the machine at the Y) and I got a lot of blood pumping in my glutes, lower back and hamstrings on the back extensions. More sets and reps for next time. Then to finish off the day, I got on the rotary hip machine. This was something I had to do back when I ruptured my hamstring about 5 and a half years ago as part of my recovery. Four different exercises and I did them all for one leg and then went to the over leg with no breaks so a total of 240 reps with no stops. Got a good sweat going from that haha. Home to stretch like crazy. One more workout and then a break. Maybe I will catch up on my sleep haha.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 13, 2016 – Week 1, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Floor Presses

Dumbbell Bench Presses

Super Set: Seated Dumbbell Overhead Presses w/ Fat Gripz Extremes/Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Super Set: Rope Cable Face Pulls w/ Fat Gripz Extremes/Pull-ups w/ Fat Gripz Extremes

McGill Crunches

37 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I had been worried that work would be stressful but it wasn’t so yeah to that. I was feeling sore in my legs, back and chest. I wasn’t sure why my chest was sore but then I remember all those dips I did on Saturday. This was to be the “heavy” day so to speak for this training cycle. First up was barbell floor press. No close grip on these and I’m really not sure if this would be my “normal” grip as the bar didn’t have the right markings. Plan was to do 4x3 at RPE 8. I had a weight in mind and it stuck but it was more of a hard RPE 9. Oh well. Good to see I can rep 315lbs when the only upper body thing I’ve done in the last month had been like 15 push-ups. The last rep of each set was tricky. I had to rack the weight on the last set as I was out of my groove (too far down my torso) and was worried that I would dump the bar on my face. A few seconds later I unracked the weight and got the last rep. Then on to dumbbell bench presses. 5x5 with the notation to “get at it”. My concern here was more of the getting the bells to my lap then actually pressing them. Not comfortable to do but no pain. These are heaviest solid dumbbells (I could make plateloaded ones heavier) in the gym. Felt good but I could tell I was getting tired by the end from the pick-ups. Last rep of last set was a struggle. Then a super set. This involved dumbbell overhead presses with the Fat Gripz Extremes and dumbbell lateral raises. I did the presses seated with a back support as I figured it would be kinder to my lower back and it would be easier to shoulder the bells with the ridiculously thick handles. I tried to pick a weight that I would be able to do 8 on the presses and 15 on the raises for all the sets. Hard to factor in how the fatigue of one exercise would effect another and I really didn’t want to lower the weight. Lots to figure in for the shoulder press because of the difficulty in cleaning the bells to the shoulders, the grip and whatnot. First set, the shoulder presses felt light and the lateral raises were just right. Fatigue built quite fast on the shoulder presses and I failed to hit the goal of eight on the last set. I was expecting the sticking point to be the bottom not the top of the lift as that would be triceps. I realized later that the lateral raises were fatiguing the muscles that would stabilize the shoulders for that middle of the lift so it makes sense why the weight would stall there. Another super set after that. This one was going to be interesting and probably low reps. Same superset of pull-ups with face pulls but the order was reversed, each set was to failure and Fat Gripz Extremes on both so a grip intensive one. With the 3” diameter, I really wasn’t sure I could manage a single pull-up fresh, let alone after prefatiguing the grip. The face pulls were awkward, trying to pull fast while crushing the handles. I got the hang of it by the last set. I got a triple on the first set of pull-ups and then doubles on the other two sets. I then did an abdominal exercise to finish off the day. The range of motion is very small and it honestly looks like I’m just bobbing my head. It seems effective though as it works the abs and limits the lower back and hip flexors. Loads of stretching to finish off the day. So far, so good.

Monday, June 13, 2016

June 12, 2016 – Week 1, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Sled Drags

X-Band Walks

Hatfield Overload Squats

Side Lying Clam Shells

5” Elevated Bulgarian Split Squats

Super Set: Lying Leg Curls/Leg Extensions

37 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I wasn’t 100% sure about what I was going to do this day. I got the upper body stuff figured out. Maybe I was struggling to think as I was not just thinking of just the one workout but the next 16 workouts. I wanted to do something with my equipment in the garage as the spider webs that have been built in the hiatus from lifting are mocking me. I was torn between just doing the exercises from the booklet I got at the orthopedic doctor and just going for a walk or to do some actual training. I ended up going for a walk. It was fairly late in the afternoon when I finally decided to put a workout together. I just knew of what worked when I was injured the last time. Sled drags, light front squats, single leg exercises, leg extensions and leg curls. Started things off with sled drags. A bit of a hassle to get the weights out. Just kept adding weight. It felt good, probably a bit light at the start but good work by the end. I tried to do a walking lunge exercise with the prowler but it was a bust. So on to the Y for more stuff. The squat rack was in use so I did some band exercises to get my hips and glutes firing and some fatigue. I was cautious about the Hatfield squats but I figured they would be kind to my back. Better than expected and no pain in my back. Hips on the left side were a bit achy but only on the walkout and after the set was done. I’m very happy with how much weight I was able to use. Lower back got a good stretch and blood flow. Then more band work for the hips and glutes. Little bit of a cramp on that first set but felt good. I didn’t feel like doing step-ups so I tried so increased range of motion single leg work. Might have been a bit much as the range of motion was more the issue than the weight. To finish up the day, super set of leg curls and leg extensions. I was thinking of doing more weight than I ended up doing but it felt really heavy and my legs were all twitchy. Felt good and got a lot of stretching in. Late night for sure. It seems like I won’t have to worry about my legs being weak and unprepared when I get back to the real stuff.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 11, 2016 – Week 1, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Safety Squat Bar Floor JM Presses w/ Chains
No Chains
Add Chains (+22lbs)

Dips w/ SlingShot

Super Set: Pull-ups/Rope Cable Face Pulls

Super Set: Tate Presses/Dumbbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz Extremes

Drag Across Planks

34 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I’ve been going a bit stir crazy these last few weeks so it was good to be back in the gym. I was initially planning on starting back on Monday but it just made more sense to start now as it would allow me to have rest days during the week when I could schedule chiro or massage appointments if needed. Saturday afternoon so not very crowded. Taking the advice from the last time I had this kind of back issue, I wore my rehband belt for the entire workout after doing the dynamic warm-ups. First was an exercise I never would have thought of doing. JM presses on the floor with the ssb and with chains. Having never done any combination of the chimera lift, I had to start out light to figure it out. I apparently had the bar backwards on the rack and had to switch midset haha. Goal for the workout was 5x8 with RPE 7. Ideally, straight sets but I figured I’d be adding weight to get an idea of what I needed to be hitting here. Felt good, a bit achy in the elbows but then again, the only thing I’ve done in the last four weeks has been some dips and pushups for my arms and shoulders. It was pain to get on to the floor and pack up between sets though. Next was dips but using a SlingShot. One set of 30 reps. Quite easy. Obviously these will get tougher with the increased reps. Good blood flow. Next was a superset that I knew would be bit more challenging. Pull-ups with face pulls. The workout indicated that I could use a band to assist on the pull-ups if needed. I had every intention of using on but they felt like they (average band and light band) giving too much help so I sucked it up and did them with no help. I managed to do the first two sets of pull-ups without rest pausing but I had to on the last two sets. The face pulls weren’t bad. After that was another super set for a lot of sets and reps. Tate presses into dumbbell curls with the Fat Gripz Extremes for 8x8. I wasn’t too concerned about the fatigue here but I was worried with how my back would handle having to clean the dumbbells for the Tate presses. Thankfully, it wasn’t that much of an issue. Tender for sure but not debilitating. Last thing on the agenda was a new core exercise, another that I would never have thought of; drag across planks. At the top of push-up position you put a weight to one side and stabilize while reaching with the opposite arm to pull the weight across the floor to the other side of the body and alternate until done. I had to try this one out in practice before to figure it out and it was ripping my insides up. Used a lightish dumbbell. Very tough but I like it. I did some soft tissue work at the gym before heading up to stretch. I took a stretch out and replaced it with three new ones. Good to be back to lifting. I will have to continue to test what my lower body can handle for the other workouts.

Update: Injury

Been quiet because I’ve been dealing with an injury that has kept me from training until now. Injuries happen and I probably should have seen the signs. At the end of my workout on 5/12/2016, while lifting my Stone of Steel, something shifted in my back. I was still able to lift a PR weight for another two sets after it and I had thought the pain would go away after some rest. But it was not to be. My back had been a bit wonky this training cycle with it acting up after a couple workouts but the pain went away eventually with those with ibuprofen and Icy Hot. I had been pushing myself to the brink day in and day out. Hell, I threw up during a workout the week before which is not something I’ve ever done before. Many days (10 at least) of taking 1,600mgs of ibuprofen and things hadn’t improved. I hurt my back to stand for too long or to bend over. Laying down for too long also hurt. Usually I can just sleep and recover but sleeping in made the pain worse upon waking. I couldn’t go for a long walk like I usually do for low intensity cardio and to relax/clear my head. Only position that didn’t bother me was sitting at a desk in a chair. I was on a bit of short fuse so I avoided being around people as much as I could so that I didn’t flip on anyone. I stopped taking the ibuprofen and the pain got worse so I relented and went to see the orthopedic doctor on 5/29/2016. I had been trying to delay it as it meant I would be x-rayed, probably have a talking too about the dangers of lifting and be given corticosteroids and muscle relaxers. Had been almost 2.5 years since the last lower back injury. No talking to about lifting so that was something. 12 day taper of Prednisone and 10 days of muscle relaxers (last time I had been given a muscle rub that I had to get from a local apothecary). Not the best combo as my head felt heavy and then I started to feel anxious (a side effect) on the last three days. They also gave me a booklet of stretches and exercises to do and I started doing them daily and started to add some of my own. Definitely an improvement but still stiffness and tightness in my left side of the lumbar and SI joint area. Follow up appointment with the orthopedic is 6/14/2016.

Since my injury, I’ve done soft tissue work, traction, icing and stretches to alleviate tension and pain as well as met with a chiropractor for ten adjustments and had deep tissue massage therapy twice. I also realized during this time off from training (28 days) how bored I get. I read two novels totaling 1,585 pages and watched 147 episodes of tv shows on my computer. Just tried to bury myself in my work as best as I could. It has been frustrating with minimal progress and I had to set some kind of deadline for being able to put a good foot forward for Nationals. One of the things that I usually have to fight immediately after injury (acute phase) is the first thoughts that come into my head. Those first thoughts were to just quit the whole thing and sell off all my equipment. I knew this wasn’t what I wanted or needed and that I had to give time for myself to calm down. After about a week, set a deadline for the middle of July to return to proper training or I will have to call this year’s Nationals a bust. I’ve dealt with this kind of injury before and I have to learn from that experience. I actually looked back through my training logs to see the time frame of recovery. I had a lower back injury that kept me from training for about a month and I had to do rehab stuff for about a month after that I managed to come back to hitting PRs (with bumps along that way) and be able to do my best at a Pro/Am contest four months after I returned to training. Looking at it this is how things compare:

Last time
Injured 12/13/13
OIP visit 1/2/14 (given Prednisone) (20 days after injury)
OIP follow up visit 1/10/14 (28 days after injury)
Workouts started 1/21/14 (39 days after injury)
Heavy normal lower body started 2/20/14 (69 days after injury)

This time
Injured 5/12/16
OIP visit 5/29/16 (given Prednisone) (17 days after injury)
Workouts started (6/11/16) (29 days after injury)
OIP follow up visit 6/14/16 (32 days after injury)

With how things were going, I had thought this was slower, taking longer. I think that having not been able to go for walks (I went for two mile walks Saturday and Sunday last week) and having a deadline (July) to know if I could be able to go for Nationals made me feel like it was taking longer. Based on where I am at, I’m ahead of schedule for recovery. Got to keep building on the positive and let the frustration just roll off. Trust me, it was building. Seeing other people hitting PRs on deadlifts and overhead lifts and being asked daily by people if my back was better was driving me mad. I think the thing that eventually got me back on the right frame of mind was finding this article: while researching training and pain management (I had a lot of free time). It seemed to be just right and the time frame would work for the time I needed to be able to hit the goal of decent lower body lifting with no pain by the middle of July. I’m stubborn and I have to give it a try.