Friday, February 4, 2011

February 03, 2011 - Rehab

Swiss Ball Theraband Single Leg Curls
Black Bandx30/30
Black Bandx30/30
Black Bandx30/30
Black Bandx30/30
Black Bandx30/30

Rotary Hip Extensions

Rotary Hip Flexions

Standing Cable Hip Abductions
10x30/30 PR+8 reps

Band Terminal Knee Extensions

Comments: Seeing how much this stuff made me sweat last time, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Thiry reps on anything sucks and doing it for multiple reps is awful. I started off with the theraband leg curls. There weren't any benches high enough for me to do this so I sat on the biggest Swiss ball and wrapped the theraband around a machine. I have to bands, a black one and a white one. The white one is the strongest and the black one is the level under it. I'm only supposed to use the black one for now. Originally, my plan was to do three sets for everything but went with five for this. For all these, I did a set each leg and then walked around a bit to shake off the fatigue, get a drink of water and head back for more. The rotary hip machine at the Y is not as nice as the one at the PT's as the pad doesn't roll as smoothly. Made it impossible to do abductions on it. For both the extensions and flexions, I had to take little breaks for the sets to get all the reps. This was especially true with the flexions. I went downstairs and hooked up to some ankle straps to do the hip abductions. I've done these before and since it was attached to my ankle instead of at my knee, it was a lot less weight than the other two exercises. Then did TKEs with my IW#4 band as there wasn't a strap to hook around my knee. Did about 6-7 minutes of stretching for my hamstrings. The left one hated this, a lot.

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