Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 15, 2011 - ME UB

Sleep helped some with my lower back but it was annonying me all day. It's nothing major, I've had this before, and I hope it's gone by this weekend. This is actually my last real gym workout for this week as I'm heading down to Brute Strength Gym Friday night.

Dynamic Warm-ups

Axle Strict Presses
245x1 PR+5lbs
260x1 PR+20lbs
270x1 PR+30lbs
243x2 PR+3lbs & 1 rep

Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses w/Slingshot
415x1 PR+10lbs

Bent Over Barbell Rows (straps)
335x4 PR+10lbs

Rope Cable Face Pulls
160x12 PR+5lbs

40 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Went a bit later than I had planned to the gym. I was hoping my lower back would loosen up some more I guess. Started out poor but got better. The warm up sets with the axle my upperbody was an achy mess but as soon as I went to singles, I felt a lot better. Now with axle lifts, my axle press is generally 10-15lbs behind my barbell lifts so I was aiming for that range of an increase, especially with how tight my lower back was. Imagine my surprise to surpass that easily and get a 30lbs PR. On the down set, the bar went forward on the third rep so I couldn't get it. On benching with the slingshot, the first two sets sucked. There was only one person around to be a spotter for me but it was better than nothing. On 415lbs, my feet slid and my entire lower body cramped up. I debated going for a second rep but figured it would be smarter to stop there as I didn't trust a single spotter for this and I didn't feel comfortable making an adjustment with this much weight in my hands. For rows, I used lazy strength as I already had the bar loaded with 100lbs plates. Did my best to keep them from bothering my lower back. Went better than expected but the last set was too heavy, at least for now. Face pulls were easy. Went home to stretch.

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