Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 23, 2011 - ME UB

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Strict Presses w/ Chains
No Chains
Add Chains (+50lbs)
Add Chains (+72lbs)
Add Chains (+94lbs)
Add Chains (+116lbs)
170x1 PR+5lbs
185x1 PR+20lbs
155x3 PR+2 reps

Close Grip Barbell 4-Board Presses
355x3 PR+5lbs

Neutral Grip Pullups

Bent Over Barbell Rows (straps)

Dual Axis Rear Delt Machine
100x12 PR+10lbs

35 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Left shoulder and the side of my neck felt tight from the day before. My dad had mentioned that that side had been tighter than my right a few days prior. I think I need to schedule my deep tissue massage soon. The tightness initially worried me in that it might make pressing suck huevos grande but luckily the feeling went away as I warmed up in weight. Hit a big pr (and finally getting over 300lbs at the top of the lift). Might have had little more in the tank but figured I should leave it there as I had missed a rack pull the day before and those tend to be draining. Shoulders did care much for board pressing, especially after being taken from the penthouse suite that is the Bench Sling Shot from the week before haha. Still, got a small PR on these. Just got to keep plugging away. Started to do pull-ups but they bothered my right bicep. They've been doing it for a few weeks now but that shouldn't be happening so I'm dropping the lift. I wasn't sure what to do but I didn't want to kill the energy I had going in the workout so rather than have paralysis by analysis take over, I just winged it and went with bent over barbell rows. I don't particularly care for this lift as it can be hard on the lower back and I want to do my supplementary and assistance lifts with no belt (saving that for max effort crap). Didn't bother my bicep nearly as much as pull ups (and might not bother them at all if I don't irritate it beforehand). Not sure if I'm going to keep the lift in but it was just something so I could do back work. Need to think on it some. Then did rear delts. Doubts from the pull up/row thing made for a crappy first set. Other two sets were better. Like the rows, I'm not sure I'm going to keep this exercise as the machine is made for people with much smaller wingspans than mine. Went home to stretch.

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