Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 21, 2011 - Extra Workout

Band Face Pulls

Band Press Downs

Band Straight Arm Lat Pulls

Ankle Weight Lying Leg Curls

Comments: My cold is almost gone, just bits remain. Did all the face pulls with no breaks, had to take two each for the other two band exercises. Leg curls were easy but the hex dumbbells rubbed my shins raw. The entry form for Battle of the Badass was posted and I'm gearing towards that contest. I'm choosing it over the Kumite as the events are better suited to me coming back. The Kumite has three events to a max, one event that usually makes me black out, and another that involves a heavy tire flip. Lots of max stress on hamstrings (even though I like the max stone event a lot). Badass has two yoke based moving events, a press medley, levered deadlift and stone for reps. I feel the stone for reps is way too light but I guess I can deal with it. Both contests I have planned for this year have stone events with the stones under 400lbs. Just got to put more focus on other events and do rep stuff on stones. I'll still be throwing in the heavy stuff occassionally to keep from getting bored.

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