Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 26, 2010 - DE UB

Walking – 33 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups

12″ Log Presses w/ IW#4’s choker & #3's basket
No Bands
Add Bands (+125lbs)
185x1 (balls)
185x1 (suck)
185x0 (uber suck)

2 3/8” Dumbbell Two-Arm Clean One-Arm Presses

Neutral Grip Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses
90'sx9 PR+5lbs
90'sx10 PR+1 rep


G-Man Pressdowns
90x15 PR+5lbs

37 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Craptacular. I thought a day of kind of rest would be enough. Guess not. Rib cage and abs were still too weak (hurt to laugh) so pretty much no stability for pressing. Maybe if I had worn a belt or two but I've been trying to keep these beltless since it's usually lighter weight and I can't really clean a log with a hard belt on. I knew I was in trouble when just 95lbs with the bands wanted to throw me around. I tried to refocus but my body wasn't going to ignore the fatigue. Got a tough single and reracked it and thought for a minute or so of what I was going to do. This has happened before with the banded log presses (minus the soreness from heavy stone lifting) where I couldn't get the weight for reps at a similar band tension but with about 45lbs less weight. Actually thinking a lot about how the winner of the last pro-qualifier only did event training twice for the show. I said I'll try it again, got another single. Great. Frustration, so I try to salvage the workout by doing just tough singles. No go but I didn't want to call it a day. My left shoulder was achy. I figured that the log stuff was going to be the toughest stuff for the day so I went on to the next exercise. Thick dumbbell stuff was kind of crappy, especially the left side (shoulder ached). On incline, 90lbs is the most I've attempted for dumbbell presses but I would have liked to have gotten more reps. G-Man's felt okay. Lots of stretching. Not satisfied with how this workout went at all. May need to do some thinking. Maybe some resting as well. Guess I'll play it by ear.

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