Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 07, 2010 - ME UB

Walking – 30 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups

2 3/8" Thick Bar Clean and Jerks
265x1 PR+15lbs
280x1 PR+30lbs

295x1 PR+45lbs
266x3 PR+16lbs & 2 reps

12" Log Floor Presses
340x0 (balls)

Barbell Bench Rows (straps)

Bent Over Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Really a mixed bag for lifting today. I used my homemade thick bar to change things up. I figured out how to correctly wrap my wrist wraps (unlike before). I was planning to power clean 265lbs but it started to slipp as I initiated the second pull and cut it short making the continental much tougher than it had to be. I should have had 295lbs easy on the first try, not sure what happened there. Came back and crushed it. That last little flip to get it over for the clean/continental is tough since I have to "let go" of the bar to catch it since it's too thick when it gets up in weight. While I do like the improvement (a big one on this bar) it does appear that I need to focus more effort on the clean (both axles/thick bar and logs) as my overhead from the rack is going up and up like crazy. Log floor press was just pathetic, my shoulders and triceps were just not there. This brings up another point that perhaps I'm doing too much for my shoulders now with all the "bench" work. Or it could be from doing my other upperbody workout just two days ago. Back stuff went well. Tendons in my arms and chest were hurtin' after all the cleans/continentals. Now I'll have to do some thinking/planning and research to see about making possible changes to my routine to fix these issues. Increasing focus on essentially shouldering logs and axles may take quite a toll on my lower back with my increased focus on deadlifts but I'll have to look back at my previous workouts where I did have those exercises in and see how that affected my workouts. As far as shoulder work, I think the occassional strict press and board/floor press will still work but I'll probably just go with my dumbbell work and maybe the occasional JM press.

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