Friday, July 23, 2010

July 22, 2010 - ME UB

Walking – 30 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups

Reverse Band 12" Log Presses w/IW#1's dbl
Add Bands (-65lbs)

12" Log Cleans

Barbell Bench Rows (straps)
195x12 PR+10lbs

Bent Over Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises
62.5'sx15 PR+2.5lbs

33 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Workout went pretty well. Didn't really feel in to it until after the set with 300lbs. 315lbs felt better and 330lbs was a toughie. This light of band resistance is usually pretty close to what I can do without band assitance so I'm hoping my log overhead is on the up and up. I rushed the down set and paid for it with an ugly fourth rep. Had to I guess triple dip to get it haha. Only worked up to 300lbs (best is 320lbs for three) on the log cleans since I'm just starting them again. First three set were pretty much power cleans with the log. I belted up for 300lbs and the first two reps were awful, felt like my head was going to pop off so I took off my belt and got my third rep with little issue. Guess I'll have to just use my rehband belt for clean and presses. My clean definitely needs work but I'll be taking it slow and work up in weight. Cleans took a bit out of me as rows were exceedingly tough. Really had to work to get those reps. Raises were good on the first set and it looked like I'd be moving up in weight again. Lost a bit of that umph on the other two sets though haha. had mentioned last time that I had made some changes to my workout to make it simpler. Besides dropping axle front squats (hand still not 100%), I made it so when I was doing a log or axle variation with or against bands, I'd be doing a clean with that implement as well rather than keeping one type of clean with a certain type of band work. My reasoning is that it will allow for more rest when I do an actual clean and press/jerk from the floor, it will allow me to get used to the idea of cleaning and pressing the same implement (hopefully allowing quicker learning) and I won't have to lug two implements up and down a flight of stairs each workout. As far as minor injuries; my right hand still is a little numb in the pinky finger and side of the hand. About 95% feeling and I know it will take a bit of time for it all to return (from previous experience). Left side of my neck and trap is still not 100% from doing that stupid sandbag pressing. Taking longer than expected. Also left palm is tender at times.

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