Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

2 3/8" Dumbbell Clean and Presses
60x5/5 (one hand)
110x3/3 (one hand)
180x0/0 (balls)
180x1/0 PR+10lbs
180x2/2 PR+3 reps

Yoke Picks
1000x3 PR+90lbs (walked with it for 6')

Super Prowler Lunges

Stone Loads
240x3 to 57"
240x1 to 57"/65"/73" (sloppy)
240x1 to 57"/65"/73" (sloppy)
240x1 to 73" (sloppy)
240x1 to 73"

Comments: I did nothing yesterday as I was down in Virginia for a pig roast. I got lost on the way there like four times so that was a long drive. Also very hot (drank two gallons of water/Gatorade) so it wasn't much of a rest day. I also helped out with a makeshift strongman show that Sean was running as part of the pig roast so I got some light sandbag carrying in resetting the implement, pulled a tractor and lifted a 260lbs atlas stone. So I knew I wasn't going to be at my best today. Training was at Chambersburg. Lou wanted to do some thick handle dumbbell pressing to get ready for one contest we both have coming up that has an Inch Dumbbell for reps. I made big jumps in my warm-ups for this since I was planning on some singles. Big mistake. I got so mad missing what I thought was a 175lbs dumbbell (not so good with the math haha). I was pissed off so I tried again. This time I got it for one with the right side but couldn't lock it out on the left. Going in to the third attempt, my goal was just one rep on the left side. It went up like butter so I did another. Another good one. Decided right there to get two reps with the other arm. Did it. I should have learned by now that I need to make small jumps and really get warmed up when I do overhead lifts in the AM for event training or contests. Really glad "Angry Joe" was there today to keep me from faltering. Next I did yoke picks. I forgot my rehband belt but that just meant I had to wear the hard belt on hole tighter. 620lbs was easy so I added 200lbs more. I had told Joe my goal was 1000lbs for three and I wasn't sure if I should do a set in between 820lbs and 1000lbs. He suggested a single with 910lbs so I did that. Now I was thinking in the back of my head that if I got three good picks with 1000lbs, I'd try taking it for a walk. Well number three went up so I took a few steps. Didn't feel too bad. I did some lunges with the super prowler that Lou was having Zack and Bill do with him. Very tough doing long, slow strides. I didn't think it was that tough on the first set but it got tough fast on the next sets. Finished off the day working my extension drill for stones. None of the loads to 73" were like last time, the closet one was the very last single. Maybe it was baking in the heat yesterday or from doing heavy deadlifts this week or even doing heavy stones the week before. I haven't really done stones with this kind of frequency. Maybe that's something too.

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