Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 04, 2009 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

Yoke/3" Dumbbell/Sandbag/Atlas Stone Press Medley

Sandbag Carry
300x240' PR+120'

Tackyless Atlas Stones (65" Yoke)
240x3 PR+10"

20 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Nice easy going day, only lifted with Lou today. Calves were tight from truck pushing yesterday and triceps were mildly sore. Tried to make this a fun day since Lou is going to Nationals. I did a whole bunch of warm-up stuff for the press medley. I actually failed at pressing the sandbag the first time but manged to get it for 5 easy reps after a bit more warming up. I also did one arm clean and press with 115lbs on the 3" handle dumbbell with each hand so 2" should be no problem at Battle at the Barn. Almost pressed the 210lbs atlas stone several times, it will come. I was really pleased to finish the medley with few mistakes. Gave the big sandbag a go and managed to double my previous distance. I think I can get 300' soon. You can't really do reps over a yoke with this set-up so I did singles to work on form and speed. Still need to work on get full extension on these. The two I got filmed were probably the worst of the singles with 240 besides the first rep miss.


  1. Craig I've been watching your recent strongman videos and you seem to be progressing really fast! For example your yoke walk with 750 lbs when you could barely lift it before...

  2. Thanks Juan, I think a lot of it has to do with getting more calories in each day and training with stronger people. I'm able to recover better between workouts and I don't go all out on everything everyday. For yoke I've been going heavy one week and light the next alternating between long distances and short distances and that seems to be working well.
