Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 21, 2012 - Overhead

The day didn’t start well. New carpet being added to my house had made the sleeping arrangements not so nice and the heater malfunctioned at work so it was a cold day until it came back online around lunch time.

Dynamic Warm-ups

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (1 clean)
275x2 PR+1 rep

12” Log Push Presses

Rope Cable Face Pulls

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I was kind of excited for this workout but things didn’t go as I’d hoped they would. Started out with my belt from the get go to get used to it. Still not something I like. Really only going to use it for training for a max single in a contest. Otherwise, just rehband back support. Left arm felt slow on lockout. I felt I had at least a triple in me for 275lbs but apparently not. It’s still a PR but it isn’t good enough. After missing a third rep, I tried to do another but the second clean took a lot out of me. I felt like such crap going in to rack work and felt like I was going to bomb just doing a single with 245lbs. Rough two sets of two with 275lbs (although the second set was smoother). Just angry and embarrassed at how weak I am on these. Got to stay positive though. It was a PR, consistency is improving, I’m feeling much more comfortable with the log and it was six lifts that are 90% of what my best from the rack for a single is (and 98%of my best clean and press). Just did my thing on face pulls and stretched.

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