Friday, September 9, 2011

September 08, 2011 - ME UB

Finally stopped raining. Enough rain to make it the worst flooding for the Capitol since 1976. Luckily, we live about 5 miles south so only issue for us was a few inches of water in the basement. My dad decided to do the Herculean task (almost Sisyphean if you ask me) of draining the basement by hand, which involved cutting up the carpet. Obviously he is exhausted today. Unsure about events but hopefully the rain holds off this weekend. Also ordered a pair of Shaw Strength Stone Sleeves.

Dynamic Warm-ups

12" Log Push Presses
290x1 PR+5lbs
305x1 PR+20lbs

Swiss Bar Floor Presses

Bent Over Barbell Rows (straps)
290x12 PR+1 rep

39 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Despite not feeling the best, this workout went really well. My warm-ups felt good on log until I got to 260lbs. I knew I was in trouble as my lockout felt super slow. I feared that only a 5lbs improvement would be possible for today. I gave 305lbs a shot and when it didn't feel impossible, I knew I could get it if everything went perfect. I spent a bit of time psyching myself up and reminding myself to move fast and jam it into my throat like I have been doing on DE workouts. This time I wasn't denied. Only got two reps on the down set but I kind of figured that would be the case as I am terrible with pressing for reps off my chest. Still, my log is now equal to my axle PR's which is good news. Moving on to swiss bar floor presses, I never really pushed these before. I did do them for a ME workout once a while back but other than one week on working back to heavy lifting, I haven't done them. If they are good enough for Jenkins though... I started low and found that it was quite a bit easier than I remembered. Perhaps all this triceps work, strict pressing and rowing is doing something haha. The only issue was a bone in my right hand was aching pretty bad (it happens occasionally) and it hurts bad after letting go of the bar after a so I wrapped up my wrists to make it not suck so much. Happy to do my planned 5rm for 10 reps. Managed to get all the reps for rows this time, surprising with how sore my back is from cambered box squats and snatch grip deads, on top of the bruises on my arms. Did quite a bit of stretching.

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