Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 12, 2009 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

12" Log Clean and Presses

700x60' (2 drops)/250x60'

Tire Flips

Sandbag/Keg/Sled Drag

Comments: Went over to the Annex for some training with Lou and couple guys. The goal was to mimic some of the events that will be at Nationals this year. My lower back was still tight so I didn't try to exert myself too much with most of the stuff. I felt good warming up with the log, viper pressing up to 180lbs. I knew when I did 200 that I wasn't going to try for a new max or go for a much of reps at 230lbs. I didn't get much leg drive into 260 but the clean was quite good. It was my first time using a solid yoke so I spent a lot of time working picks, taking it back to the mats when people were done. On my go with 700 I thick the pick was a bit too high, just takes some practice to figure it out. Didn't feel too heavy. I had a little trouble with the farmer's since they were short so I couldn't use my regular stride or I'd hit the lip of the plates on my shins. Did some tire flipping after that. Did a bunch of reps with the 500lbs tire. I've lifted the 780lbs tire before about a year ago at my last contest and it felt easier than it did then. It should be much easier when I don't have a sore back. I could've gutted out more but it wouldn't be smart with my lower back acting up like it is. I was dreading the carry drag medley since I've done poorly with drag events and didn't know how the keg carry part would feel on my lower back. Luckily nothing in the medley bothered my back and I was able to put some effort into it. I'm pleased I finished the event. I had a good time even though it went much longer than I expected it to. I spent a lot of time yelling at other guys to keep going and stay tight and all that jazz.


  1. Looked like a fun session! Are you adding bodyweight? I assume at your height you've got plenty of space to add bodyweight and become even more horrendously strong.

  2. It's definitely the kind of training session I needed to get a kick in the pants and work even harder. I am putting on weight now, I'm up about 8lbs since my last show so far, so good.
