Friday, April 9, 2021

April 8, 2021 – Week 4, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (2-0-2-0 tempo)

Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments: So I thought I’d be feeling better good after yesterday getting a walk in and soft tissue stuff on my sore back area that I can’t reach with an icy hot roller but I guess my body decided everything was going to be achy today. Knees, shoulders, neck and lower back. Maybe finally feeling the deadlift negatives. But not happy with knees aching again as they had been so good the last three days. This workout wasn’t going to be a long one hopefully. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Surprisingly, my shoulders weren’t nearly as achy as they have been doing this routine the past two weeks. Again, log incline. Plan for today was 4x10. I was advised that this was to be light and fairly easy. That each set should feel like I had 3 reps in the tank and if not, I should be lowering the weight. So I really didn’t want to be lowering the weight. No wrist wraps. Maybe those were throwing me off? Or maybe I just didn’t want to bother with them today. Trying my best to keep the groove right on these and not lose the log out in front of me. Feeling much the same as last week working up in weight. I did smack myself in the chin. Some shoulder aches on these but no issues. No missed reps. I did feel fatigue building each set but never felt I was close to being out of reps but it was getting closer to that feeling by the end of it. So that was good. So after that was ring rows. Bodyweight only for 4x12. No indication of slightly pausing the reps at contraction. So I figured this would be easy. Wasn’t that easy. I’m not sure if my back is just feeling the heavier than normal rows or if just the fact I didn’t need to be doing these slower made me fatigue faster. I guess that maybe how I’ve been doing them with the pauses has the opposite effect compared to when I row weight vs myself. As I feel that I can do more reps if I go slow but maybe I was just expecting these to be a lot easier after how the other weeks felt and how paused vs non-paused on other rowing has been. So last bit of workout was altered a little. Normally it has been a triset. Now the triceps part was made separate from the shoulder exercises. I was advised that the tempo was too fast on the triceps and to slow it down. I figured that 2 seconds concentric and eccentric would do the trick. I also was fully expecting immediate soreness like I got with the split squats at the start of this training cycle. I ended up miscounting by 1 rep that first set (plan had been 3x15) so I did an extra rep on the next set to make up for it to even things out. There was definitely a temptation by the end of those 2nd and 3rd sets to speed things up as the triceps started to fatigue and burn. So the real last bit of the session was the lateral raises and face pulls. Less sets but more reps. I figured that they’d probably feel about the same really. First go through was a breeze but second set I could feel the fatigue. Felt equivalent to three rounds with the triceps break there. Big dinner and then stretching.

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