Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 3, 2021 – Week 3, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Heel Elevated Safety Squat Bar Bulgarian Split Squats (3-0-3-0 tempo)
15’sx3/3 (kettlebells)

Safety Squat Bar Zercher Goodmornings (3-0-3-0 tempo)

Paused Sandbag Rows (short ways, 1 second holds)

Behind The Back Barbell Holds
145x5 seconds
235x5 seconds
325x5 seconds
395x5 seconds
465x12.94 seconds
375x31.00 seconds
375x31.46 seconds

Backward Sled Drags
505x100’ in 45.47 seconds
505x100’ in 39.97 seconds

Comments: The long session of the week. Which is ok as I got nothing really going on on the weekends. I get to sleep in (finally) and recoup from the week. I wasn’t sure what this workout would bring after the second week. But it appears to be about the same as the first week so going through that again. Knees (mainly the right one) and left shoulder have been achy. Shoulder since Wednesday and the knees all week. Maybe the weather getting drastically cooler this week compared to last week? I had taken ibuprofen before bed. So starting off with movement prep stuff. Legs and core. With how my knees tolerated stepdowns last time and with how my knees were this week, I elected to do some soft tissue work on my knees for a warm-up. Took out the car buffer and used that one each knee for a minute before proceeding. Stepdowns not great but felt better compared to last week. They were certainly easier the second go through. I went up from 15lbs to 30lbs on the b-stance rdls. Didn’t notice much change on the first go but on the second my lower back just blew up. So might need to just stick to 15lbs on these. So as has been the case, tempo split squats to start off the day. I’m definitely getting used to them. No lingering soreness really last week. Plan being 4x8 again. I had a goal in mind to get up to using the ssb plus my 10lbs bumper plates for the last set. The sides definitely feel like they are evening out. First set I had the leg rest too close and adjusted for the following sets. Didn’t feel noticeable until I got ready for work sets. I took a brief break here before starting the next exercise. My grandmother was allowed to leave the home to visit and it has been since February 2020 that I was able to see her and not be made to sit across a table from her. Went back over to train as I’d be back after I was done. Zercher gms were next. Same as last time with 4x8 but doing them tempo style like the split squats. Last time it was just negatives being extended. Idea here was to keep me from overextending my lumbars at lockout. I feel I did that last time because my glutes and quads were so sore and pumped that I couldn’t stand up straight with weights. Good bit tougher but was close to using the same weights as last time. Time under tension essentially doubled. It was more the upper body holding that was getting more fatigued with the slower pace. I realized on the last set I was supposed to be trying to sit back more. So after that was done, I tore down the squat rack and put it back outside on the patio. I was trying to give my lower back a chance to recover as the next thing was sandbag rows. Same as last time, just an extra set added. I was going to stick with the way I did them last time because 1) gave my lower back a bit of break 2) wouldn’t risk tearing the scabs off my shins and 3) odds are I’ll be doing some kind of exercise next week that will be like a longways lift. I did less reps to warm-up considering I had more sets to do. I was a slightly tempted to try heavier bag but reconsidered when it felt like I was using more biceps then I’d like that first set. So next was behind the back holds. Plan was 15 seconds with 2-3 seconds in the tank followed by 2 sets of 30 seconds with 3-5 seconds in the tank. Plan was 10lbs more than last time. When it comes to this particular grip exercise, I’m not very good at gauging when my time has come with the grip. Warming up was feeling good. Last work up set felt better than it had the first time I did these so I thought for sure I’d have no problem with holding for 15 seconds on the top set. Wrong. It just seems that at a certain point, part of the grip fatigues and it rolls in the hands and then it’s almost over. I got over 30 seconds on the lighter sets but I didn’t leave any seconds in the tank when it came to the heaviest set and the last set with 375lbs. So last item of the day was backwards sled drags. This time, 2 sets of 100’ with the same weight. I figured based off last time, 505lbs was a safe bet to be within the 7-8 RPE range. There was a bit of down time as I needed to setup the course and get the sled and weights and also sweep up the debris in the street. No warm-up or work up sets. In hindsight, I probably need to do something as my knees were super achy and I always seem to be a lot slower on that first set that it isn’t a good gauge of how I can do. However, it might be too much of a pain to do a non-working set with how long it takes to reset the course so maybe backwards treadmill pushing to warm-up in the future might be an option. In either case, that first set felt rough on the knees and the pace was slow but it wasn’t that difficult. Reset the course and did it again and managed to be over 5 seconds faster. Still felt slow but that’s ok. Stretched and cleaned up before heading over to spend time with family.

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