Friday, April 23, 2021

April 22, 2021 – Week 6, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Paused 12” Log Incline Bench Presses (1 second)

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
31’sx16 (miscounted)

Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Rows

Comments:  Have to say my body is feeling wrecked from the suit work. I was getting random abdominal and upper back cramps throughout the day yesterday and today. Even one random hamstring cramp. It is going to take a little bit to get used to the suit work again. Got bruises and scrapes on my body from it. Coming into today’s session, I was slightly concerned. I had done some foam rolling near the end of my work day to see if that got the upper back to calm down. I think the lower back stuff is easing up a little and might have been hip related since seemed to calm down after training the previous time and that last bit of the session was all unilateral work. But I also wasn’t feeling any DOMS from the pressing session yet. That was a lot of accentuated negatives and my triceps were failing on some of those reps. So no clue what awaited me. Not terribly cold outside but wind gusts off and on up to 22mph it seemed wiser to move inside. I could be warmer and have less chance of being hit by debris. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Continuing the theme of not feeling too bad on the shoulders. Then the lifty stuff. Log incline again. So this time, doing the top weight from last week for 2x8. I did a few extra reps with the essentially empty log. I was actually moving pretty good through these warm-ups so I figured I’d keep that going and then rest changing the weights to the bumpers for the working sets. Got ready for that first set and it felt tough. Did not feel balanced where I had my grip on the handles. So that didn’t bode well for the rest of this I guess. Maybe something that I don’t normally have fatigued was fatigued from the suit fighting? So I felt I had to be ready to go the next set. No balance issue that time around and felt better than the first set. Huh? Alright, so I guess I should be good. Paused sets after that, 2x8 as well, just 10lbs more than the weight I did last week for 10’s. Didn’t really doubt these would be alright but hard to say without doing it first. Control seems to be good here. Had the grip issues on the second set at the start but it seemed to get corrected and be fine. Ring rows followed that as per usual. Advised to do 4x12 with 2-3 RIR all the way through with weight added. I figured that since bw+20x12 was fairly close to the limit that adding 10lbs would be about right. Certainly felt like it at the start. I messed up having the rings too low that first and corrected if for the other sets. Right biceps was feeling a little crampy today. Honestly, I felt stronger on these as I went. Wasn’t expecting that. Otherwise I’d have done more weight. Triceps stuff next. No clue how these would go as I figured I’d be having toasty triceps considering the ringer I put them through on Monday. So same as last week with 3 seconds eccentrics for 4x15. I figured that I would be ok doing small increases here. So 1lbs added haha. Really just meant I used 10’s and 2.5’s as the handles are 6lbs. I get paranoid with these since it is a lot of reps and the tempo that I have to check how many I did as I sometimes miscount. Like that first rep. Ok with going over but have to do extra if I do too few. Surprisingly staying strong through these (though last few reps of last set were tough). Maybe my triceps are adapting to this punishment haha.  Last bit of the session the same as last week with lateral raises and band rows. I had misunderstood the band rows as I thought I was to be rotating my torso. What I was supposed to be doing was bracing and letting my upper back rotate. I felt like I’ve finally gotten used to doing the circuits non-stop with the laterals enough that I went up a tiny bit in weight. Swapped out the loadable handles. I had not thought I’d need this much band tension for the rows but I did and in hindsight, might have still been too light for these. It was a nice pump for the shoulders and upper back. Finished cleaning up the stuff and then had a pot roast (two in one week) before stretching out.

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