Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April 27, 2021 – Week 7, Day 2

Mobility Prep
Added Straps

14” Jack Stand Pulls
Added Straps

Lateral Step Downs 
bwx3x10/10 (18”)
bwx3x10/10 (19”)
bwx3x10/10 (20”)

Cossack Squats

Seated Band Single Leg Hamstring Curls/Single Leg Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Comments: Still keeping an eye on the right knee. Nothing I’m doing seems to increase discomfort. Left biceps feels a little tight. Weather starting to become quite warm. Trying to go for comfort since I wasn’t going to be doing anything that would require me holding something to my body and not need slippage. So started things off doing same drill I did last week that seemed to help with my knees getting ready for the session. I did a rotation of band TKEs with the stretching. The bruising on my legs made the sensation of having bands on not a fantastic one.  But I do seem to be doing better with the unilateral stuff balancing on the split stance squats with the knees over toe. Still watching the slight discomfort in the left inner thigh/groin area. So the plan for today was deadlift without a suit. Do the controlled eccentrics, work up in doubles to 70%x3x3. I took the usual jumps that I would without a suit as I needed to warm-up and get the volume in. I’m not fighting to get to the bar raw haha so not a full body contraction each time. My outer portion of my knees ached big time when I first stepped up to the bar to lift bent over. I see something is feeling those duck walks still. I probably don’t need straps if I chalked up my hands but I want to not have to worry about that part of it when doing these. Weight did feel a bit heavy to me. I tried to start with my hips a little higher but once I got to the working weight, it felt off to me. Perhaps too much. Honestly, I need work on the deadlift all the time but the start is the point of contention right now. I feel suit work needs it too but just started that and honestly, I need a break and can’t do it week in and week out as it is exhausting. I can tell that doing these controlled reps on the eccentric are tough. And the start is no way like the repping when I use a suit vs the same style no suit. Those second and third reps each set feel tough. I do feel like the first rep of each set did improve as I went. So from there, on to block/rack pulls with the jack stands. Going up a little bit. Plan for today was 2x3 followed by repping out the weight on the third set. These seem to be clicking with me. Maybe just a better position for me with my levers to pull. I can get a feeling of feeling sturdy and tight. Tension. I have a hard time doing that with pulls from the floor. Not sure why but when I do these pulls, I get a visual of JF Caron getting set to pull on the hummer tire deadlift from last year. Just seems to be the mental picture and then it goes up for me. Simplifies for me the cues of back and break then accelerate. Warming up single felt ok. First work set, the weight felt heavy. Not happy with that as I wanted to put in a good effort on the max rep set. Next set it felt light again so I was happy. I got set and put on a good song to rep to. I had the number 12 in my head. Goal here was to leave 1-2 reps in the tank. Last time I did these for reps, I may have cut it a little early but I was still new to this training and getting a sense of what I’m about with this lift. So this time, I felt that I had a more accurate gauge and could get closer to that point. Definitely had at least another rep there. Probably one more. Pacing seemed good. Got a little winded from that effort but that was fine by me as I was done with pulls and on to the lighter fare. So for the lateral step downs, I was advised to do same as before but it sounded like I could push the height to increase difficulty. I had a bit of break here as initially I was setting this up inside as I figured that I could go up but reconsidered when I saw that I maybe only had an inch of clearance so setup outside. I figured that as long as my knees tolerated things, I’d go up 1” per set. First set, first rep always seems to be the one that I have to get over before the rest of them are easier. Also had to see if the setup for adding more height rather than being the big board or another crash pad (too much of a jump for right now) would work. Camera didn’t record the second set. Height made it slightly tougher balance wise but still good. I may keep 18” as my first set to warm-up going forward if I’m increasing for more aggressive height increases. Then Cossack squats. Same as last week with 4x5/5. I was told that if I felt good, I could add a little weight. I tested to make sure my knees were ok with just bodyweight before using the 15lbs kettlebell for the sets. I’m still cautious with my knees but I’m feeling like these more mobile exercises are bringing back some of the movements I had when I was younger and less achy. So that is a positive haha. Assuming I’m not achy the next day haha. Last item of the night was the hamstring and calves superset sandwich. Reps for each increased. Kept same band tension for the hamstrings. As was the case last week, the left was lagging behind the right. Again, not certain what changed that. Left is stronger on the calves. Right side was struggling with the 10 reps, now more so with 12 reps. Hell, even my left was finding it tough by the end. But these are good for my leg tendons, muscles and joints. Ate a roast for dinner and then stretched, following up with ice for my knees.

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