Tuesday, April 6, 2021

April 5, 2021 – Week 4, Day 1

Mobility Prep
Axle Push Presses (beltless)
Pause 1st rep 2 seconds
No Pauses

Axle Strict Presses (beltless)

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Ring Push-ups (3 seconds negatives, feet on ground)

Y Raises/ Band Triceps Pressdowns

Comments: So three weeks down of training so far. Advised that some of this week partial deload on certain things. Not necessarily meaning easier. Trying to keep from focusing on negatives. It happens but I know that it isn’t a good thing as stress affects how I feel and how I perceive. I know from experience that stress affects how my by lower back feels at times. So trying to get in good frame of mind when it comes to training. Noticing that musculature is looking fuller in legs, upper back, chest and shoulders. Foam rolling was definitely needed, same with hip flexor stretches. Mobility prep was mostly good. Happy to see that my knees weren’t complaining nearly as much.  The fact that the split squats are so easy now makes me happy. So on to lifting. Axle push presses again. The planned deload here was in that doing proposed 75% for 5x3. Not so easy though as these were to be beltless. On the one hand, it’s one less thing to worry about (I have to alter breathing and bracing and watch when I drink/eat stuff) but it does mean things are harder. As with last session, warming up with doubles but pausing the first rep. Did that up to same weight I stopped at last time before doing just a regular double. Wanted to do this workout without wrist wraps on. Push pressing felt heavy in the hands but got better as I went. On the fourth set, I forgot to do the reps without rebounding and caught myself and held the rep in the dip for a moment on the second rep before going and then did a regular rep after that. I guess these were better. Left shoulder is not a fan of locking out weights at the moment. I’m not sure what initially caused this shoulder ache but it has been ongoing for months at this point. So after that was strict pressing. Plan here being 75% for 3x5. I figured I needed to do some sets to get used to it rather than going right after the push pressing. After doing these, I feel I went to high a weight to base things off of. I used an average of my lifts to projected max and got 197lbs for the weight. But I could tell that this was feeling heavier than I wanted and dropped of 2lbs to make it easier. Earlier this year I had done 190x12 but two weeks later 200x7. These were tough. They don’t look as bad as they felt on video. Lockout on some reps was really tough. I guess I rely on my belt and wraps a lot when it comes to strict pressing. My right biceps started to tense up right before the last set. Lower lat/lower trap also cramped up right after I finished the last set. Not injured but really tense and tight. Well, I finished with no missed reps. Depending on how it feels, I may need to alter the plan for the rest of the workout but I’d hate to do that. So the next thing for the workout was the bench rows. No pauses/holds this time. That restriction makes this movement so much harder. Plan here was 4x10 for RPE 7. 135lbs was so light I didn’t bother putting on straps. I forgot I was only doing a triple when it came to 185lbs. I didn’t think 225lbs would be that easy but it was. I stuck with that weight just in case I got any fatigue that slowed me down over the sets (and also didn’t want to push my luck with my upper back today). Only time it really felt like I slowed down on the reps was the last set. Moving on. Ring push-ups next. Same as last time. Advised this was probably the last week of these. Trying to push these closer to the 1-2 reps left range. I lost count on the first set and needed to review the video back to check. No issues from the back (I think) on these though maybe my right shoulder was a little achy from the tightness. So extra 3 reps on the first set and 2 on the second. Last set I was really feeling the fatigue of the reps of the previous sets and just got a dozen to finish them off. At this point, I took the meatloaf out of the oven. Time was going by fast. Last item of the evening (and it was getting darker as the spotlight came on and mosquitos buzzing) was bands. Just the y raises and pressdowns supersetted this time. Y raises were a bit tougher because of the upper back stuff but also trying to control the movement better. Triceps also felt tougher. Perhaps they worked harder with the added reps or the strict presses. As has been the case, the right arm feels like it fatigues faster on triceps stuff. Finished up and had meatloaf for dinner. Iced knees and took ibuprofen and muscle relaxer to help with the current spasm (in a spot I can’t reach with the icy hot roller). Hopefully sleeping well with resolve things.

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