Friday, April 16, 2021

April 15, 2021 – Week 5, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Paused 12” Log Incline Bench Presses (1 second)

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)

Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Rows

Comments: Was feeling a little down mentally the day before. I mean, life is good. I think it was kind of realizing that this may be another year of no competing potentially. My actions from earlier in the year mean the shows I had signed up for are no longer an option since I had asked to be removed from the rosters. Checked to see if I could get back on the one later in the year and technically I can but it would be a waitlist. At this time, I don’t want the added stress of uncertainty of whether I’ll be allowed to compete or not so just removing that option from my mind. So on the plus side, I’m at least feeling confident enough that with good 12 weeks or more prep, I can be competition ready. But it doesn’t look like things will work out. Less people can qualify for SC nats so pretty much I have to outright win to go. Still weighing out my options. I don’t want to shoot down the progress I’ve made at this point on certain things. Got second shot so I was expecting that this might end up being a rough workout the following day. Seemed ok other than sore shoulder. Then the upper body aches came. Actually, felt like I was having a phantom pain just ricocheting through my body like a pin ball. This was probably the best workout session to really have this going on with the exercises planned. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Surprisingly, these didn’t make my already achy shoulders achy. Then it was time to lift the weights. Log incline again. It was a bit windy and chill outside. So plan for the session was to work up to a good set of 10 reps and then go from there. For easy math sake and my own mental wellbeing, I aimed for 220lbs. This was what I had done for 8 reps the first week of training. As previously mentioned, this has been a weird exercise for me. Been doing the same warm-ups to get ready. Thankfully, no issues with getting 10 reps this time. So dropped 20lbs to do another set of 10 reps. Again, not much of a problem here other than achy shoulders. But that wasn’t really related to the movement any more than usual with how the shoulders and upper back/neck were feeling today. Another 20lbs off for the last bit of the pressing. Just indicated to do 2x10 with a brief pause. I tried to keep it close to 1 second. For some reason, the paused reps feel better to me compared to the other reps. Oh well. So that was done and on to the next part of the workout, ring rows. Bodyweight only for 4x12. Well, not exactly. I was advised to go for max reps with 1-2 in the tank on the last set. Feeling shoulders and lats and upper back. I didn’t feel like I’d get many above the reps by the last set. I guess I was wrong. Like the rows on Monday, just shy of 20 reps here. Triceps stuff next. So a bit altered from last week. No tempo on the concentric but more so on the eccentric. I figured that I could do more than 26’s this week after the last session, especially if just the eccentric emphasis. But the extra set of it was going to be interesting. Trying to be slow and controlled with these. I was definitely feeling the fatigue by the end of each set, especially the last two sets. Last bit of the session also had a changeup. Still doing the lateral raises but the pairing now with a band row. Indication was to keep this at a lighter RPE than the other stuff. Kneeling with trunk rotation. So I went with a lighter band tension than I might usually do here just to get the motion down and insure I wasn’t overdoing it. The rowing isn’t as fatiguing to the shoulders as the triceps and face pulls had been considering all things. Big dinner and then stretching. Hopefully the achiness in my body passes soon.

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