Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April 20, 2021 – Week 6, Day 2

Mobility Prep
Suited Deadlifts (straps)

14” Jack Stand Pulls
Added Straps

Lateral Step Downs (18”)

Cossack Squats

Seated Band Single Leg Hamstring Curls/Single Leg Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Comments: Still have some niggles in the left side lower back that I’m watching. Also keeping an eye on the lower abdominals and inner thighs as feeling some tenderness since Saturday training. One thing I’ve noticed has been that I haven’t had a feeling of shin splints in as many weeks when I’ve been doing my walks on my days off. I think it has happened only once in the past six weeks. So that is something. Hoping I didn’t do too much yesterday that will affect training going forward (push press misses and the push-ups). Busy with work so I didn’t have the opportunity to setup for training like some days. But this workout was changed up a bit I’m sure so didn’t really matter too much other than a later start to things. So last time, doing some things to warm-up seemed to help with the movement prep stuff. So rather than using the treadmill, I did a rotation of band TKEs with the stretching. Still not the best but seemed to get some things to be better. Right side has issues with the ATG split squats with balance. Probably related to that calf being tighter and weaker. Feel better after going through them again, as usually the case. Then the lifting. So yesterday I don’t feel really had much change from what was probably planned before I decided to sign up for a contest. I know this date was modified for that. So rather than start off with the usual block pulls, this was getting an idea of where I stand as far as suited pulls. So I got the suit out that I haven’t used since September 2019. Questions would be, would it still fit haha. I know I’ve had some body composition changes since then. More leg work and back work for example. I can get it on by myself no problem so that was good. But it is work. I think people assume that you can just put on the suit and get 80lbs out of it right away. No, it is work. Work to get into it and work to fight the suit. And I’m not in fighting shape. I forgot how much pressure and pain this thing puts me in. It is going to take a few sessions. So the plan here was to work up to an easy triple doing doubles and then take 10% off that triple and do two more. RPE is hard to gauge on this as I’m having to actively fight to get into position and the lifting isn’t usually that bad considering. Thinking on it, it is like I’m doing a body isometric to keep it together. So I can look like I can pull the weight for like 10 reps but it feels like my skin wants to burst. So I was advised here to control the negatives to keep it in the groove. This is what I’ve usually done with my suit work in the past when doing low reps or breaking it in. I had thought about doing quarter-plate jumps but after that first rep, I knew I wouldn’t have the endurance to fight the suit through that many sets so I went with plate jumps up to 405lbs, when I added my hard belt and it gets the tightest. I sometimes have issues with getting my hard belt to latch with the pressure but it seemed to work ok this time. It was a real effort getting to the bar and then getting into position. I’ve been doing figure 8 straps in the past but since I’ve been doing them figure 6 on the other stuff, figured I’d do that here to see how it felt and try to keep the theme going. Deep sea diving pressure from the suit. Crushing. The fight I the suit with 405lbs was about the same as 520lbs so on that alone, it was like RPE9 to fight the suit but the lifting was quite easy. I didn’t think it was wise to go for 545lbs as I got to 405lbs to keep it “easy” so I went with 520lbs as that would be technically a 1lbs PR for most I’ve done in a suit from the floor for a triple (never pushed it, same with doubles). I knew I was going to be paying for this later. So dropped off 10% of that for two sets. First set wasn’t too bad. Second set I could tell I was reaching my limits in the suit for the day as my left side’s grip and strap were lacking. I felt whooped. But I was just starting. Block pulls again. Advised to take off the suit (thank you, though it isn’t as bad elevated pulls). I was really not sure how these would go after the effort spent on the suited stuff. Hell, I was having my one calf muscle twitching from having to fight getting into position so hard on the deadlifts. Turns out, I felt great on these. Just 15lbs more than last time for 3x4. And it was easy. So happy with that. After the pulls, I was finally able to get some liquid in me and not worry about risking spewage.  The rest of the workout was lighter stuff as has been the case but some changes. Lateral step downs again. If I want to go any higher than an inch more, I’ll have to move to doing these outside. Still a little rough getting depth figured out on the first rep of the first set but not nearly as tough as it was last week. Could definitely go about these at a quicker pace between sides but took time. Then Cossack squats. An extra set and advised to try and sit back in to it and not lose tightness. Also, stick to one side first, then the other side. Probably for the best. I didn’t feel like my knees were in danger or anything. I had already started cooking dinner by this point in the workout as it was going to be a late session. Last thing was the pairing of leg curls and tempo calves. Same as last time with 3 sets of hammies and 2 sets of gammies. Calves were feeling some fatigue from the suited pulls. My right hamstring usually seems to lag behind on this but that has been after many sets of other stuff but this time seemed to be the stronger leg. Finished up the session and ate a big dinner. I could just feel the different twitches and cramps there were there from this workout. Stretched and iced my knees before bed.

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