Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 26, 2021 – Week 7, Day 1

Mobility Prep
Axle Push Presses (beltless)
Pause 1st rep 2 seconds
No Pauses

Axle Push Presses (beltless 5 seconds negatives)

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Chaos Band Push-ups (4 seconds negatives, feet elevated 8”)

Paused Dumbbell Y Raises (2 second hold)/Band Triceps Extensions (facing away)

Comments: Survived another week. Not sure why I keep thinking that? Maybe I’ve just been used to feeling beat down and not really feeling like progressing and then getting injuries for so long that I’m concerned my body will just fall apart on me. My joints feel old most days. Last week was first week of contest specific prep so interested to see what this second week would bring. I kind of indulged myself Saturday and Sunday with food I normally don’t eat as I finally got DoorDash to work again and I didn’t feel like cooking during the weekend. Need to take it easy with that haha so back to regularly scheduled meals for a bit. As far as things feeling different from the newer stuff done, outer tights and hips feeling stiff from duck walk and hamstrings feeling tight from the stones and glute ham negatives. Also bruising from where the duck walk hit my legs (ordered something to hopefully prevent that). I was a little concerned about the right knee with how it was feeling at the end of training on Saturday with that misstep I seemed to have on the start of the second set of sled work. Not sure if I did something or not with the swelling from the duck walk stuff so have to see how things go. I have full ROM and don’t appear to feel any weakness or structural issues. I had to alter training for today a little bit as I had a dentist appointment that was scheduled so I had to take off work early for that. I didn’t want to start training after that and be doing stuff like an hour or so later in the evening. I setup stuff during my lunch break. Foam rolling was definitely needed, same with hip flexor stretches. Parts of the movement prep felt off, namely the split squats and the dead bugs. The left side inner thigh/groin has just felt tense the past two weeks. Knees didn’t feel as crap as they did last week at least. Then on to the lifty part of the day. Axle push pressing with no belt again. Knees were thankfully not feeling like crap here. Plan for today was to do 82.5% for 5x3. So continuing to build volume as two weeks ago it was 4x3. A part of my camera tripod broke on Saturday so it was a little tricky to get the camera to stay put today (I ordered a replacement). Felt consistent today. Only one rep (last of the fourth) I felt like I got off balance to lockout the weight. Some reps the lockout was a bit tougher and on one rep, I almost lost my balance with how violently it went up and back. This was then followed by the eccentric pressing. More weight but thankfully volume dropped a good bit. Just 2x4 on these today. These are still exhausting. I tried to hold at the top for a count to catch my breath and to work on overhead balance as I feel that I get really fatigued on these and the wobbling starts on some reps. I felt like I had a very good control on the negatives for each rep. I had been moving at a slightly quicker pace to make sure I got through all the push pressing before the dentist appointment. It seemed that I had enough time to do the next exercise before I had to go. So bench rows next. This time 3x8 with 10lbs more than last week and then a max rep set with 20lbs taken off. I did a few extra reps on the warm-up. Again, trying to get a stretch at the bottom. I felt like it only took one set to get my lats to cooperate with me as opposed to last time when it was until the last set that that happened. As has been the case, feels like the sets get easier as I go. I was hoping to match or beat my reps with 225lbs for that last set but I wasn’t expecting to so that was nice. So then I had to take an hour break for a dentist appointment. I was that confident that that would go smoothly. It worked out as the next exercise was one that would get me plenty warm while doing them. Chaos bands with the goal being 3x15 with bodyweight while still leaving 3RIR. Same as last week as far as eccentrics and elevation. I did add an additional band to the setup so that possibly made things a little easier. I had not considered that the elevation last time would increase percentage of my bodyweight on the bands that made them dip a lot lower (hitting the ground sometimes). I took longer rests here compared to the other exercises as I didn’t have to rush and I wanted to make sure I was not needing to stop to take a breather and not miss reps. I got through these successfully. Last item of the session was the superset again. But made tougher by adding reps to each. Ugh, that was not fun. But I know these are good for me. Finished up the session and ate a bit dinner and then iced my knees before bed.

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