Friday, April 2, 2021

April 1, 2021 – Week 3, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Paused 12” Log Incline Bench Presses (2 seconds)

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions/ Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments: The odd man out day. Well I guess not entirely true. Days 1 & 2 seem to be similar and then Day 4 is crazy town. Day 3 is supposed to be the secondary pressing day. Weather was being weird (and I’ve been taking nasal spray each morning because pollen) as it was hailing a few hours before I’d lift and weather was saying it may rain and/or snow (go home April, you’re drunk) so I figured it was best to bring my rack inside for training today. And of course it stops well enough that it didn’t matter (though my weights would’ve gotten weight). Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Shoulders were really feeling achy on these. Second go through was a little better. Then it was time to lift the weights. Log incline again. So this was little bit of a change up in that not all the sets were to be normal style. So plan to start was warm-up to a tough set of 6 reps, drop a bit off for another and then some more off for paused sets. Plan had been 245/225/205. I was feeling good on the working up sets so I figured why not try for a bit more. I should be used to this now right? Wrong. I’m really not sure what happened here but going up in weight it felt awful and I only got a single with the weight. Log incline has always been temperamental with me in the past but it hadn’t been for a good bit of time there training at home so I guess I forgot that it could be this bad. So I took off 9lbs (well really all the weights to put it back and then put weights back on) and got set. Came up short 1 rep of the planned 6. Double damn it. I hate when I fall short. But it still doesn’t make sense to me that I get a single and then take off 9lbs and get 5. So after that, I was leery about any other sets. I mean, I guess I should be happy after that bad start I was still able to get five reps. Didn’t have much problems with 225lbs. So then drop off another 20lbs for paused sets. I was really not sure how these would go. I think part of it was just me realizing that I’m really rebounding the hell out of these reps. I think these went mostly well. Having to pause for 2 count meant I not only had to pause but I needed to control the log and ensure placement. I think that the pressing and push-ups really do fatigue some parts of this and that I seem stronger when I have it closer to my face rather than away from my shoulders. And I think that is where I run into issues with getting bad reps is when it gets out of the groove and I’m not strong enough or conditioned enough to keep it there. Second set I lost tightness on the last rep and my right shoulder tucked in to be stable. That made it a really rough rep to lockout. Ugly and uneven. Not a good rep in any sense. But this appears to be a hole in my game that I need to patch. So after that was ring rows. Advised to stay at the same weight and do 4x8 but allowed to do more reps on that last set as long as I kept some in the tank. Left shoulder was feeling a tad achy on these today. I was trying to not be looking down at my feet or at the weights on my hips as they should stay put and be fine. Look up and continue working a reverse plank. These at least seem to be consistent compared to the log stuff. Last set I’m annoyed my camera didn’t film the set. So then for the last part of the workout, the triset of light exercises for three rounds of 15 reps. Now I had been told that I could do more reps on the triceps rather than go up in weight as long as I kept it within difficult parameters. But I wanted to do a bit more weight and it would also give me an excuse to use these dumbbell handles I bought almost a year ago when everything went to COVID. These seemed to work out pretty good. Triceps seemed ok but shoulders seemed to be fatiguing more than last time. I ended up having pizzas (yes more than one) for dinner and then stretched.

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