Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April 13, 2021 – Week 5, Day 2

Mobility Prep
14” Jack Stand Pulls
Added Straps

Wide Grip Romanian Deadlifts (5 seconds negative, straps, beltless)

Lateral Step Downs (18”)

Cossack Squats

Seated Band Single Leg Hamstring Curls/Single Leg Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Comments: Some aches and what not from previous session. But not like as a negative. More just different stuff from new exercises and modalities. Been feeling like I’ve had restful sleep the past few days. Shins finally all good with no more scabbing from the weeks prior. So tried a little different for the warming up. What I’ve been trying to do is car buffering and stretching for the knees to feel ready for training on lower body days. This time, do short time of backwards treadmill stuff and stretching. That actually seemed to work better. Still got creakiness in the knees on the outstretched leg doing the split squats but not as bad as it has been. Kind of funny reading back to the first week doing these. Still some balance issues but not having as many issues with strength and flexibility. No butt cramping either haha. So after that, on to lifting things. Back to the block pulls after the break last week. Today was the inverse of the first week. I had done 75% for 5x3. This time, it was to be 3x5. Left side was feeling a little tight and stiff today. Feeling a little rough. So I guess a repeat of how I felt that first week then? At least this time, I know what I’m about and that I can get double digits with 50lbs weight. Reps felt solid that first working set but didn’t feel powerful. I mean, still plenty reps in the tank. Second set seemed to be a bit better as far as feeling strong and maybe more so the last set. I had kind of seen getting those reps and sets no problem as a forgone conclusion. So next up was RDLS again but different. Difference being that I was to take a wider grip and no pauses but slow the eccentric down to a 5ct. Still straps and beltless. And no more stop pads. I really wasn’t sure what I’d be able to do here. The plan was 3x8 at RPE 7. My only experience with 5ct negatives for deadlifts was what I did last week and those were quite exhausting with 295lbs. The lifting part was easy, the lowering was suffering. So I figured lighter was probably the way to go. I also didn’t really have a frame of reference for how slow it would be for essentially half the ROM of a regular deadlift so I did these with just the bar and took quarter-plate jumps. I thought these would be harder once I got up to 225lbs but I realized this was too light when I wasn’t certain if I did 8 reps or not. So I went up 25lbs for the next set with the hope that I’d do 275lbs for the last set. These didn’t feel as tough as the pause variations I was doing before I think but hard to say. In hindsight, I probably could’ve done 275lbs for all three sets. But this was a new one for me. The rest of the workout was lighter stuff as has been the case but some changes. Usually, the next thing was lateral step downs and those planks supersetted. Not this time. The lateral step downs were by themselves. Same rep scheme. I figured since this was solo, I’d up the platform so that I was just using 3 crash pads (18”). I don’t plan on going any higher with these. Balance was a bit tougher. The first set was a bit rough, especially the first rep of each set as trying to feel for depth. After that, it was much better and got easier as I went as per usual. Next was a new exercise but not really. I say that as while I haven’t done it as an “exercise” I’ve done this movement for fun when I was younger just because. Cossack squats. Just body weight and for low reps. When I’d do these, I’d just sit in the bottom position, not really doing squats per se. I was happy these weren’t that difficult for me since I’ve gained like 60lbs since I was last doing these haha. Thankfully not really bugging my right knee. But still got to be cautious with things and not get all loose. Focus. Last thing was the pairing of leg curls and tempo calves. Only change to this was doing an extra set of hamstring curls after the last set of calf raises. I had initially thought that the knee sleeve wasn’t doing much on the back of my leg with the band but I was shown how wrong that assertion was on the first set. Hamstring curls feeling about the same throughout the sets. Calf stuff still much harder on the right side. Put everything away and ate meatloaf and then stretched. Iced the knees before bed. Rest will be good.

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