Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 6, 2021 – Week 4, Day 2

Mobility Prep
Deadlifts (5 seconds negatives)
1st rep negatives only
Added Straps/Negatives each rep
295x4 (miscounted)

Romanian Deadlifts (beltless, straps)

Lateral Step Downs (15.5”)/ Copenhagen Planks (ver 1)
bwx3x10/10—bwx20/20 seconds
bwx3x10/10—bwx20/20 seconds
bwx3x10/10—bwx20/20 seconds

Seated Band Single Leg Hamstring Curls/Single Leg Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Comments: Well, sleep and OTC stuff didn’t quite do the trick for the lat/trap stuff from yesterday. Just going to have to work its way through. Pain is more a distraction then feeling like something is going to tear or break so I did take some more ibuprofen during the day. Also did some soft tissue work and foam rolling. Noticing knee pain hasn’t been as present these past few days so happy with that. Seems to come and go. No real rhyme or reason. It is getting warmer out so may need to start using my fans in the garage soon. So I tried something a little different for the start of the workout. Did some stretches and used the car buffer on my knees for a minute each. This was more to try and get my knees feeling ok for the first part of the movement prep. It’s always the stretched out back leg that aches on these. I’ll admit I was also a little wobbly on these too.  Legs were feeling some fatigue on the belt marches but no knee pain. Core stuff was feeling the lat/trap thing. Then into the garage to lift some weights. So a bit of a change. No block pulls. The deload for this session was to make it be light deadlifts from the floor. However, the plan here was to have 5 seconds negatives. I had to think a little bit on best way to warm-up considering the ROM and time under tension. Didn’t want to prefatigue before I did it. I’ve never done this long of a negative on deadlifts before. Always was just a controlled one when done. I figured the best way to get used to it was to do for warm-ups just the first rep like this and then do the following regular so that I got used to both styles (I didn’t think doing singles would work here). Probably didn’t need straps considering the weight but with the time under tension aspect, I thought it better to not fatigue the grip so I could really focus on bracing and control. Plus, doing heavy grip work later in the week. Pulls did feel a little alien to me at first. Those negatives are no joke. Lot of pressure. Took a deep breath at the top of each rep to rebrace and go again. Because the concentric was so easy, I lost track of where I was in the set on the first working set (50%) that I did an extra rep. The plan had been to do 4x3.  Had to kind of stop myself from going too quickly after each set. The negatives were the really draining part. Starting to get used to the regular style straps again. Can feel that I’m getting more lat control and less “side to side wobble” that can happen with the figure 8’s if grip fatigues. So after that, it was rdls. No pauses this week but still doing them beltless. The plan for today was 2x10 with 275lbs and then do a max rep set. I figured that I was already doing full ROM and having to really control the weights that I’d be plenty warmed up for these without needing to do any work up sets. I was right. Second set felt easier than the first set. Now the max rep set said max reps but not really. Idea was leaving 3-5 reps in the tank but more basing stopping things on when I felt the bar speed slowing down considerably. Thunderstruck by AC/DC came on so I don’t know if I got an accurate gauge as the weight felt like nothing. I stopped at 25 reps as I felt like I was slowing down but I probably could’ve done 40 reps with this with how it was feeling. I was also trying to not overextend my lower back on these. Getting a bit sweaty by this point and using the sweat towel. Then on to the other stuff. As with last time, pairing of single legs and the weird planks. No changes to what I did last week here. I think part of that had me a little cocky as I definitely had some balance issues but just barreled through and I definitely tested if I could hold the plank with less assistance from the lower leg. I did have to alter the layout of the setup as I couldn’t have the platform where I usually do with the garage door up since I was hitting the top now. Last bit of the session was hamstrings and calves again. Well not exactly again. Calf raises stayed the same but the hamstring curls were different. Now a single leg style. Keeping the band tension the same (2 bands a leg) and still getting the same reps. The switching over to the next thing took a bit more time so I used that. I wore the knee sleeve on my ankle (the thickest one) and wore it on the leg that was doing the work and then took it off to switch for the other side and then took it off when doing the calf raises. I already know I can get the reps on the calf raises now so the aim is to do so every time. Left hamstring (like left calf) seems to be stronger than the right. However my hamstrings seem to have about the same fatigue whereas my calves differ there too. So a lot of sweat from those last two circuits. Had a pot roast for dinner and then stretched before icing my knees.

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