Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
Paused 12” Log Incline Bench Presses (1 second)
Inverted Ring Rows
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Rows
Comments: Another session where I just feel all the aches and pains of the past three sessions haha. Raining during the day a bit and forecast said it would start raining about an hour after my shift ended so I figured I’d rather not get rained on while doing exercises that have me on my back so I moved the rack into the garage during lunch so that it would have a chance to dry out and then lift in the garage. But it looks like it never really started raining again. So just lifting in a humid garage for no real reason haha. But at least I didn’t have to worry about slick patio covered with debris from the wind and rain. Just had to start using AC in the house Wednesday night as house was staring to get muggy and the floor fan wasn’t enough. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Continuing the theme of not feeling too bad on the shoulders but other stuff was feeling off. Nothing that was going to really be needed for anything I was doing today though. I was a little anxious about the log pressing with my right pectoral feeling achy near the sternum. Plan for today was like earlier in the month with working up to a top smooth weight and then base the rest of the stuff off of that. Last time was 10 and for that day, I had went for the weight I got for 8 on the very first week of this training cycle. Log incline numbers have been down from what I was doing (although to be fair, I’ve been better for reps at lighter weight and then crap the bed on heavier weight). So originally, I was thinking to be on the safe side, go for 230lbs for a 10lbs increase. But thinking of the math involved for the sets afterwards, I realized that unless I did 240lbs, I’d be using less weight for those sets then last week and that didn’t sit right with me considering things. Today, I felt like I had to try heavier. Haven’t been able to hit the desired reps on anything over 225lbs with this on the secondary day. I was feeling pretty good working up until the set right before as it felt like my triceps on the right side was super weak when I was trying to get the log into place in the rack catches. But it felt fine with pressing. First rep would tell me if I had this or not with the 240lbs. Got set for things and had a go. I knew it was going to be close as I got near the end of the set. Had to take a little break after that to use the car buffer on my inner thighs. I think that this was more from Tuesday’s training since I added weight to the Cossack squats so loading those patterns with more weight than ever before since I’ve never done those with weights and I was about 60lbs lighter when I did them for funsies. No issues with the 10% drop off set. Paused sets after that, 2x8 like last week. With the 10% drop, just 2lbs more than last week. So this was no problem either. These tend to be comfortable, especially after the other stuff. I get to work the hard weights with all the tricks and then the lighter stuff with the control so I get the best of both. Ring rows followed that as per usual. Advised to do 3x12 with same weight as last time and then max rep set leaving 1-2 in the tank. These felt stupid easy today. I thought maybe I had the rings too high making these easier on the first set but even after lowering them a few inches, still easy. I didn’t expect these after the past two sessions this week and with how tight my biceps had felt just the day before. I didn’t think I was getting full ROM near the end of the max rep set so I stopped but looks like it was just fine on video. Triceps stuff next. I think here I got a little too overconfident. So the plan here was 4x12 with the 3 second negatives still and trying to keep it RPE 7. I decided that with the decrease in reps, I should be able to do my 40’s now for this exercise. Not really though since I should remind myself that this was a 9lbs per hand increase on these, which is more than the past 3 sessions increase in total by almost double. I will say I controlled the negatives but there were reps near the end of each set that didn’t stay as controlled as the past few sessions. I feel like I’ll need to stick here for a while or lower the weight depending on what makes more sense here. But even so, my triceps work is night and day difference from the first two weeks of training. Final item for the day was the pairing of lateral raises and single arm band rows. I was advised to try and get the laterals up to at least 15lbs and adjust the band tension. I figured I was feeling bold so go for 21lbs on the laterals. I was thinking initially just doing a light band and adding a monster mini to the band rows but I thought I should just go for the average band here. So these were fairly big jumps in weight/tension for these particular exercises and I apparently have been slacking as these both felt like I had more there to still be within the difficult and effort parameters. Band rows surprised me the most though. Only hiccup was on the third set when the one dumbbell started to come apart on me so I had to stop the set early to fix it and then do the remaining four reps to finish the set. Cooked up big meal for dinner, putting stuff away while cooking.
Comments: Another session where I just feel all the aches and pains of the past three sessions haha. Raining during the day a bit and forecast said it would start raining about an hour after my shift ended so I figured I’d rather not get rained on while doing exercises that have me on my back so I moved the rack into the garage during lunch so that it would have a chance to dry out and then lift in the garage. But it looks like it never really started raining again. So just lifting in a humid garage for no real reason haha. But at least I didn’t have to worry about slick patio covered with debris from the wind and rain. Just had to start using AC in the house Wednesday night as house was staring to get muggy and the floor fan wasn’t enough. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Continuing the theme of not feeling too bad on the shoulders but other stuff was feeling off. Nothing that was going to really be needed for anything I was doing today though. I was a little anxious about the log pressing with my right pectoral feeling achy near the sternum. Plan for today was like earlier in the month with working up to a top smooth weight and then base the rest of the stuff off of that. Last time was 10 and for that day, I had went for the weight I got for 8 on the very first week of this training cycle. Log incline numbers have been down from what I was doing (although to be fair, I’ve been better for reps at lighter weight and then crap the bed on heavier weight). So originally, I was thinking to be on the safe side, go for 230lbs for a 10lbs increase. But thinking of the math involved for the sets afterwards, I realized that unless I did 240lbs, I’d be using less weight for those sets then last week and that didn’t sit right with me considering things. Today, I felt like I had to try heavier. Haven’t been able to hit the desired reps on anything over 225lbs with this on the secondary day. I was feeling pretty good working up until the set right before as it felt like my triceps on the right side was super weak when I was trying to get the log into place in the rack catches. But it felt fine with pressing. First rep would tell me if I had this or not with the 240lbs. Got set for things and had a go. I knew it was going to be close as I got near the end of the set. Had to take a little break after that to use the car buffer on my inner thighs. I think that this was more from Tuesday’s training since I added weight to the Cossack squats so loading those patterns with more weight than ever before since I’ve never done those with weights and I was about 60lbs lighter when I did them for funsies. No issues with the 10% drop off set. Paused sets after that, 2x8 like last week. With the 10% drop, just 2lbs more than last week. So this was no problem either. These tend to be comfortable, especially after the other stuff. I get to work the hard weights with all the tricks and then the lighter stuff with the control so I get the best of both. Ring rows followed that as per usual. Advised to do 3x12 with same weight as last time and then max rep set leaving 1-2 in the tank. These felt stupid easy today. I thought maybe I had the rings too high making these easier on the first set but even after lowering them a few inches, still easy. I didn’t expect these after the past two sessions this week and with how tight my biceps had felt just the day before. I didn’t think I was getting full ROM near the end of the max rep set so I stopped but looks like it was just fine on video. Triceps stuff next. I think here I got a little too overconfident. So the plan here was 4x12 with the 3 second negatives still and trying to keep it RPE 7. I decided that with the decrease in reps, I should be able to do my 40’s now for this exercise. Not really though since I should remind myself that this was a 9lbs per hand increase on these, which is more than the past 3 sessions increase in total by almost double. I will say I controlled the negatives but there were reps near the end of each set that didn’t stay as controlled as the past few sessions. I feel like I’ll need to stick here for a while or lower the weight depending on what makes more sense here. But even so, my triceps work is night and day difference from the first two weeks of training. Final item for the day was the pairing of lateral raises and single arm band rows. I was advised to try and get the laterals up to at least 15lbs and adjust the band tension. I figured I was feeling bold so go for 21lbs on the laterals. I was thinking initially just doing a light band and adding a monster mini to the band rows but I thought I should just go for the average band here. So these were fairly big jumps in weight/tension for these particular exercises and I apparently have been slacking as these both felt like I had more there to still be within the difficult and effort parameters. Band rows surprised me the most though. Only hiccup was on the third set when the one dumbbell started to come apart on me so I had to stop the set early to fix it and then do the remaining four reps to finish the set. Cooked up big meal for dinner, putting stuff away while cooking.