Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 04, 2010 - ME LB

Walking – 30.5 minutes

Dynamic Warm-ups

6" Platform Deadlifts
435x1 PR+30lbs
465x1 PR+60lbs
495x1 PR+90lbs
525x1 PR+120lbs
545x1 PR+140lbs
495x4 PR+90lbs & 3 reps

Front Squats
315x3 PR+10lbs
365x2 PR+45lbs & 1 rep

Safety Squat Bar Goodmornings
255x12 PR+5lbs

Unanchored Spread Eagle Situps
50x20 PR+5lbs

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Outstanding workout. This was supposed to be my post contest deload week but by Monday I felt ready to attack the weights (after a slight nap haha). Might have been from seeing Don Pope destroy that truck pull in his sleep on Saturday but I felt aggressive and amped. My plan, besides taking it easy this week, had been to do deadlifts off a 5" platform but I said screw it, let's make it 6". I haven't done pulls from this height since mid 2007 so a little less than three years (back when my deadlift was 515lbs) and I could only manage 405lbs. I knew I'd get more than that today but I didn't expect to go over 500lbs. It's really hard to get into position with this height and with a belt. I started with rolling the bar in and pull. A little tricky to do and get the timing right. I did a modified grip and rip for 525lbs and 545lbs (had to pause to get my grip tight) and that worked alright. I went back to the roll for my down set with 495lbs. I really didn't think the fourth rep would budge off the ground but I went for it and got an ugly rep. Front squats felt great, really explosive. 315lbs went well so I went for 365lbs. I got pitched forward a bit on the second rep and really had to fight to keep from dumping it but I got it, nothing left for a third so I racked it. GM's were pretty tough but got all the reps. Abs were hard on my arms holding the weight up the whole time. Stretching felt good.

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