Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Walking – 33 minutes

Comments: We got a little under 4" of snow during the early morning which made for a tough drive into work today since the plows were only expecting 1" at the most. Anyway, it warmed up a bit and most of it melted off the roads by the afternoon. Mike Jenkins (#2 HW amateur competitor) was in the area, up from Baltimore, for the holiday and came over to help me with shoveling the driveway and making a path through the back and side yard to the street. If the weather isn't too bad, we were going to do some light farmer's and yoke. Hadn't seen him since the first week of November so it was nice to catch up a little. Went for walk after that. It's pain training events here during the winter. Happy New Year.

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