Monday, October 28, 2013

October 27, 2013 – Event Training

Well, the plan for this weekend had been to help with a charity event and then get in a gym workout. The event was an airplane pull for The Wounded Warriors Project in Virginia Beach, VA. I figured I could do the plane pull arm-over-arm style after watching video of the test pulls. The conditions must have been different as I couldn't budge it. I got in a good isometric workout at least haha. After thinking for a bit, I went to Brute Strength Gym to do event training and then prepare for the long drive home.

Dynamic Warm-ups

600x50' in 8.25 seconds
690x50' in 9.78 seconds
780x50' in 10.72 seconds

Frame Carries
500x50' in 7.82 seconds
570x50' in 8.40 seconds
640x50' in 9.38 seconds
710x50' in 11.57 seconds

Band Leg Curls

Comments: I suggest every strongman competitor on the east coast make a trip out to Brute Strength Gym at least once to train as they have just about everything a strongman needs. Implements were heavy even empty so minimal warm-ups. Yoke felt really good. Not as fast on the lighter weights as I would have liked but my last set was the best I've done with above 750lbs. Used the frame instead of farmer's walk as I figured it would be good to test out the implement and get an idea where I'm at. Picks felt heavy but speed was good. About 1.5 seconds faster than what I can do with farmer's walk, probably because the pickup height is slightly higher. 640lbs was my last set but since it was done at the other end, I figured I'd add weight to be 10lbs above contest weight (just like yoke) and bring it back. Besides, the thing is 500lbs empty so I was getting in an extra set whether I wanted to or not. Pick was agony but I moved well. Finished up with bands for hamstrings and drove home.

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