Monday, October 7, 2013

October 07, 2013 – Event Training

I was in a dark frame of mind yesterday and it wasn't pleasant. It has passed for now. We all have to deal with are own personal demons from time to time. I'm back to it, just needed a lot time to think and sleep. My plans right now are to proceed with my commitments to the Brute Strength Plane Pull and Maryland's Strongest Man. From there, I think I'll be going back to a ME/DE split for lower body and have 7 week cycles rather than 4 week. I'm going to start implementing some of those ideas into my deload and the remaining weeks leading up to Maryland's Strongest Man.

Dynamic Warm-ups

640x50' in 8.79 seconds
725x50' in 11.04 seconds
810x50' in 13.54 seconds

18" Pick Farmer's Walk
260x50' in 9.09 seconds
295x50' in 10.03 seconds
330x50' in 12.87 seconds

Comments: It was raining in the morning and a tornado warning was in effect until 5:00 so I was fine with just going into my deload week. Got out of work and saw it was sunny and the rain was drying up so moving heavy stuff in my neighborhood was back on. Speed was good on my first set of yoke but I rushed the pick on my second and it cost me precious time. Went better with my heaviest set. 10lbs more and a little over 1.5 seconds faster. Farmer's were something else. First issue was elevating the pick height. My Rouge handles are just 15" compared to the 20" for the contest frame and 18" that I have been using. My dad cut some makeshift blocks to elevate the handles. That lead to issue number two as I had to worry about the blocks coming out of the gate. I also forgot how unforgiving these handles are. Almost lost my grip on the first run in my left hand. I made sure I was thoroughly chalked up for the other runs and yet my grip was given no mercy. Obviously times were a bit slower than I'd have liked with farmer's walk. On to deload.

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