Thursday, July 14, 2011


I’ve done jack squat since I last posted. Just feeling awful mentally and physically. It’s tough to stay positive this time. I mean, everything else is fine besides my one side of my lower back/abs but I can’t push it without stressing that area unless I’m doing isolation exercises and even those could be troublesome. Eating has been a chore with the decreased activity and it didn’t help matters that I miscounted how many bags of weight gainer I had left so I was stuck eating extra waffles and yogurt for the past three days. Talk about bland. Went over the rest of the x-rays with the chiropractor and found out that my body has taken a beating and not realized it. My neck curves the wrong way and I apparently broke a vertebrae in the middle of my spine that has since healed. It’s either months or years old and is probably why sometimes my mid back bothers me. He gave me a muscle stim device to try out and see if it helps with my abdominals recovering (as well as lower back). It might already be defective though. He also suggested I try lifting for the upper body and I did but it was awful. I can’t go over 90% on overhead without pain. This sucks. Essentially, I’m probably done strongman for the year as I’m going to have to pull out of the Michigan show and even if my recovery is the best (say two weeks of light stuff) I’d only have four weeks to get ready for the next show, which would be one of the heaviest amature shows yet. Missing that, I’d have little chance to qualify for Nats this year. Just tired. Strongman/lifting were probably the one thing I felt going well in my life so this week off has been boring as anything. Go to work, eat, watch tv, sleep, repeat. I’m riddled with doubts.

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