Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

Crucifix's Holds
5'sx30 seconds
10'sx30 seconds
15'sx30 seconds
20'sx30 seconds
25'sx30 seconds
30'sx30 seconds PR+4lbs
35'sx24.97 seconds PR+9lbs

35'sx22.15 seconds

15.5" 2.5" Thick Bar Deadlifts
Double Overhand
Added Straps

Keg Loads
180x5 to 56"
240x4 to 56" PR+2 reps & 4"
260x3 to 56" PR+1 reps & 4"/260x1 to 64" PR+12"
300x4 to 56" PR+2 reps & 4"

32 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Training was at the Stable in Chambersburg today. I got lost since I forgot the address and the GPS took me in the opposite direction and I made it there about a half hour late. A lot people training this weekend. My main plan was to hit the keg loads again. I figured I'd also try out some of the events for Viking Fest in March. I did a lot of volume for the crucifix hold. I did much better than I thought I would with the contest weight of 35lbs. I would like to get that closer to 40 seconds. Some of the other guys were doing pulls off of blocks with the bar height being about 15.5". I figured it would be a good time to try out the thick bar IronMind straps. The thick bar there is 2.5", thicker than any other bar I've worked on. I worked up to 270 double overhand for a few but couldn't hold on to 310lbs. My grip was still fatigued from one arm thick dumbbell rows from yesterday. Strapped up and I think they worked well. Then again I only went up to 500lbs and the contest weight is 660lbs. A lot of back in my two pulls with 500lbs. I could have done another one or two. Pulls still need a lot of work. My plan for the kegs was to do some warm-ups and then do a heavy series of say 260,300 and then 320. It turns out that the next keg up from 300 is 360, so I did some rep loads instead. I was planning on doing just three reps with 240lbs but then Joe plopped a tire on top of the platform and told me to load over it. I couldn't quite get it over it without compressing it. I liked the idea and tried it on the 260lbs keg. Three loads to 56" and then a single to the tire. This time I cleared it, making it a 64" load. I almost got it with the 300lbs keg too but I bumped the tire on my first attempt and it pushed it back. So even though I got it high enough to clear it, the keg smooshed it because it was back about half a foot. Regardless, it's good progress on my extension. I feel ready for the contest.

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