Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 1, 2020 – Week 3, Day 1

5 Minutes NordicTrack Treadmill

Mobility Prep

12” Log Cleans + Strict Presses + Push Presses

12” Log Clean & Strict Presses (1 clean)

12” Log Clean & Push Presses (1 clean)

Yoke Overhead Supports
90x3 seconds
140x3 seconds
180x3 seconds
230x3 seconds
270x3 seconds
320x3 seconds
360x3 seconds
410x3 seconds
450x1 second
450x3.07 seconds
410x5.93 seconds
370x24.37 seconds

Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

Safety Squat Bar JM Presses


Comments: Well survived the first week of home training. Mostly I guess. Went to work Monday and just crashed Tuesday. I didn’t wake up until the afternoon and by then it was too late as the weather turned sour. Not terrible that I couldn’t go for a walk. I needed to. Got bruises from Sunday from the carry medley and my left hand and wrist is still aching. Also got bruises on the inside of both arms. I wasn’t sure if this was even going to be enough rest. Getting used to the treadmill warm-up. With moving stuff around in the garage, I had to adjust and reconsider how I was doing things for the warm-ups. So log for today’s session to start. Rather than worry with maneuvering the log into my house and then out of my house onto the patio, I’d just do this in the street with the crash pads. I wasn’ told to do a warm-up like I usually do with dumbbells but I figured it was a good idea. Did the kettlebells bottoms up style so that more wrist and stability work. This was to see if my shoulders were feeling good and my wrists were up to it. 40’s on the dumbbells felt good too. I didn’t feel like my shoulders or elbows were impending the movement like it kind of has felt the last two times I did log. Then it was log. The plan as written was to do 20lbs jumps up to 200lbs. The log was 108lbs empty so I added microweights to get it to 110lbs and just did 20lbs jumps up to 210lbs. My thoughts were that I just did 225lbs last week for both strict and push press so 10lbs more wouldn’t be a crazy thing right? This log feels solid but it is much slicker with the paint job. Not that the shirt I was wearing helped any. Hard to tell with the powder coating sometimes if it will be like glass or sharkskin. Good to know for next time. I knew this wasn’t going to be a problem with the planned weights today. Log complex like axle up until the 210lbs. This was a max rep set of strict presses. Felt a little rough at the start but then I got into a good pace and groove. Lost my balance I think on number 7 and recovered and went for 4 more. Last one definitely was a lucky break. So after that, I had a single for the push press and then add 20lbs more for a max push press set. I knew this would suffer a bit more compared to the barbell style. Lot more shoulders for log. I also felt vomitty bent over but I told myself I only had to pick it up once. Miscued the third rep but then got sort of back on track. I was cautious as I was feeling the tension in the right oblique like when it got all weird on me doing log press training for the Arnold. Kind of surprised I didn’t get number 11 after that. I wanted more reps obviously but not mad in that this is a new log for me (never used this brand before) and I haven’t really been doing log cleans for the pressing nor doing max strict pressing beforehand. Masking the strength with fatigue. Legs are there. Then something I was looking forward to doing, overhead supports. Due to the injury relapse, not been doing many partials or static holds. These seem to make the press do something haha. No power rack or way to put log or axle above my head safely but I got a really light yoke and some short circular tables. So in business. Idea here was to work up to a top weight for 20-30 seconds hold. I misremember what my times were on log overhead supports from last year were. Most weight I’ve had overhead I think is 470ish. So I severely overestimated my abilities here. Plan was 40-50lbs jumps, trying to do it with 450lbs. I worked up doing singles with 3 second hold to insure I had it. 450lbs for a longer hold wasn’t happening. I was successful standing up with the weight two out of three times. So I took 40lbs off to try again. A bit better but lost it forward just under 6 seconds. Relented another 40lbs and just kept at it until my arms finally set it down. I thought it was closer to 30 than it was to 20. But finally got the work in. Good to know the tables will hold up. After that, it was back work. Bench chest supported dumbbell rows. I had suggested that I could wear straps and combine my 40’s & 70’s together but workout called for just the 70’s so I did that. Grip got tired and so did I. Unlike with the sandbag rows, I was going to get at least 40 reps on these. Just kept going, rest pausing to get a few more reps here and there. Back and forearms were smoked from this. So next was more shoulder and chest work. Regular incline bench press with the dumbbells. Same as the high incline press in that I did sets of 10 with the lighter stuff and then maxed out with the 70lbs.  This was easier so I fully expected 30 reps here unless my shoulders were garbage. My right side was wonky and didn’t want to stay in line. When I get fatigued, the uncoordinated stuff comes out. I didn’t overdo it as I stopped when I hit the sticking point on the my attempt at a 35th rep. Lots of reps. Last thing was ssb jm press. This a bit trickier than I would’ve liked. See, no power rack yet so I got saw horses. Problem is that it makes gripping the bar not ideal for these. Scraped my thumbs up a bit. I also learned that the camber and sleeves are slightly downward as the weights came off after few reps without collars on my first warm-up set. Not expecting that as I usually don’t put on collars at the gym until the top set. Good to know. Also it isn’t as balanced as a rack since I can usually leave 2 45’s on one side and no balance issues but take off 40lbs and you got a trebuchet. Anyways, I ended up matching my best. Probably could do another rep but having to be cautious with the rack and unrack, it wasn’t wise. Right side lagging here too. Finished putting stuff away and had a weight gain shake and bunch of ramen before stretching and clean up.

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