Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 8, 2020 – Week 4, Day 1

5 Minutes NordicTrack Treadmill

Mobility Prep

Axle Cleans + Strict Presses + Push Presses

Axle Clean & Strict Presses (1 clean)

Axle Clean & Push Presses (1 clean)

Rack Chins (yoke, straps)

High Incline Dumbbell Presses
70’sx29 PR+2 reps

Weighted Push-ups
bw+45x29 PR+1 rep

Standing Tate Presses
40’sx33 PR+1 rep


Comments: I had hoped this would go quicker since I had a general idea of how to set things up and do them from last time. Nope. This was also the first workout where I was training directly after work. I’ve been fortunate to get to tinker around with things on days I’m scheduled off to get the kinks out of the process. Much longer to setup for event training compared to the usual stuff. This still took a bit of time. Normal warm-ups to get ready. Felt ok. Some usual aches. I’d prefer another day of rest but I got to get things back on track as I have no idea what the next week or so brings. At this point, it seems like the hold outs on the equipment I’ve ordered are just avoiding me. So first thing was pressing as is usually the case on this day. Axle this time. Replacing the barbell. Not going out in the street since I have a light axle to use. Also got crash pads now. So some issues with the axle as it usually the case when you get stuff off brand. It’s hollow and thin so there is a bit of gap with plates on it. More so the issue is having some way to secure them. I’d rather not use the cheap collars that came with it but they appear to be the only ones that fit other than using my heavy duty ones with a wrench. Don’t feel that is necessary with the weights I’m using right now. So idea here was to do the same thing I did with log last week. Complexes up to a top weight for strict press and then 20lbs more for a top set of push presses. I was cautious with the clean as my biceps were feeling the stone of steel stuff. Always do. My crash pads are already uneven from the abuse I’ve put on them so far. A bit of that tendonitis again. I was surprised I got stopped at ten on the strict presses considering how I did on log last week. I kind of had a brain fart and forgot that I was to do the same weight for a single on the push press before going up in weight so I got a little extra rest. Push pressing felt better. I felt really wobbly in my core. Rack chins were next. Feeling a bit more confident in these compared to last time. Goal was 1-2 reps more per set. Might have done a few extra. I was trying to space the sets out to get the lactic acid out of my biceps as that seems to be an issue with me and fatigue on these. So next was more shoulder and chest work and that meant the high incline dumbbell presses again. Do sets of ten with my lighter stuff and then a max rep set with the 70’s. I was worried I had it set too high compared to last time. With the dumbbells, pretty much just aiming for more reps with the weights I got. I felt good after a few reps with the 70’s but it got tough and I just lost it going for a 27th rep which would’ve tied last time. Ugh, not going to stop there. Took a breather and then popped them back up to the shoulders and got three more reps. So right into weighted push-ups after that. Like last time, my triceps were just done. I took a bit of a break after the work up sets to rest. Then I did the longer rest pause style of set to get the reps in. I think I got 20 or so before I resorted to this. Missed going for number 30 here. Last thing was standing tate presses. I did that first set with the kettlebells again. I think just how the weight is distributed really just smokes the shoulders. I was not as strong as last time. Maybe all the other reps got to me but I could feel my power fading really quick into the max rep set. I was feeling like 20 reps was going to be my limit. I ended up dropping the dumbbells for a breather and then recleaned them and got another 1 rep over last time. That was an effort on just about everything. With the schedule as it stands, I know I got Friday to sleep in but I’ll have to train (Day 2) so that I can do my third day on Sunday. Eating and then stretching to end out the evening.

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