Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 6, 2020 – Week 3, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Treadmill

Mobility Prep

Sandbag Tosses
(over 15’7” target)
(over 10’7” target)

Rogue Farmer’s Walk (16” pick)
115x50’ in 5.94 seconds
165x50’ in 7.12 seconds
205x50’ in 7.78 seconds
255x150’ in 24.85 seconds
255x150’ in 24.96 seconds

Car Deadlift Hold Simulation (straps, 25” pick)
385 for  35.50 seconds

Stone of Steel Loads (54”)

Prowler Pushes


Comments: So things a bit out of whack schedule and time wise. Even with some things already planned or setup, this workout took a lot of time. With some exercises outside in public (you’d think it was summer break already) I did wear a dorag on for a mask on stuff. So first thing was the warm-up. I seem to be able to get the blood flowing pretty good on the treadmill. Knees were achy as hell. First really exercise was tossing again. But not keg. Sandbag this time. I figured that it was a good change up. Same but different. I have no idea if the show will go on in June and I think this lets me work on my tosses in general. I think my lawn appreciates getting an extra week of rest from the havoc of the keg toss. I wasn’t sure if these would feel as good as the keg. They did. Probably a little better. I had one badish toss with the 30lbs sandbag to warm-up. Neighbors had the yard work going for hours and the leaf blower was so loud I couldn’t hear myself think. Then on to the anxiety inducing 50lbs bag. I made mistakes. One was that I accidentally set the timer for 11 rounds. Another was that I biffed the eighth one and had to redo it. Finally, I didn’t clear memory off my phone so I had to do that for the last few tosses. I felt good about these. All obviously clearing 10’7” and 12’. I feel like four of them maybe had a shot of clearing 15’ which was something I couldn’t accomplish in my USS Nats prep for 2019. Then it was time for farmer’s walk. Not as easy to get the times for these, especially with what was planned. With no real restrictions, I could go far here. So the top weight was to be for 150’. I can’t have a sound for the stop point like with yoke. Lower pick handles here so using all the tricks to get that weight to feel easier to pick up. I wasn’t sure how the left hand would be feeling at this point. Still catching some things weird. Unlike yoke, I wasn’t really concerned with the speed aspect being consistent with resetting the course each time. With the planned top sets being 150’, doing it uphill and then downhill was the easiest way to get things back to where I could load them into the garage. I’d say about a second slow on the short, light runs. I felt like I was moving slower on the first of the two heavy runs but it just may be the downhill feeling. It’s not a big slant but it is noticeable when you get up in weight haha. Things felt good here. So into the garage where I could remove the face covering. Man does that get warm. So the next thing was to work a timed hold for the car deadlift hold at the contest. Side handles and straps. So it is less grip and more total body.  My initial setup was perhaps too high as it was a 30” pick height. Doable but may be not something for a good carryover and might pull my arms and touch as weights go up. So I added 5” of wood slats to bump it up. I had hopes that the cinderblocks would last. They didn’t. I forgot how annoying straps are on short handles with the figure-8s. I’d rather use regular straps but these I know won’t break and I can have it not be a strap failure. Goal here was 325-350lbs per hand. I had to talk myself down from going for over 400lbs. I just remember how heavy this felt the last time I did it. It was like I couldn’t breathe and barely held over 20 seconds on it. I was going to do just 345lbs but it felt so light once I stood up with it that I wanted to go heavier. That almost didn’t happen as placing that weight down broke one of the cinderblocks. I luckily had a spare. The grip is still a part of this. That was what gave out on the heavy set. I had to set things down as since this was two independent objects in my hands, I couldn’t afford to lose control, especially having to land these back on the cinderblocks. There were no survivors of the cinder blocks. So I had to do a little bit of clean up afterwards. I did figure out another way to do this for next time. Stone of steel was next. I told myself it would go better this time. The crash pad was remade and I had ones on the sides too. I was initially going to just do plate jump singles but I felt like I needed to do a few more reps so I did 5/3/1 and go ready for the top set for ten. I needed a good song on. One that made me happy. So I picked the muppets. I also wanted to have something that I could finish lifting all the reps while it was playing. My choice of shorts was perhaps a little slick. Hamstrings, abdominals and lower back were smoked by these. No missed reps, despite going without any kind of sleeves on my shirt. This has been a challenging weight in the past to do without any kind of grip assistance and I was consistent in getting it. Last thing was prowler work. Street is a bit different from turf. Idea was to go fast and have a medium weight. I figured that even with more weight, I’d go faster than anything I could do on turf. I had thought it was 300lbs but it was only 280lbs. Still most I’ve done for this kind of workout at my house with my setup. I was little concerned that my right biceps looked more deformed at the top than usual. But there wasn’t any pain or any sensation that something had happened. Just more noticeable. I know they said they saw no tears on the MRI, but I think they were looking at the shoulder and tendons and not muscle. Whatever. So of course this was outside and people be lollygagging so dorag on the face again. It does not make conditioning work easier. Short rests here. I slowed down but it was never to the point of like staggering steps. It was a long day and I need to get things back on the normal days as I have no idea if I’ll have this kind of “freedom” next week.

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