Mobility Prep
Hatfield Squats to box (18”, bottom start)
Romanian Deadlifts (top start)
Added Straps
405x15 PR+20lbs
Split Squats
Crunches/Lying Leg Raises/Plank
Bwx30/30/60 seconds
Side Planks
bwx60/60 seconds
Comments: Even with the many days off mandated from work, I’m still feeling tired and stressed. I think a lot of it is just that there is a feeling of loss of control of aspects of my life. Something new each day, days not having a set structure and essentially relying on the competence of others to get through this. Not like the work stops on the days I’m required off either so it’s a lot of catch up that first day back and finding out with things are changing or continuing isn’t usually confirmed until the day before. Also dealing with issues trying to get gym equipment, specifically a power rack of some sorts. Been over 2 weeks of issues. Everything but two orders have arrived. Excuse being COVID-19 and I get that but it doesn’t explain the poor customer service. I’ll just have to continue with trying to keep a dialog and get time frames confirmed. I think a good bit of that was what was stressing me out after work Thursday and Friday. I was planning to train Friday but I wasn’t feeling great and trying to set things up after work was not going well and my body ached. Since I essentially had a 4 day weekend because of this situation, I was allowed to not train but it still irritated and pissed me off. Had to use the heating pad on my back and did foam rolling before I started training. Sleep cycle is off and I need to spend time reining it back in. Worked on a faster pace for the treadmill. Trying to get myself to do some work in the short time and get my body producing a sweat. Other stuff seemed to go well. So the plan was hatfield squats. Initially going to do them off the saw horses. No real way to set these up with the starting from the top with what I got. The saw horse option just wasn’t a viable one. I’d have to do these from an ATG bottom position and no way to be able to support myself up with the arms to assist in getting to the start position. So this lead to using coke crates, the round tables and crash pads. For a box, I used my mouser block, some wood I use for a frame converter and my one smaller crash pad that I had duct taped up after the years of abuse from being at the strongman gym. Knees were aching like crazy. Using the yoke as my “uprights” to stabilize and support. Damn that first rep was a rough one on every set. See the plan here was to work up to 520lbs but if this was too hard, just work up to a top set of five with this setup until I get a power rack. Things were goodish the first three sets. But after the last set I did, I saw that this wasn’t remotely safe with the tables balancing on the coke crates. So I reluctantly removed them, lowering the start position about 5” or so. This made the start even tougher. Thinking on it, I may be able to still use them next time. I was really not sure if I could do the top planned weight. Everything above 335lbs felt the same. Heavy as hell. Top set for the five was hard. I ended up adjusting my feet before going for the last two reps. I definitely had to take a breath or two at the top after that first rep to get things started. I was seeing little black spots on that last set. This was rough. I knew that I’d feel beat up after that and I had stuff still to do. Thank fully, it wasn’t going to be that tough compared to what I just did. Just glad that was done as it was a pain in the ass to setup, pain in the ass to do and a pain in the ass to teardown. Not sure if I it is wise to try to push the weight up or just go for more reps with this weight. So RDLs after that. Weight lowered after the bad deadlift session last week. Was supposed to be 445lbs I think. Need to relearn good form. Low reps and big jumps on these today. Using the saw horses so I little bit of a walk out needed. Grip was holding up ok on this bar. Left hand still feeling the strain from the block and carry medley. The first set with just the bar, I didn’t do my usual pause and breathe. I kind of forgot and just realized halfway so I just kept doing it. I brought that back for the rest of the sets. I’ve been tucking my chin as I felt it was helping my brace better. Been advised to not do that as this is not letting me get the back to be in line and I’m going more into a squat than I should on regular deadlifts. With how real deadlifts went last time and how my body was feeling, I was fully prepared to get like maybe eight reps. I was very surprised that these felt easy. I managed to get 15 before I felt I needed to stop. This did put a smile on my face after this was done. So heavy stuff done, on to the light stuff. Since not really able to do heavy legs like with leg press, unilateral stuff is being done. Light and low volume to get used to it. The walking lunges I feel had really helped me get my stride into another gear on the farmer’s walks in September 2018. Haven’t really done split squats. Knees were achy. Did a bodyweight set and then did a set with the sand filled kettlebells. Easy enough. Next jump would be 40lbs a side unfortunately. Not sure if the motion itself and more reps is the way to go. After that was abdominal stuff. This was exhausting again. Stuck with 30 reps again just because. I managed to get the three exercises all in a row. For the side planks, I didn’t take a rest between sides this time. I figure that since I’m not using weight, I don’t need that kind of rest. I also wanted to finish up so that I could talk with my special lady before she went into another day of work. Another month of this at least. But I won’t break.
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