Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 15, 2020 – Week 5, Day 1

5 Minutes NordicTrack Treadmill

Mobility Prep

12” Log Cleans + Strict Presses + Push Presses

12” Log Clean & Strict Presses (1 clean)

12” Log Clean & Push Presses (1 clean)

Yoke Overhead Supports
95x3 seconds
145x3 seconds
185x3 seconds
235x3 seconds
275x3 seconds
325x3 seconds
375x17.97 seconds

Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

Safety Squat Bar JM Presses

Band Triceps Pushdowns

Comments: I don’t really want to do this write-up for this day. Took me a bit longer to sit down to do that. Mostly because I’m not happy with how the training went and I tend to get down on myself when I feel I do poorly and I kept seem to find a way to frame a positive that is satisfactory. “At least I didn’t die” isn’t a good enough one. I’m currently teleworking now so that is some stress gone but new stress added. Treadmill warm-up. I may need to do something different going forward. Had to wear my copper knee sleeves at the start. I had actually delayed this workout a day as I my shoulders were really achy. Warm-ups didn’t feel great. Walking down the drive way in my lifters I felt like my right foot had a piece of scotch tape or a thin band aid on it. Not painful but not feeling you really want. Kind of foreboding like what if the “tape” rips? I think I hit myself in the head on the one rep with the kettlebells too. Log work after that. The plan as written was to do same as last time but 5lbs more. I was actually expecting this to go up 10lbs but the plan seems to be changed. My lower back just felt pumped up. I had tried on a different shirt with some decal on it but it doesn’t seem to matter with this log as it is still slick. My shoulders were aching. I was hoping that they would get warm as I went and wouldn’t ach so much. Knees were just feeling terrible on the lap to clean and then the press. I almost wanted to one motion or viper press the log as that meant less time with it on my chest and my shoulders aching. This was not building confidence. I knew it was going to be a struggle to get through this. I got more reps than I was expecting with the strict press. Not more than if I was feeling good. I was thinking 5 was my limit with how terrible it felt. Shoulders were just so achy and I don’t know why. Push press was worse. Felt like I was going to pass out on the single lift and then doing 20lbs more I only cleaned it as the knee pain was too much and just didn’t feel worth it to try and actually do a set. I wanted to stop here but I didn’t want to just quit another workout like I did last month. I can’t keep stopping when I have a bad workout. I got lazy and had disdain as I didn’t want to get stuff from the garage that were big plates if I didn’t have to. So next was overhead supports. I figured that I can stand still ok and the knee bend is just once to stand up. Advised here to do sets of three count up to 5lbs more than the weight I did for the hold last time. This was also a struggle. Felt tougher to lockout my arms compared to like almost 80lbs more last time. I did manage to hold it for some time but I knew it was less than 20 seconds. The rest was just rep work so I could do that. Bench supported rows with the dumbbells. I could feel this wasn’t going to be great too. My shoulders even ached on these. More so the right side. I got set and went. I hit about the same reps I did alst time before I had to take a breather. But unlike last time, I only managed an additional 3 reps. So nine reps less than last time. Just gets better. The next exercise was incline dumbbell. I was already figuring that this wasn’t going to be great but these at least seem to hit my chest more than shoulders. I thought my PR was 37 reps so I fell short of that but was closer than I thought I was as it was 34 reps from last time. But I had to reclean the dumbbells again and that is telling. Maybe if I knew I only had three more reps to go to beat my PR I would’ve but I was already a defeated man well before this point. Since I busted all my cinderblocks doing the high pick farmer’s holds with straps, my saw horses were much lower for SSB JM presses. Way too low as it was like a dead press to get it started. I quit after three sets as it was too much stress on my right shoulder to unrack the weights. I did a high rep set of band triceps and that didn’t seem to bother my shoulders. I was just plain tired and disgusted with training. I pretty much just shoved everything into my garage and closed the door, rather than put stuff away. Didn’t bother stretching and had a pot roast for dinner that didn’t come out well. Despite not wanting to take another week off, I guess I’m going to. If not to get my body right but my head right.

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