Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 24, 2020 – Week 1, Day 3

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Barbell Z Presses

Close Grip Barbell Floor Presses
275x13 PR+1 rep

Super Set: Trap 3 Raises/ Partial Rear Delt Dumbbell Swings

Rack Chins (straps)


Comments: Allergies and stress. Got me questioning if I’m sick or not. Stupid pollen. Been sleeping hard when I do sleep. Since changing workout schedule to 4 days, been finding I don’t have a lot of time or energy left to worry haha. Only thing would be if the contest is cancelled that it would be super annoying but a lot of shows have been moved to later so assuming I find out in the next week or two, not a terrible thing and I can readjust. My “the beast bottle” finally gave out on me. Much like it’s namesake, can’t handle the heat very well haha. So now just using a regular bottle. Previously 14gs BCCA per workout but now 21gs. Definitely been slacking on the soft tissue work with the car buffer and I do plan to do some of that. Eventually. Been working on getting the knees to not be painful so icing 20 minutes 1-3 times a day. In my exhaustion, forgot to mention that tearing down the zercher squat setup last workout resulted in the barbell with all the weights falling on my concrete garage floor. Just a divot but still not what I wanted to deal with haha. Anyways, on to training. Made the mistake of going for a brief walk without my mask on. Apparently this was an invitation for someone to drive up to me and have a chat about the big tree the neighbors on the block just got cut down. Sigh. We’re all going to die. Even with training an extra day, this was going to be a shorter workout. More of an upper body accessory day. Day 1 event specific overhead stuff with accessories, Day 3 more strict press and accessories. Warm ups felt pretty good. I think the key is wearing my work shoes for happy good times with the knees. The first thing to start was z presses. I’d much rather be doing standing press or a normal seated press but don’t really got good options for that right now. Already did a lot of cleaning of weights and trying to cut that down on the other days, considering I also got to train tomorrow. Saw horse only go so high. I did sit on my one crash pad for comfort and to raise me up a bit. Couldn’t get the bar right at my clavicles but that is ok as this still is tough and works the shoulders. This was a bit different from what I’ve been doing for the cluster reps. This time, doing it with 30 seconds rest. Set time for 35 second intervals. The music was a bit loud as I initially couldn't hear or feel the timer going off so I had to move it to my shirt so I'd hear it. A little hit or miss on reps. Some were tough and others just flew up. I held the last one at lockout a little bit as I wanted to make up for one rep with a soft lockout. Next up being floor press. Not really ideal or safe to do real bench pressing so this is fine. Using the crash pads, again. Very versatile. Saw horses I had to lower to the lowest setting for these. As I got up in weight, I put weight on the middle to keep it from tipping. Plan here was 275lbs for three sets. Two triples and then rep out on the last set. I was feeling a little silly and was dancing and singing to my music some sets. I was not optimistic of the rep set as 275lbs was feeling darn heavy and my right shoulder was feeling a little achy. I guess I just needed to treat it seriously as I repped it a lot. I was expected 12 at the most and got an extra. I looked back through my training and this appears to be a 1 rep PR. The next thing was to just scorch the upper back and rear delts. I’ve done these exercises before but never as a super set. I always liked how the raises made my shoulders feel despite all the pressing and the swings just are exhausting and hit those muscles so hard. I forgot how many reps I was to do for the raises that first set and went to check and come back to get the last two reps. Just exhausted and feeling so much lactic acid after each time. Midway through I was wanting to be done with it but I had two more darn sets to go. My hope is that this will let me hit those hard for reps and for the little muscles that need to support the heavy holds and lifts for this show. Also not stress the biceps and hopefully help get my shoulders to feel not like achy crap. Last thing being rack chins. Wanting to hit some back as a unit and deload the spine a little. With how exhausting the superset was, I was thinking I’d be doing 3x6 instead of the planned 3x12. But it seemed to be okay. I was keeping an eye on my right biceps and shoulder. Been very lax in soft tissue work and I need to be careful to not overdo it. I tend to do that. Like all the time. Ate food for like an hour and stretched before getting to be late. Plan is to sleep in and then lift late afternoon tomorrow.

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