Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 25, 2020 – Week 1, Day 4

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Wide Grip Deadlifts w/ Monster Mini Bands (straps)
No Bands
Add Band (+50lbs)
Add Band (+100lbs)

Car Deadlift Hold Simulation (straps, 24” pick)
130 for 5 seconds
180 for 5 seconds
220 for 5 seconds
270 for 5 seconds
310 for 5 seconds
360 for 5 seconds
400 for 37.13 seconds
310 for 56.43 seconds

Medley (Keg Carry/Husafell Carry/Mouser Block/Chain-Sled Drag) (carries driveway)
215x35’/239x35’/222x35’/610x30’ in 59.27 seconds
215x35’/239x35’/222x35’/610x30’ in 56.05 seconds
215x35’/239x35’/222x35’/610x30’ in 54.33 seconds

Uphill Car Pushes
Car+1 person x70’ in 17.78 seconds
Car+1 person +180 in trunkx70’ in 20.16 seconds
Car+1 person +360 in trunkx70’ in 21.21 seconds


Comments: This was perhaps the day I most worried about. Mostly because the last time I did my own training plan, I ended up overdoing it on stuff and ended up being in pain and having to take off more weeks of training to recover. With how the State plans to open up in phases, gyms and such in the last phase so very real possibility that the garage gym life will be until June or later. I slept in and I really didn’t get ready to train until a bit after 3:00PM. I wasn’t expecting the training to take all day but it kind of did. Went for a short walk and wore a mask just to keep from people thinking I want to chat. Warming up felt good too. So to start things off, doing deadlifts. What I was initially thinking was short rests like the z presses but that didn’t seem to be in the cards. I wanted to do the wide grip deadlifts against bands. Work the hamstrings and hips as well as getting that start and having to pull fast through. Not using the usual band setup but standing on the bands. That is when I added bands. I used some wood slats and the crash pads so that I could do a set of 10 with the barbell since it has been since probably October I’ve done this style of deadlift. Not a lot of volume and trying to prime for the heavy stuff. The deadlift event for this show is quite odd. Kind of two of them that will rely on strong upper back support strength and leg/hip lockout strength. I’ll be honest and say that 405lbs of bar weight didn’t feel as easy as I wanted it to. Deadlift has been down as of late. For the feel, maybe 365lbs was the way to go. It was feeling more like a grind/strain doing these but video says otherwise, more of a slowing at spots in the lift with the switch from the hamstrings and back to the hips. I had meant for 6 singles done EMOM but two things. I set the timer wrong I guess and the other was the one set of bands snapped on the fifth pull so no more pulls like that today, especially not within EMOM rest haha. So not too pleased with that. Ordering would be earliest of 5/3/20 for a new pair and that was not “guaranteed”. Going to need to either mix and match my bands to get an equivalent or do something else. So next thing was car deadlift holds. Different setup as the cinder blocks all broke last time. Using my mouser block to stand on and my saw horses at their lowest setting. Makes it 1” lower for the pick up on these. Since I didn’t do any farmer’s stuff to warm-up, I felt it made more sense to do more work up sets with 5 seconds holds. It was feeling heavy. I figured this would be the case from doing the upper back stuff but that is to get them used to it. Really, it was to be just 10lbs more per hand but I went 15lbs to get an even 400lbs for the top set. I noticed as I was doing these that the farmer’s were warping the saw horses. As long as the don’t collapse, I guess I’m good. I’m actually surprised that I was able to hold on to these longer than 385lbs last time. I thought I fell short of that. It still seems to be the case that when my grip goes, these go. Not sure if I can or want to mess with that. Might require some finger tip training holds? In the chance that the event is lighter than expected, I decided last minute to do another set with 90lbs removed per handle. I figured that even after that top set, this would be light enough for me to get close to a minute. I was expecting over a minute considering my USS record with this weight is close. I guess that is good that this is also building my grip up too. I feel like I could walk with 400lbs farmer’s handles assuming a higher than normal pick. I feel the grip is there. But damn were the saw horses warped. They will need some reinforcing. Thankfully this is the heaviest exercise I’m putting them through. So next was the medley for the show. I figured that I needed to keep working on my foot speed with the implements. Other than messing up the grip on the block, my speed with the keg has been about same regardless of the weight for this short of a distance. The sled is the factor of slowing things down besides the heavy block. Not doing yoke and farmer’s walk will give me more time to work on this and let my knees get some rest. I had the devilish idea of making it harder while keeping the carry lighter. I remembered that I did carries up and down my driveway and that was torture. So why not do that with the medley. Obviously keep the sled in the street as that steep of an uphill would change the mechanics too much. My drive way is about 5’ longer than the contest course. I figured that I’d have to move fast but it would also make it tough to do that. Zerchers and deadlift stuff should work the heavy part of the medleys with the picks for not and bring the heavy version back in the second half of this 9 weeks. Because it was my driveway and garage, I needed to be gentle with the drops on the pads. I made the sled drag the heaviest so far at 610lbs as that needs to be pushed. I didn’t feel too bad after the carries the first time but my lord I was not expecting the drag to be that rough. I was breathing hard at the end and I had two more runs. Not sure why but this got easier as I did it. My times got better and the drag felt better. Almost 5 seconds improvement over the day. Last thing was pushing. I was up in the air if I should do prowler or push my car. Not the usual conditioning. For the contest, the press event has a twist where you have to push a truck. Two clean and presses with an axle, push a truck 40’, clean and press another heavier axle. So need to work that into the mix now. Not just because it will fatigue the legs but also the shoulders and upper back from the supporting. It was already like an hour later than I had planned on it being and resetting a sled for multiple runs (downhill is too easy) wasn’t going to work so I did the car. Shorter rest than the other stuff because it required very little setup. Plan was 3x70’ with the same weight. But the empty car was too light so I added weights for the second set. Better but still kind of light. Last set I think I got just about right though maybe a little heavier. I at least know I need to have at least +400lbs in my car for next time in the trunk. Got dinner ready and stretched and made sure to get in soft tissue work. So one week down. Hopefully I didn’t overdo it again. And also the contest still happens. Be better to know sooner rather than later if it is happening or not.

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