Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 29, 2020 – Week 2, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Treadmill

Mobility Prep

Keg Tosses
(over 15’7” target)
(over 10’7” target)

NY Barbell Yoke
220x100’ in 11.46 seconds
320x100’ in 10.61 seconds
420x50’ in 7.75 seconds
520x50’ in 8.37 seconds
520x50’ in 8.38 seconds
520x50’ in 8.29 seconds

Sandbag Rows

Medley (Keg Carry/Husafell Carry/Mouser Block/Chain-Sled Drag)
215x30’/239x30’/222x30’/350x30’ in 44.79 seconds
296x30’/239x30’/304x30’/510x30’ in 50.17 seconds


Comments: This week has been kind of an odd one. Granted, this situation is a once in 100yrs type deal so what can you really do? I’m thankful I still have income to support myself. But I do miss that structure. Work week has days make sense I guess. Haphazard 2 days on, two days off and then weekends thrown in makes it a bit hard to keep track of days besides looking at a calendar. Anyways, on to training. No walking this whole week. Just weather not great and times not working out. I had every intention of training Saturday but I slept 13hrs. Needed rest. Training takes a bit longer due to setup and trial and error. Realizing that this feeling of inability to make things better besides wait it out is weighing on me too. By the time I was up, it was too late in the day and it was raining off and on. Thunderstorm stopped me from going for a walk. I really needed to do some soft tissue work. I got up somewhat reasonable hour the next day (Sunday). I couldn’t go raring first thing as I had to wait until it stopped raining in the early afternoon. Again, more soft tissue work. Warm-ups felt good. Knees didn’t ache today on this stuff nearly as much but still wearing compression socks and planning on the copper knee sleeves for the real workout. First thing was keg toss. I had a setup at home from years ago when I was training this. It has two heights; 15’7” and 10’7”. It relies on my yoke to support it. Contest height is 12’ but I’d need to elevate the yoke to do that and I had a setup but I figured that this would be wasted effort. And possibly dangerous, especially if done solo. Hard enough to get the thing setup as it is. Going to leave it in the backyard with a tarp over it for now as I’ll be using it weekly for this prep as long as the contest is happening. Set down a rubber stall mat so that I wasn’t on grass. I also wore gloves as I knew that this would get muddy and wet quick with the grass and wet ground. I figured that I’d just try and toss the keg over the top target if I can as I’d definitely be going over the lower target. I never had actually weighed my half keg. I had thought it might be between 27-33lbs. Turns out it is 29lbs. It felt good, easily clearing the top. I’d been hit or miss sometimes on these. I’d say close to 18’. I figure this will be a good warm-up and get some idea of what I can do with the lightest keg in the series (or around that). So the next part was the heavy keg. 10 tosses but this time with EMOM rests so less rest. Felt good. Didn’t feel that tired but I was quite warm after all this. Didn’t get close to clearing the top rung but I think I was close to hitting it at the start. Definitely feel all of these would clear the 12’ height. Except for the ninth toss. I hesitated and the arc was smaller. Still got the height but barely got over the lower rung. So I rushed and did the last toss before time was to go as penance. Next up was yoke. As my Pitbull yoke was being used for the keg toss, I didn’t want to bother with tearing that down and setting back up so I elected to use the NY Barbell one. The Pitbull yoke is already not that sturdy when weight gets added but the NY Barbell makes that one feel solid. Yoke hasn’t been feeling so hot since I came back to it after injury relapse. Just doesn’t feel strong and fast. Last time my knees bothered me so much that I had to put on soft knee braces. Weight was going to be light and the plan is waving the weights and trying to get speed. So I figured that I might as well use my harder yoke for this kind of work while working out at home. Especially since I don’t have any records or numbers on this yoke. I get a baseline and I don’t feel like trash from not matching my previous numbers. My street is slightly slanted so I felt that the best thing to keep consistency was to reset the course each time. A bit of rest and a bit of work. Didn’t really have a good way to film and get the times so I used a PVC pipe. My legs were still sore from zercher squats and lunges. First two runs 100’. Kind of surprised I was faster with more weight but I guess I was warming up. Half the distance for the rest of the runs. I didn’t intend to hit the PVC pipe on that last run before I did the top weight but it gave me an idea on how to track my time. Like when they clack the take board in a film to signify the start and to synch audio for films. So I’d know I crossed the line with the pipe was hit. The start on this is much harder due to the wobble and shake and then I can build up speed. My lower back was feeling so tight today. I was consistent and got my best time of the day on the last set. Definitely attracted a crowd from neighbors out walking or driving with the yoke. Inside my garage for sandbag work. I have 3 sandbags to work with here; 110lbs that is more like a medicine ball with all the duct tape, 210lbs that is leaking sand and is floppy as hell and the 269lbs one. Idea today was to warm-up with plate rows and then max rep set with the 210lbs bag. I elected to just do a set with the 110lbs bag to warm-up and go into it with the 210lbs bag. I figured that I could get like close to 40 reps since I did 24 with 250lbs. But nope. This felt tough. I started at a good clip but I was feeling tired fast. Not even close to my goal before I switched to using my wrists. I think that the week off from training coupled with not doing my higher rep back stuff maybe contributed to this. And not doing really any cardio. I was breathing heavy. Well trying to not breathe in the sand. Managed to rest pause my way over 31 reps. Last thing for the session for today was medley work. This took a bit of setup. Many parts to the medley for the show. The contest is a keg carry, v-8 engine carry and mouser block carry into a chain drag. Everything besides the engine are heavy but all for short distances (30’). The original plan was to setup things and do three sets but this was with access to everything and being able to go super light for a first set. Changed to just doing two sets and only two implements and then a drag. But since I was able to get my stuff, I could do the full run so back to that and two sets of it. My back was really stiff and honestly, I wasn’t so sure how good my fitness would be since I’ve not really done any front carries and only recently started to try and move fast on the yoke and farmer’s walk. I had a light keg and a heavy keg so that made sense there. I used my husafell stone for the engine block and kept it the same weight as it already is slightly heavier than the engine. Mouser Block worked out great as putting in my 25’s for the first set and then all the 10’s with those for the last set matched what weights I wanted almost perfectly. The drag was tricky. The tip I was given to make this like a chain drag was to have the gripping handle be a kettlebell and then have a pair of 25’s along the rope connecting to the sled. I ended up using about 130lbs less than I was planning here as it was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. I used the 45’s instead as they had hand holds to have the rope go through. The first set, I did with my gloves I wore for keg toss. I practiced seeing if I could pick up everything before I went. Barely controlled the drops here as I had crash pads and I had seen how this was judged last year so this was appropriate. I need to get faster. Maybe my knees are sucky or my back was too stiff. Took my time resetting things. Had to switch out stuff, add weights, etc;. Managed to have my father film the last set. Didn’t bother to see if I could pick things up, just had to do it and trust it. No gloves this set as I felt they made it harder to pick up the block and hold on. I kind of knew that this wouldn’t be a great run as I didn’t feel like I’d be able to get the keg up as high as usual for this weight and I was just trying to finish. It will get better. This is a start. Didn’t get the keg up high and just went. Husafell was ok. Mouser block I hesitated as I was worried it would flip and I didn’t have a great grip on it. Drag went ok, just a bit slow to start. I was breathing heavy by the end. I knew I’d need to relax and recover as well as take some ibuprofen as my hands and wrists were sore from the block. Schedule going to probably be off for a little with everything. Exhausting work putting that all away. Survived first week of the home gym.

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