Saturday, March 7, 2020

March 5, 2020 – Week 14, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Added Straps

Precor Angled Leg Presses w/lb’s doubled (+219lbs)

Hanging Knee Raises

Side Planks
bw+50x60/60 seconds


Comments: This was not a good day. I didn’t die but it wasn’t great. Lot of stress. I’ve been anxious about lower body workouts. Deadlifts feeling heavy and not moving event sessions twice. There is a fear in missing weights or underperforming on things that I tend to tie to my self-worth. Maybe committing to a show has now added to that?  I thought I was getting better at not letting it be a thing. My entire upper back just ached. I felt tired. Like I had flu but none of the other stuff that goes with it. It didn’t hit me until I was already at work for a bit. I got things so I could go to the gym right after work. I told myself if foam rolling at the gym didn’t make things feel somewhat better, I was going to train the next day. Literally felt like I had bubble wrap in my spine with how much things were aching and popping while rolling out. I felt a tad drained. I was hoping it wasn’t illness. Warm-ups felt ok, no really issues there. Deadlift to start again. Plan again being to work up to a top set of 1-5 reps depending on how the weight felt. Pretty much written as do it for five reps. 10lbs more than last time. Knees were achy with the bar. The bars with good knurling were in use but I figured it didn’t matter as I’d be using straps for th top set anyways. Stuff felt heavy and grip was feeling things. I’d have liked to go for 495lbs with DOH but my grip was not going to hold up on that and I didn’t need a missed lift to mess with my head. That rep felt really hard. Like, how the hell is 525lbs going to budge? I did notice on that pull with the straps that I had my hands in a bit more than usual. The markings on the bar were in more than the bar I usually use so I widened my grip slightly. I got set and pulled. Got a rep and that was tough. No idea how I got a second rep, let alone a third rep. Got the leg shake going on that third one. No hitching but I was done. Didn’t bother for a fourth rep. A triple was the bare minimum I was willing to accept from myself without going into a full on spiral of shame meltdown.  I got to not be like that and set ultimatums. It’s my body, not a machine. I was kind of a zombie after that, just doing the leg pressing to keep some focus. Plan was same as last time as far as weights and jumps but to do 12-15 reps with the top weight. This was a lot rougher than last time. Kept checking to make sure I wasn’t doing 90lbs more than I was with how it was feeling. I was definitely thinking about calling it a day. Getting upper ab cramps on the last two sets. Ended up putting on the copper knee sleeves for the last set. Abs after that. Hanging knee raises I wasn’t sure what to expect, so aimed for just an extra rep each set. This was easy enough the first set. Second set was a bit tougher but more that my grip was tired. Felt good on my back after the deadlifts. Side planks are getting better with this weight. Only issue was my feet were sliding on the second set. Got ton early enough and did taco stuff for dinner and then stretched and did recovery stuff. I felt like achy crap going to be and had a very strong feeling I was going to be calling in sick the next day.

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