Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 04, 2010 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

Makeshift Viking Presses
270x3 PR+2 reps
300x1 PR+30lbs
250x8 PR+4 reps

Tire Flips
750x5 - 23 seconds
750x5 - 23 seconds
Add Tacky Towel
750x5 - 16 seconds

Sled Arm-Over-Arm Pulls

Sled Drag

Hiking - 60 minutes

Comments: Training was at the Stable in Chambersburg today. It was just me lifting today since Joe was out doing family things for the holiday, Wes broke his finger and the Zack and Bill had done a contest the day before. Viking press felt awesome and I held back a little on the set with 270lbs since I really wanted to get 300lbs. Really happy to get a lot of reps with 250lbs. Next was tire flips for speed. My goal was to get five flips in under 20 seconds which proved tougher than I had thought. It was hard to grip. For my last set, Wes gave me a tacky towel, something I've never used. I squeezed it for a few minutes and went at the tire. The tire felt like nothing. Got five flips in 16 seconds. I couldn't believe how much time I shaved off just by having a good grip. I was also surprised how much easier it was to flip with a good grip. Might need to rotate between tacky towel and no tacky towel on tire flips. I haven't done arm over arm pulls in a while and decided to see what I could do. I used a thinner rope since I had done thick dumbbell rows yesterday. The first set was too easy and it was pretty much just arms and each set I got more and more legs and back into it. We ran out of room for plates I said screw it and we put the 250lbs sandbag on top. That was a good deal tougher. I got a nose bleed right after I was done. Not sure how that happened haha. I was going to do tackyless stones but since that would take up time (Wes had to be somewhere at 12:00) I decided I would do something I hate; sled drags. Now I would have done zercher carries but my knees and shins had taken a beating with heavy yoke two days before. I started out with 655lbs and got a slow 90' with it. Then I amped up the suck by doing a dropset, taking off 90lbs every 75'. That was awful. After training, I went on a family hike for Easter.

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