Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 29, 2021 – Week 8, Day 1

Band Face Pulls

Barbell Strict Presses (beltless)

Feet Elevated Pull-ups (Rings)

Close Grip Bench Presses

Banded Push Ups
No Bands
Added Bands

Dumbbell Y Raises (high incline)

Single Arm Band Triceps Extensions

Comments: Cold appears to finally be sticking now. Can be tricky when it seems to go between decently warm and cold. Reminder that I can do things even if I haven’t done them in a while but just because I can doesn’t mean I’m fully adapted to it. Neck and traps are exquisitely sore from the farmer’s walk and hold on Saturday. Just another thing that needs to be conditioned with the next few months to be ready show time. This week appears to be the start of things getting more specific with the weekend training being the start of that. Right elbow tendonitis is a thing but it does seem to be feeling better after wearing the copper sleeve. Wearing that during the day seems to help slightly. So for the training today, things were adjusted. Less stuff at the beginning. Starting things off with band face pulls. Nice and easy. Slight hold on these and short rests. Focusing on the external rotation. Beltless strict pressing after that. This week the indication was to work up in triples to a top set of 5 reps (1RIR) and then take a bit off that for 2x5. My thinking here was 225lbs but I was thinking if I felt good I could do more. I told myself that if 225lbs felt too light at 3 reps, I’d try 245lbs. 245lbs would be 10lbs off my lifetime best set of 5 reps with a belt. 225lbs did feel easy. But 245lbs did not. It felt a lot heavier and I struggled to get 3 reps after hitting the safeties on the second rep and getting off balance at lockout on the third. I rested 20 seconds and gave it another go and got another rep for 4 reps. I was mad that I overestimated myself on these. I did give a fifth rep a try but it barely got moving so shut it down there. Don’t want to grind myself into the ground. This is the most weight I’ve attempted to strict press in several years at this point. 225lbs felt really easy. 245lbs felt tough and I could feel the triceps not being there on that fourth rep. Plan had been to reduce the weight by 10-12.5%. Seeing as how I was 1 rep shy of the goal (and way off the difficulty), I went with 40lbs off with the assumption that I could’ve done 227lbs-235lbs here today for 5 reps with 1RIR. First set felt easy like it should. Second set felt a lot tougher and wasn’t as good. On to the feet elevate pull-ups. No holds this week. Advised that those could possibly aggravate the elbow tendons. Good contractions being the goal and aim of 3 sets of 8-12 reps with 2RIR so I could add weight as needed. I felt that 50lbs added would be enough and aim for the higher rep ranges as the fatigue factor seems high on these taking moderate rest and want to see if I could complete 3x12 with this weight before worrying about adding more weight. First set felt really good. Each set got tougher but feel it was in parameters. Right biceps was feeling a little tight on the second and third set. Close grip bench was up next. Change in the warm-ups (hope I did it right) so lot less volume and sets to get to the working weight. 10lbs more than last week for 2x8 and then a max rep set (2RIR). Stuff feeling heavy in my forearms and joints. Similar to how things felt last week. Rep set felt the best. I think I’m getting used to how these feel (the strength curve) a bit more with the increase in weight and not getting frustrated when it doesn’t move easy for me. Back into the garage for push-ups. Bands again. With how they felt last week, I didn’t feel the need to do any warming up with the bands after doing some regular push-ups. From what I gathered for this session, it appears it was to be 3 sets of max reps with 2RIR and having the band tensions increase from having it easy enough to do 20 reps to hard enough that 8 reps would be near my limits. Well my plan was to do light, average and strong and aim to do 20/15/10 on those. Light band felt easy enough but did start to get tough. Average band actual felt kind of easy compared to things. Strong band holy hell. That was tough. May need to wear wrist wraps on that next time as that is a ton of tension. From there a new twist on an old favorite; y raises. No long holds or tempo work but it was different. Advised to do these off a high incline (60 degrees). I wasn’t sure how these would feel so I stuck with the 10lbs for this session and somewhat short rests. Probably can go up a little here. Last thing was more triceps. Band extensions. I was messing around with things and monster mini seemed to be where I was at right now. Light band too much. For my left side, the band was digging into my palm (issue with the monster minis being thicker but not wider) so I put on a fat gripz extreme to keep that from being a thing. Left side definitely having a much harder time then the right. I may need to do these outside to insure that I’m not worried about hitting the ceiling and having the form the same both sides as I think I had things more out to the side on the right side. Put stuff away before making dinner and then stretching.

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