Mobility Prep
Seated Leg Curls
Seated Leg Curls
Paused Band TKEs (1 second)
Lateral Step Downs
bwx5/5 (12”)
bwx5/5 (12”)
bwx5/5 (16”)
bwx10/10 (26”)
bwx5/5 (12”)
bwx5/5 (12”)
bwx5/5 (16”)
bwx10/10 (26”)
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (2 seconds)
Reverse Band Hack Squats (LB’s)
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Added Straps
Added Straps
Sandbag Carries (turns at 50’)
306x100’ in 19.50 seconds
306x100’ in 19.36 seconds
306x100’ in 19.78 seconds
306x100’ in 19.50 seconds
306x100’ in 19.36 seconds
306x100’ in 19.78 seconds
Quad Fallbacks
Comments: Woke up at a reasonable hour today but I still seemed to take my time to get out to go train. I’m not too sure what the delay was. A lot of little kiddos at the gym when I got there. Most of them thankfully were gone before I got to the more serious training in the session. Really only two kids that show up that are not a danger to everyone when they are there haha. Mobility stuff to warm up felt better good. Can’t really use my balance (or lack thereof) to see how things are. No real rhyme or reason to it. Just have to focus on what feels on and off. So starting things off with seated leg curls. Started heavier for the warm-ups and did a bit more. Felt like I had less discomfort in the whatever I aggravated back at the start of this off season training. Started with the same weight as last time but my plan was to do bigger jumps. Last session, this weight had felt like too much to start but then by the end the 10lbs jumps weren’t really doing it. So 20lbs jumps here. Even with that, I think still a little shy of hitting the higher difficulty range on these. Also have to remember that this machine maxes out at 200lbs so this may end up being relegated to a pump warm up. Next was band TKEs. Advised to do a set of 15-25 to get some blood flow. Used the heaviest band tension on these. These were nothing, even with a pause for my left leg and a bit challenging for the right leg (knee discomfort). I feel like for these to really do much for me, I’d need to do good bit more reps or much longer holds. I say this as I feel these don’t really warm up the knees for the next exercise which was the lateral step downs. I was glad the rugrats weren’t here at this point as last time they were and I was doing these, they were kicking exercise balls and hit the box I was on twice. Knees feel like crap at the start on these. I did an extra set of reps for the lowest block as I’m realizing that it’s the knee bend that needs the focus as it is the part that aches when not warmed up and pumped with blood. So the plan for this was again 2x10 with bodyweight. Didn’t have to go crazy or anything on these. I just told myself that if 24” was easy again, I’d try 26” on the second set. And honestly, they felt about the same but did notice that the higher box was slightly more fatiguing. So from there it was on to ssb pause squats. 2 seconds for this week. Work up in triples to a top set of 6-8 (1-2RIR) and then drop down 15% for 2 matching rep sets. Squats are weird for me. I tend to underestimate what I can do sometime sand other times overestimate. It’s one of those exercises you don’t want to miss a rep because you will be crushed. My knees still do get achy but at least they haven’t felt like they are going to explode for weeks now so happy about that. I wasn’t too sure what I was going to get up to here and I felt that if I did 25-45 jumps, I’d undershoot it by a lot or end up fatiguing myself too much and know I’m not going to make the next jump and come up short taking a smaller jump attempting to not go too light on this. I haven’t gone over 320lbs on lower body stuff until this week essentially. I figured I had 350lbs but felt it made more sense to 50lbs jumps. 315lbs felt pretty darn good. So I thought I could do 355lbs. Ended up talking myself up to do 50lbs increase so it was 365lbs. In this case, that worked out for me (and it usually does on squats) as it fit the parameters. Drop down to 310lbs for 2x8. Felt comfortable. On to reverse band hack squats. 3x10 with 300lbs added. 50lbs jumps here as well to warm-up. I may need to play around with how I put the hand towels over the hand holds on the top to keep from having them dig into my back at times. Minor nuisance. I’m getting better at these as I think this was the first week where I felt I could keep the rests to about 2 minutes on these whereas that wasn’t possible before. Bent over rows returned this week. Plan here was to work up to a top set of 8-10 reps (1-2RIR) without straps going up in 5’s and then add weight if needed and put on the straps and do 2x10 with 2-3RIR. For whatever reason, I like doing these with the bumper plates. Not sure why I do. It is always neat to see what I can do on stuff when I don’t have to slow down and hold. I had figured that 275lbs was what I’d be doing here and then 305lbs for the strapped sets. But I felt pretty strong and did 50lbs jumps to 295lbs. And I feel it may have been too easy. I was kind of surprised with the grip seeing as how I was having issues with forearm and upper back fatigue on the paused dumbbell rows and wide grip rdls but I guess that is more of a time under tension thing as that is like twice as long as this set took to do. Now my intent had been to just do 315lbs for the 2x10 as I knew that 325lbs was near my 10rm on these. But I couldn’t math and did it for both sets. Not quite as easy as I’d like for it to be with 2-3RIR but it was certainly 2RIR territory. So the next thing was sandbag carries. 3x100’ with a moderate bag and advised to keep rests 90-120 seconds. Left hamstring was feeling sore and beat. It had been on the rows. I wasn’t sure if it was from the leg thing or just this workout. If it was more than soreness and something felt off, I’d shut it down. I didn’t feel any issues walking with light weight out in front (as I was putting away bumper plates) so the issue if any would be with picking up the sandbags. I wasn’t too sure what I’d be using. I really wanted to use 306lbs. Not a light sandbag but it can feel comfortable when I’m on point. I figured I’d do 200lbs and see. Ugh, that first run with it felt like crap. It felt heavy and I felt slow. My hope here was that I was just not used to it and fatigued from all the other stuff. It was better on a second run but not enough that I was thinking of even doing 306lbs. So 250lbs was my plan. This actually felt really comfortable so I figured, why not try 306lbs? If it sucks, just forget it and do two more runs with 250lbs. Oh, that 306lbs felt good. I was recovering well between sets and really it was only the pick and lap that was slowing down or fatiguing between sets as I felt my stride was getting better each run. Grouping of times were really close. Not all out speed but near top. About 2 seconds off my best time but I’m not concerned about it. I know that it comes back and this was after a lot of heavy leg work. Hell first week back I felt like crap trying to walk with the 100lbs plates putting them away after sled drag and noticed it was really comfortable the next week. I took a bit of chat break with Brian after that as I had just one thing left and it was those quad fallbacks. I knew what to expect I guess as far as having to do a little stretching and letting myself get used to the left leg not liking getting into position initially. Decided I’d stay at the gym to stretch out before driving home.
Comments: Woke up at a reasonable hour today but I still seemed to take my time to get out to go train. I’m not too sure what the delay was. A lot of little kiddos at the gym when I got there. Most of them thankfully were gone before I got to the more serious training in the session. Really only two kids that show up that are not a danger to everyone when they are there haha. Mobility stuff to warm up felt better good. Can’t really use my balance (or lack thereof) to see how things are. No real rhyme or reason to it. Just have to focus on what feels on and off. So starting things off with seated leg curls. Started heavier for the warm-ups and did a bit more. Felt like I had less discomfort in the whatever I aggravated back at the start of this off season training. Started with the same weight as last time but my plan was to do bigger jumps. Last session, this weight had felt like too much to start but then by the end the 10lbs jumps weren’t really doing it. So 20lbs jumps here. Even with that, I think still a little shy of hitting the higher difficulty range on these. Also have to remember that this machine maxes out at 200lbs so this may end up being relegated to a pump warm up. Next was band TKEs. Advised to do a set of 15-25 to get some blood flow. Used the heaviest band tension on these. These were nothing, even with a pause for my left leg and a bit challenging for the right leg (knee discomfort). I feel like for these to really do much for me, I’d need to do good bit more reps or much longer holds. I say this as I feel these don’t really warm up the knees for the next exercise which was the lateral step downs. I was glad the rugrats weren’t here at this point as last time they were and I was doing these, they were kicking exercise balls and hit the box I was on twice. Knees feel like crap at the start on these. I did an extra set of reps for the lowest block as I’m realizing that it’s the knee bend that needs the focus as it is the part that aches when not warmed up and pumped with blood. So the plan for this was again 2x10 with bodyweight. Didn’t have to go crazy or anything on these. I just told myself that if 24” was easy again, I’d try 26” on the second set. And honestly, they felt about the same but did notice that the higher box was slightly more fatiguing. So from there it was on to ssb pause squats. 2 seconds for this week. Work up in triples to a top set of 6-8 (1-2RIR) and then drop down 15% for 2 matching rep sets. Squats are weird for me. I tend to underestimate what I can do sometime sand other times overestimate. It’s one of those exercises you don’t want to miss a rep because you will be crushed. My knees still do get achy but at least they haven’t felt like they are going to explode for weeks now so happy about that. I wasn’t too sure what I was going to get up to here and I felt that if I did 25-45 jumps, I’d undershoot it by a lot or end up fatiguing myself too much and know I’m not going to make the next jump and come up short taking a smaller jump attempting to not go too light on this. I haven’t gone over 320lbs on lower body stuff until this week essentially. I figured I had 350lbs but felt it made more sense to 50lbs jumps. 315lbs felt pretty darn good. So I thought I could do 355lbs. Ended up talking myself up to do 50lbs increase so it was 365lbs. In this case, that worked out for me (and it usually does on squats) as it fit the parameters. Drop down to 310lbs for 2x8. Felt comfortable. On to reverse band hack squats. 3x10 with 300lbs added. 50lbs jumps here as well to warm-up. I may need to play around with how I put the hand towels over the hand holds on the top to keep from having them dig into my back at times. Minor nuisance. I’m getting better at these as I think this was the first week where I felt I could keep the rests to about 2 minutes on these whereas that wasn’t possible before. Bent over rows returned this week. Plan here was to work up to a top set of 8-10 reps (1-2RIR) without straps going up in 5’s and then add weight if needed and put on the straps and do 2x10 with 2-3RIR. For whatever reason, I like doing these with the bumper plates. Not sure why I do. It is always neat to see what I can do on stuff when I don’t have to slow down and hold. I had figured that 275lbs was what I’d be doing here and then 305lbs for the strapped sets. But I felt pretty strong and did 50lbs jumps to 295lbs. And I feel it may have been too easy. I was kind of surprised with the grip seeing as how I was having issues with forearm and upper back fatigue on the paused dumbbell rows and wide grip rdls but I guess that is more of a time under tension thing as that is like twice as long as this set took to do. Now my intent had been to just do 315lbs for the 2x10 as I knew that 325lbs was near my 10rm on these. But I couldn’t math and did it for both sets. Not quite as easy as I’d like for it to be with 2-3RIR but it was certainly 2RIR territory. So the next thing was sandbag carries. 3x100’ with a moderate bag and advised to keep rests 90-120 seconds. Left hamstring was feeling sore and beat. It had been on the rows. I wasn’t sure if it was from the leg thing or just this workout. If it was more than soreness and something felt off, I’d shut it down. I didn’t feel any issues walking with light weight out in front (as I was putting away bumper plates) so the issue if any would be with picking up the sandbags. I wasn’t too sure what I’d be using. I really wanted to use 306lbs. Not a light sandbag but it can feel comfortable when I’m on point. I figured I’d do 200lbs and see. Ugh, that first run with it felt like crap. It felt heavy and I felt slow. My hope here was that I was just not used to it and fatigued from all the other stuff. It was better on a second run but not enough that I was thinking of even doing 306lbs. So 250lbs was my plan. This actually felt really comfortable so I figured, why not try 306lbs? If it sucks, just forget it and do two more runs with 250lbs. Oh, that 306lbs felt good. I was recovering well between sets and really it was only the pick and lap that was slowing down or fatiguing between sets as I felt my stride was getting better each run. Grouping of times were really close. Not all out speed but near top. About 2 seconds off my best time but I’m not concerned about it. I know that it comes back and this was after a lot of heavy leg work. Hell first week back I felt like crap trying to walk with the 100lbs plates putting them away after sled drag and noticed it was really comfortable the next week. I took a bit of chat break with Brian after that as I had just one thing left and it was those quad fallbacks. I knew what to expect I guess as far as having to do a little stretching and letting myself get used to the left leg not liking getting into position initially. Decided I’d stay at the gym to stretch out before driving home.
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