Mobility Prep
Seated Leg Curls (2-0-2-0 tempo)
Seated Leg Curls (2-0-2-0 tempo)
Lateral Step Downs
bwx5/5 (16”)
bwx5/5 (20”)
bwx5/5 (24”)
bwx10/10 (32”) PR+4”
bwx10/10 (32”)
bwx5/5 (16”)
bwx5/5 (20”)
bwx5/5 (24”)
bwx10/10 (32”) PR+4”
bwx10/10 (32”)
Safety Squat Bar Squats (beltless)
Sandbag Complexes (Rows + Roll-ups)
Reverse Band Hack Squats (LB’s)
Lying Leg Curls (up with 2, down with 1, 5 seconds eccentrics)
Quad Fallbacks
Comments: I essentially got up about when I would normally for work today. Again. Just felt like I should. I had some stuff around the house I had put off that I needed to do before I left to train so that I’d have less stuff when I got back home. Feeling stress from the upcoming changes with the amateur strongman stuff. I wish I didn’t even though it is a long ways off but it feels like the timeline is being compressed with having to make decisions before the year is up as opposed to like after March of next year. I still need answers on things. Kind of that I don’t want to waste my time. But I haven’t truly committed to anything with the off season training for at least another week. So out to train. Made really good time. Left shoulder and neck area still tight. Not painful, just noticing this. Good bit of people there but not anyone that is more seasoned. So a lot of novice level people. I felt compelled to give unsolicited advice on stuff. I didn’t realize I used to do that a lot with strongman stuff and I’m more aware that I do this and I’m almost giving advice and apologizing for giving the advice at the same time. I’m a social mess. Anyways, on to my training. Mobility stuff felt ok but compared to last week, I was an uncoordinated mess. But like I’ve said, it doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on how the session goes for me. Seated tempo leg curls again to start. Set weight and aiming for 2x10-15 with the tempo. Trying to not rock my body like I have been doing and just find a sweet spot that lets me lift and not cause massive amounts of discomfort in the left leg. The (mostly bad) country music that was playing during the start of my training session didn’t help matters much haha. But I do think I had good success with the leg curls. Next thing being the lateral step downs. The last few sessions it just said to make them tough enough to get something as far as the hips. This time it had me working up in certain number of sets and reps to 2x10 with the indication that it be hard. My knees and hips ached like a sonnuvabitch. I had been doing icing and soft tissue work. So first two heights felt like crap. Thinking that maybe only go up to 24” today despite hitting height PRs the past two weeks. 24” felt better and I figured I’d do 28” for both sets. But then I thought do it for one set and go for 32” the second set. Eventually that became just do 32” for both sets, or drop the height the second set if too hard first set. So a 4” PR attempt for even a single. I’ve reached the bottom. I can’t go any higher without not being able to touch the floor with my foot. And I was able to do the reps and sets here. So that was neat. So I can’t go any higher on these. From there it was on to ssb squats. Same as last time with it just being normal with no belt. Got to use my preferred rack and there were no dogs barking (no dogs :( ). So with how things were last week, I wasn’t sure if I’d be up to the workload. 335lbs for 4x6. Report how I felt at the end of the last set. Knees were aching a lot and I kind of felt like I had to go down slow on that first rep with 335lbs (similar to hack squats) to feel my knees were good for this. After that, this was pretty easy. I felt very little fatigue between the sets and still felt like I could do a set of 10 reps on that last set. Not sure how I feel about this haha as squats are hard and now I’m feeling good with them. Hopefully this isn’t like this week with my triceps after kickass sessions the week before. Then it was the kind of event work exercise of the session. Well I guess not right away as both lanes were being used for event work so I had to wait. I used that time to get the hack squat machine setup for the next thing afterwards. Sandbags again. So this time it was a complex of rows followed by roll-ups. I did something similar when coming back to using both arms after the elbow fracture and wrist sprain. I did some rows up into a lap and stand and then dropped it and repeated the sequence for a set. So for these, I was to do 5 rows with the sandbag followed by 5 roll-ups. Advised to work up in low reps to a weight that was very hard to row but was still easy to do the roll-ups with. Elbow tendonitis in the right arm was a little distracting. I wanted to do the 306lbs sandbag for this but I knew that just because I wanted to, it might not fit the parameters depending on how I’m feeling. So I could be doing 250lbs or 275lbs for these. 275lbs bag is a bit different from the other sandbags (but I guess so is the 306lbs) but it felt light enough that I went for 306lbs. Now I made a mistake here. I thought I only had to do two sets of these. The first set was quite easy. Second set I got a bad grip on the sandbag for the rows and it sucked but I got it for the roll-ups which are easy. So started to switch out of my stuff for hack squats and drank intra-workout stuff before checking the workout to see I had another set of these. Ugh, hope I don’t puke. So got set again and did that third set. I’d say it was better than the second set but not as good as the first set. Hack squats after that. Same as last week with the plan being to do 2x15 but leave 3RIR. Gets tough with that many reps. I felt I could try for more compared to last week. Like everything the involved bending my knees, they ached a ton until I got to the working set weight. 10lbs extra was noticed this week. Probably from all the deep squats from the laterals and the ssb. Legs getting stronger and more conditioned for what is needed from them. From there it was more leg curls. Bringing back a style. Two legs to lift, one leg to lower. Lower reps and long eccentrics. I think the idea being less stress on the whatever I messed up in the leg five weeks ago. So started with the left leg (my stronger leg on these but also the one that gets irritated) to gauge things. Work up to 10 reps for 3 sets with a weight that feels like I have 3RIR. It can be really tricky with the long negatives to figure out how much is actually left in the tank with how just an extra rep is so much more time under tension. Strength and control was feeling good. I say this as in the past the eccentrics on these have not been the best as far as control but I feel that the extra hamstring work and doing the tempo stuff on them has gotten me better at it. So feeling good with that and went for 15lbs jumps and felt like I could do over 100lbs on these today. Left leg not really a fan but seems to tolerate the slower eccentrics better than normal paced. Weight does seem to play a factor but it seems to be stress in that last few degrees of the leg fully extending that stresses stuff. As far as how the sets went as far as discomfort best was 2nd set and worst was 3rd set. No issues with the right side other than getting fatigued a bit faster than the left. Last item of the session was quad fallbacks. Didn’t change footwear for these this week as with the new setup I’ve been doing that lets me do these without discomfort. I’m trying to have more control on the motion as far as the concentric rather than worrying about the trying to touch the floor with my head. Finished up with stretching before driving home.
Comments: I essentially got up about when I would normally for work today. Again. Just felt like I should. I had some stuff around the house I had put off that I needed to do before I left to train so that I’d have less stuff when I got back home. Feeling stress from the upcoming changes with the amateur strongman stuff. I wish I didn’t even though it is a long ways off but it feels like the timeline is being compressed with having to make decisions before the year is up as opposed to like after March of next year. I still need answers on things. Kind of that I don’t want to waste my time. But I haven’t truly committed to anything with the off season training for at least another week. So out to train. Made really good time. Left shoulder and neck area still tight. Not painful, just noticing this. Good bit of people there but not anyone that is more seasoned. So a lot of novice level people. I felt compelled to give unsolicited advice on stuff. I didn’t realize I used to do that a lot with strongman stuff and I’m more aware that I do this and I’m almost giving advice and apologizing for giving the advice at the same time. I’m a social mess. Anyways, on to my training. Mobility stuff felt ok but compared to last week, I was an uncoordinated mess. But like I’ve said, it doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on how the session goes for me. Seated tempo leg curls again to start. Set weight and aiming for 2x10-15 with the tempo. Trying to not rock my body like I have been doing and just find a sweet spot that lets me lift and not cause massive amounts of discomfort in the left leg. The (mostly bad) country music that was playing during the start of my training session didn’t help matters much haha. But I do think I had good success with the leg curls. Next thing being the lateral step downs. The last few sessions it just said to make them tough enough to get something as far as the hips. This time it had me working up in certain number of sets and reps to 2x10 with the indication that it be hard. My knees and hips ached like a sonnuvabitch. I had been doing icing and soft tissue work. So first two heights felt like crap. Thinking that maybe only go up to 24” today despite hitting height PRs the past two weeks. 24” felt better and I figured I’d do 28” for both sets. But then I thought do it for one set and go for 32” the second set. Eventually that became just do 32” for both sets, or drop the height the second set if too hard first set. So a 4” PR attempt for even a single. I’ve reached the bottom. I can’t go any higher without not being able to touch the floor with my foot. And I was able to do the reps and sets here. So that was neat. So I can’t go any higher on these. From there it was on to ssb squats. Same as last time with it just being normal with no belt. Got to use my preferred rack and there were no dogs barking (no dogs :( ). So with how things were last week, I wasn’t sure if I’d be up to the workload. 335lbs for 4x6. Report how I felt at the end of the last set. Knees were aching a lot and I kind of felt like I had to go down slow on that first rep with 335lbs (similar to hack squats) to feel my knees were good for this. After that, this was pretty easy. I felt very little fatigue between the sets and still felt like I could do a set of 10 reps on that last set. Not sure how I feel about this haha as squats are hard and now I’m feeling good with them. Hopefully this isn’t like this week with my triceps after kickass sessions the week before. Then it was the kind of event work exercise of the session. Well I guess not right away as both lanes were being used for event work so I had to wait. I used that time to get the hack squat machine setup for the next thing afterwards. Sandbags again. So this time it was a complex of rows followed by roll-ups. I did something similar when coming back to using both arms after the elbow fracture and wrist sprain. I did some rows up into a lap and stand and then dropped it and repeated the sequence for a set. So for these, I was to do 5 rows with the sandbag followed by 5 roll-ups. Advised to work up in low reps to a weight that was very hard to row but was still easy to do the roll-ups with. Elbow tendonitis in the right arm was a little distracting. I wanted to do the 306lbs sandbag for this but I knew that just because I wanted to, it might not fit the parameters depending on how I’m feeling. So I could be doing 250lbs or 275lbs for these. 275lbs bag is a bit different from the other sandbags (but I guess so is the 306lbs) but it felt light enough that I went for 306lbs. Now I made a mistake here. I thought I only had to do two sets of these. The first set was quite easy. Second set I got a bad grip on the sandbag for the rows and it sucked but I got it for the roll-ups which are easy. So started to switch out of my stuff for hack squats and drank intra-workout stuff before checking the workout to see I had another set of these. Ugh, hope I don’t puke. So got set again and did that third set. I’d say it was better than the second set but not as good as the first set. Hack squats after that. Same as last week with the plan being to do 2x15 but leave 3RIR. Gets tough with that many reps. I felt I could try for more compared to last week. Like everything the involved bending my knees, they ached a ton until I got to the working set weight. 10lbs extra was noticed this week. Probably from all the deep squats from the laterals and the ssb. Legs getting stronger and more conditioned for what is needed from them. From there it was more leg curls. Bringing back a style. Two legs to lift, one leg to lower. Lower reps and long eccentrics. I think the idea being less stress on the whatever I messed up in the leg five weeks ago. So started with the left leg (my stronger leg on these but also the one that gets irritated) to gauge things. Work up to 10 reps for 3 sets with a weight that feels like I have 3RIR. It can be really tricky with the long negatives to figure out how much is actually left in the tank with how just an extra rep is so much more time under tension. Strength and control was feeling good. I say this as in the past the eccentrics on these have not been the best as far as control but I feel that the extra hamstring work and doing the tempo stuff on them has gotten me better at it. So feeling good with that and went for 15lbs jumps and felt like I could do over 100lbs on these today. Left leg not really a fan but seems to tolerate the slower eccentrics better than normal paced. Weight does seem to play a factor but it seems to be stress in that last few degrees of the leg fully extending that stresses stuff. As far as how the sets went as far as discomfort best was 2nd set and worst was 3rd set. No issues with the right side other than getting fatigued a bit faster than the left. Last item of the session was quad fallbacks. Didn’t change footwear for these this week as with the new setup I’ve been doing that lets me do these without discomfort. I’m trying to have more control on the motion as far as the concentric rather than worrying about the trying to touch the floor with my head. Finished up with stretching before driving home.
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