Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 22, 2021 – Week 7, Day 1

Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises

Barbell Strict Presses (beltless)

Paused Feet Elevated Pull-ups (2 seconds, Rings)

Close Grip Bench Presses

Banded Push Ups
No Bands
Added Bands

Band Triceps Pressdowns/Band Biceps Curls

Comments: Getting colder outside. I’m generally good with cold but not when combined with wind which is what this evening was. I at least seem to have refocused on what my plan is for the interim as far as competing. Beyond that, not sure. Does seem to be some breathing room now. So with how this session went last week, it appears this was to be kind of a deload of sorts. Right elbow tendonitis is a thing and seems to have been more present from the following week. Doing soft tissue work and recovery stuff. Starting things off with the dumbbell raises for shoulders. This week to do 3x15 instead of 2x20 and to keep 5RIR. So I adjusted the weights accordingly. Laterals are just more fatiguing than bent over ones for me now as the percentage drop in both was the same. I wore my long sleeve warm-up jacket to keep things warm. I’d be warm enough as I got going. From there on to standing pressing outside in the rack. Still beltless. Similar to what was done with yoke runs and push pressing with the light weights, these were to be 5x3 with 60-90 seconds rest. Warming up felt ok. While triceps didn’t feel like they were quitting on me like last week, these didn’t feel as powerful as they had been the previous two weeks. That was less sets though. I did feel like these got better as I did them up until set four. Set 3 was good but I got a little off balance on my second rep and stumbled forward. Set 4 was my best set. Last set was just ok. And that was it for the overhead pressing. On to the feet elevate pull-ups. These must have been ugly last week as this time the hold times for reps was double from before and advised to do just bodyweight and focus on staying upright torso. Holds at contraction on rowing/pulling exercises are really a struggle for me but I see the benefit when I’m allowed to go back to normal. I end up using a lot less weight to get the work done but I can still hit big weights or PRs returning to the normal tempo sometimes by accident just a workout back into them. Fatigue of the sets was definitely felt as I feel my form was pretty much perfect that first set and by the end of the fourth set it was a struggle. From there, it was the close grip. No feet up this time. Advised to aim for 3x10 with 3RIR and do the usual pyramid up in weight like I’ve been doing for weeks now. I felt more stable but not necessarily feeling a lot stronger with the feet on the ground. Might have been cutting it close on the difficulty with these as I seem to be quite fast those first five reps and then it becomes quite tough long arms so I get a good bit of stretch reflex but triceps are worked hard to lockout. So last few reps I feel like I have to slow things down to keep balance and not lose the bar too far forward or back. I did it with the planned weight but I guess I was kind of hoping I could push this more or that this would feel easier than it did. Wrists didn’t bother me but my forearms felt sore in the bones haha. Back into the garage for push-ups. Change in variation. Bands and to do them with control and explode up. I wasn’t sure how these would go so I did several sets of five reps with increasing band tension. Felt good. I figured that average bands would be enough to have 12-15 reps with 3RIR. That set was too light but I didn’t feel like I could jump up to a strong band and stay in the parameters so I did 15 reps and stopped. I didn’t think I was going that fast on the eccentric but bands do that I guess. I tried to control it more for the second set with an added micro band. That was just right as far as getting within the difficulty level I wanted. Last thing was the bands for bis and tris. 2x25 this week. Not that this was an invitation to increase tension this week but I decided to as I felt like it was a missed opportunity last week when I didn’t. The increase I did for the triceps was expected but not for the biceps. I was quite pleased I was able to use the light bands here. Finished up with putting stuff away before eating dinner. Stretched and iced the right elbow before bed.

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